Re: Human Awareness Institute (HAI) - goodbye Janet Dale
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Date: July 05, 2010 07:16PM
Bye - bye - Janet Dale !!!!!!!!
Those keeping up to date with HAI affairs may know that after HAI founder Stan Dale passed away a few year's ago 'ownership' of HAI passed to his living second wife Janet Dale (it was a polygamous family). However then HAI Global, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was created in 2009, admnister and market HAI with Janet on the new board as a salary-paid consultant.
Now after six months the final strategy of those who took over HAI has been realised, they have effectively 'sacked' Janet from the board. She is now an unpaid consultant whatever that means.
So it appears to be a successful takeover. At least one long-term HAI faciltator has apparently resigned in protest.
The Evolution of HAI Global
Dear HAI UK Community
Greetings dear HAI Community,
Please find a time when you have some time to read and digest all that's in this newsletter. There is a lot of content here, and while we wish it were shorter, everything here needs to be.
Letter from Lin Chase and the HAI Global Board of Directors
We're now in our sixth month of operating as HAI Global, and many challenges and new developments continue to unfold as we learn and grow. In these early months we've taken an in-depth look at most aspects of where we are with both our Northern California workshop programs and our plans and dreams for creating a global platform for our work. We've made some terrific improvements in how we do marketing, and there's much more to come along these lines.
We've also taken a hard look at our financial performance, and although we have made some significant cost reductions as we work hard to achieve a solid financial foundation, sadly these have not been enough. Simply put, we have not been earning enough money to cover our costs. By the middle of June, we recognized that we were in serious financial trouble, to the point that we considered having to close our doors. It is difficult to convey how genuinely precarious our situation is.
We came to the painful clarity that to survive we would need to slash our costs even further than we already had. Having already made difficult reductions in our budget, it became clear to the Board, as well as to Janet Dale, that HAI Global can no longer afford to pay Janet's salary, and her position and her employment with HAI Global have been terminated.
Please understand that this was not done lightly or easily. Everyone involved has a close relationship with Janet. Janet, the light being that she is, assured everyone that she too saw that this was the only path for HAI to continue, and with grace (and of course, many feelings), assured everyone that she would be okay, and will continue to support HAI in any way she can. (Please see Janet's letter below.)
Our plans for hiring an Executive Director will be on hold until we can prove the financial stability of the organization. In the meantime, we're pleased and honored to let you know that our beloved Jason Weston has agreed to take on an interim position as Executive Business Director of HAI Global, alongside his continuing role as a member of the facilitator team. In this role, Jason is taking on responsibility for all business operations of HAI Global including execution of the Northern California workshops and continued development of the global platform in support of all of our worldwide activities (please see Jason's letter below). Jason brings a skill set that HAI very much needs, including seventeen years of nonprofit experience. Also, Jason has agreed to serve in this position for far less money than Janet had been making, which is the only way we can afford to have him in this role.
We realize that this is a tremendous change in our business structure. What may be less obvious is that it is not a big change in our community. Janet intends to remain completely involved in our community, and will remain welcome at our facilitator meetings as an adviser and trusted friend, as well as the Heart of HAI.
We are aware that all of these changes are a lot to digest. On Janet's behalf, we ask that you do not call Janet with your feelings. Even though she knows they are coming from love, processing all of the feelings of this community would be overwhelming for her. Please do continue to love her and support her as you always have. Also, please do not listen to or pass on any rumors that may arise. Our aim in this letter has been complete transparency. We hope we have achieved it.
Barbara Musser has announced her plans to retire as a HAI facilitator. Barbara is excited to be working to build her own business, and will lead her last workshop in Michigan at the end of August. Thank you so much Barbara, for your enormous heart, and your years of service, both as a facilitator and founder of HAI Global. We will miss you on our facilitator team (please see Barbara's letter below).
As if all these changes were not enough, we also have some important changes to our Board of Directors. First, Eileen Barker, one of our founding Board members, who gave so much for the past three years, has left the Board. Thank you Eileen. Your tremendous efforts are so much appreciated.
We have also made some adjustments to the officer assignments on the Board. Liz Christensen has served loyally and with great energy as Board Chairman since our inception as HAI Global and for several years prior, during the heavy lifting of the preparation period. Liz has moved to the role of Treasurer, where she will focus on continued development of the financial management framework for the organization. My position has changed as well. I am no longer serving as Operations Director - instead I have returned to a volunteer position with the Board, and stepped into the role of Chairman of the Board. Brenda Epperly-Ellis has taken on the position of Secretary, where her deep experience and wisdom will be hugely useful and most welcome.
We are very happy that Jason has stepped into the key position he has taken on, and we're all very much looking forward to supporting him and the entire organization as we move forward. We are hopeful that with the huge cost reductions we've made to date, coupled with a strong marketing plan, HAI will recover financially and continue to serve the community for many years to come.
We also want to assure you that our workshops are continuing as scheduled. We have not canceled any workshops, and do not expect that we will have to. Please continue doing all you can to keep this work alive, so more and more people can benefit from it.
Lin Chase and the HAI Global board
Letter from Janet Dale
Dear HAI Family,
You probably heard the saying "all endings automatically equal new beginnings" here at HAI. I have personally experienced this a few times in my 32 years with HAI. I left my first job at Sears that I loved after 22 years to work at HAI. So many changes have occurred, people have moved on in various ways.
I bless the day that Stan and I looked into each other's eyes for the very first time and our hearts touched with profound love. We had a wonderful and amazing life together. His love is still a huge part of me and who I am. I watched him as he birthed this work and as he allowed the work to grow and others to show up to further it. He did this so gracefully and with such love.
We have all had so many wonderful and touching experiences during these years with HAI. We have been through some challenging times and sad times. The passing of family members, fellow HAI family members, our beloved Helen and then Stan Dale. Three years since Stan's passing, we now are starting a new foundation for HAI and having these wonderful angels coming forward to take us to the next place for the organization with HAI Global.
I have spoken at various times that I promised Stan I would do my utmost to ensure that this work continues on. I truly mean that and it is time to now let HAI Global take the reins and fly. At the moment HAI Global needs to reduce costs to continue going and there aren't any more places to do that.
For what's best for the organization and with total love and support, I will no longer be employed by HAI Global. Maybe again someday, but this all needs to unfold as we strengthen finances, fill workshops and put new programs in place.
Change isn't always comfortable but it isn't bad either. It is necessary to improve things.
Honestly, getting help to do the work is a big relief to me and I look forward to not working 24/7. It will be a shift for me to "be" rather than "do" all the time.
I want everyone to know that I am just as committed to this work as I ever was, and to all the individuals supporting it. There is no need to be concerned about me because I am good and I am in partnership with this decision. Stan always said that I am Pure Love and I want you to know that I really am. Effusive doesn't necessarily mean strong. I am an example of that and I want you to know I am a solid, strong woman with a huge heart.
I am always HAI and will do whatever I can to support this work. I am not going away and need to figure out what this actually looks like. I will still be actively volunteering with the facilitators involving the workshop content and team programs. I will also serve as an adviser to the Board. The HAI Global team, including the Board, the office staff, the facilitators, and Jason, are all my family, and I will support them in any way I can.
I ask that you all support Jason as he steps into the role of Executive Business Director. Jason was like a son to Stan - and is a brother to me. Having him in this new position feels so right to me.
There is some title for me indicating the place I hold for the heart of this work and we haven't come up with it yet. So stay tuned.
So I invite you to join me and us in the excitement of the changes happening.
Love Always,
Janet Dale
AKA: Pure Love
Letter from Jason Weston
Dear HAI family,
I am deeply honored to accept this new position of Executive Business Director for HAI. As many of you know, I have been involved with HAI for more than 30 years, and Stan Dale was my personal friend and mentor for 27 of those years. So I am deeply touched to be able to serve HAI in this new capacity.
I am also struggling emotionally with Janet's lay off. I've known Janet as long as I've known HAI, and I never could have imagined that something like this could happen. Even though I understand the economic necessity of this decision, and agree that it was the only option available to keep HAI Global alive, it's very, very painful to me that we have landed here. The only thing that would have been more painful would have been the complete collapse of HAI Global. I told Stan I would do all I can to keep HAI thriving. I'm grieving that Janet has lost her job here. It all seems so unreal.
I want everyone to know that, as HAI's Executive Business Director, I will be doing all I can to put HAI Global on a secure financial foundation, so that we never again will be in a position to have to let go of a key staff member to survive. HAI Global (our new non-profit organization) is charged with both organizing and working together with all the workshop sites worldwide, as well as producing the Northern California workshops. I will be focusing energy on both of these important areas, with an emphasis on Northern California at first.
I also want to personally and publicly honor Barbara Musser for all her years of loving service. Thank you Barbara, for being a living example of love in the world, and for following your dream and vision. You are an inspiration. Thank you also for all the time you spent with me when I was training to be a facilitator. Your efforts were a tremendous gift to me personally.
In the coming days I will send another email in which I will offer my thoughts and vision for HAI as we move forward, and out of this precarious economic position. For now, my thoughts and heart are with Janet.
With love and gratitude, and a tender heart,
Letter from Barbara Musser
Beloved HAI Community,
In the midst of all the changes that are happening with HAI Global, I have some big personal changes happening in my life that I want to share with you.
Those of you who know me well, know that for the past few years I've been creating ways to bring me and my work more fully into the world. In support of that, I've been working with a high level mentor for almost a year now, to accelerate this process. I'm happy to say that it's working! That means that my business is expanding and needs more of my time, attention, resources and energy. I've spent a few months in contemplation, and have decided that it's time for me to resign as a HAI facilitator, spread my wings and fly into this next adventure in my life. The decision is a big one, and it feels like the right one for me.
I feel enormous gratitude to HAI and HAI Global, not only for my personal transformation and for the privilege of being an intern, but also for the gift of being a facilitator, a witness and guide to so many others as they transform their lives. Seeing what happens with people over time, is such a juicy place for me. There's no place on the planet like The Room of Love.
I'll stay connected with HAI -- you may see me intern at workshops, participate in workshops, show up at community events, and generally be around. I'll continue to tell people about the exquisite gift that HAI is. In short, I'm not really going anywhere, simply changing the form of my involvement and support for this amazing work.
My last workshop will be August 27-29 in Michigan. Then, off I go into my next big adventure! Wish me luck, and know that I feel so blessed to have been a facilitator for all these years.
Much love,
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2010 07:27PM by SeekingTruth.