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18 years ago
Quoterrmoderatorsol37 said, QuoteThis is a minor matter but I wish to correct it. I did not see someone asked or required to revisit a trauma. He chose this as a way of working on his problem with authority. I saw this as a mistake on his part. Just like the other LGAT supporters such as Landmark Education, Lifespring, Sterling etc. "sol37" blames the participant rather than the grou
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quotesonnie_deeI was on staff and I have seen the annual reports. I am aware of how the money works but its more once I am out that I understand more. When I was working there I didn't look at things in the same way I do now. I remember at a staff conference when some legal agreements were given to us, we were told to get them checked by legal representatives but I don't know of a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quotesonnie_deeBut they say the company is owned by the employees who can not own more than 3%. How is it structured then that guys like Schreiber, Rosenberg etc. end up with the money? Does anyone have solid proof or inside information? Like an ex-staffmember or something? I can confirm that that is accurate, staff members own the company with no one owning more then 3 or 4 % it used to be 2
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteMarkusWelchQuoteajinajanQuoteON2 LFQuoteI think it would be great if there was regulation but in reality I can't ever see groups like Landmark ever agreeing to this. Really for regulation to ever work, goverments would have to do the regulating and make the applicable laws and consequences of companies breaking them. Agree with you totally but I can't imagine landmark ever subj
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteON2 LFQuoteI think it would be great if there was regulation but in reality I can't ever see groups like Landmark ever agreeing to this. Really for regulation to ever work, goverments would have to do the regulating and make the applicable laws and consequences of companies breaking them. Agree with you totally but I can't imagine landmark ever subjecting itself to the possibil
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
The Hillsong Cult Orehek stands trial over property scheme The Australian QuoteIn People in Glass Houses (A&U, May), Tanya Levin, who grew up in what became Hillsong, tracks how a small, suburban Assemblies of God church became a cult multimillion-dollar tax-free enterprise and powerful social force.
Forum: Destructive Churches
18 years ago
QuoteON2 LFI understand how the practicing landmark graduates would respond in fear and shame or just plain remorse to such a 'request'; they are no different than a child caught in an abusive environment where the abuser is a distorted representation of survival and protection to the victimized child, the fact that the abuser is a false representation is simply unknown to the victim.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteON2 LFQuoteI trust you will honor my request and cease any further use of my letter as an endorsement. Thank you. Sincerely, Harry Rosenberg, CEO Landmark Education Interesting how the term 'request' is used for what is actually a veiled threat. The sad thing is that this letter probably sent chills of fear reverberating down the spines of every practicing landmark
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
See also Harry Rosenberg's next letter to the "reformers", effectively a Cease and Desist letter: QuoteFrom: On Behalf Of landmark_education_llc Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:40 AM To: reform&
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
From Review of the book - THE WANG: THE BIG ONE by Stan Yan QuoteThe second half of the story deals with a ray of possible hope in Eugene's life, a pretty girl named Sue Ann Potts, who turns out to be a member of a quasi-religious psycho cult a la the Church of Scientology or the Landmark Education Forum. Having been forced by a cultist friend to sit through one of these crapfests, I co
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteJohn FoxI'd really encourage anyone to get the author's permission before they go scanning and uploading a copy for the good of mankind. An author puts in a lot of work to produce the content (which we obviously value highly) and it rightly belongs to them. No matter what screaming chasm of need there is for the information, you should obtain permission from the author wher
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Reebok International was on the list of companies that Landmark Education Business Development does business with. From this CNN Money article, it looks like the CEO's interest in Landmark Education Business Development goes back to his days as a follower of Werner Erhard and the EST Training: QuoteMuddying the waters further is Fireman's interest in est, the human-potential progr
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
This is neat: Court decision: Commonwealth may distribute book on Scientology Munich, Germany February 17, 2003 Heinrich Kuefner (1), Norbert Nedopil (2), Heinz Schoech (3) with cooperation from: Robert Doerr, Stefanie Eiden, Raik Werner Expert opinion: Effects and risks of unconventional psycho- and social- techniques An unofficial English rendition of a short summary from:
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Interesting new section at the Landmark database on the Rick Ross site: It's called Labor Violations Investigations U.S. Department of Labor in Texas response Freedom of Information Act request U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Dallas, Texas assigned U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Denver, Colorado report
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Interesting new section at the Landmark database on the Rick Ross site: It's called Labor Violations Investigations U.S. Department of Labor in Texas response Freedom of Information Act request U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Dallas, Texas assigned U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Denver, Colorado report compl
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteHumanistaWhen my husband went to the first regional meeting of ILP, halfway through he called me and said he was stronlgly considering quitting and coming home, it was just so weird in some ways and he was tired, didn't see the point of some of the thigns they made them do. But after he expressed his concerns to the others, and his coach, apparently they worked on him and made him feel
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quotesonnie_deeI hope americans do this, I believe once the base of landmark is hit it will impact around the world. There are comparable labour laws for unpaid volunteers who may be actually considered employees in other countries as well. Might be interesting for residents of those countries to contact their local departments to inquire and/or register a complaint: Ministry of Labour,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
I have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have present/past experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division clark.rebe
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
18 years ago
QuoteajinajanI have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have present/past experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteON2 LFyou rock ajinajan!! Keep up the great work and I hope things turn out the same way in my corner of the world.... :P Well, we have seen from the French Labor Investigation in 2004 that there is an interest in this problem by Departments of Labor in other countries that have an active Landmark presence...
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
I have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have present/past experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division clark.rebe
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
18 years ago
QuoteExcaliburQuoteajinajanI have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
I have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have present/past experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division clark.rebe
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
I have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have present/past experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division clark.rebe
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
I have reason to believe from a reliable source that the Department of Labor would like to talk to individuals who have experience volunteering at Landmark Education in any capacity. The contact person at the United States Department of Labor is: Rebecca Clark, United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division clark.rebecca&
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
From: QuoteSCHEDULED SCREENINGS Next scheduled screening: The National Film Board of Canada in Montreal January 17th 2007 Major city release beginning March 2007. More details to follow soon. I wonder what would happen if some industrious individuals contacted the National Film Board of Canada in Montreal : and warned them of the puff-piece style nature of the film, and
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuotenettieBasically a drone, a robot or a copy. A copy of Werner Erhard. They go through years of training to become images of the great W Erhard. Even now when WE is pretty much out of the picture all new forum leaders are "created" in the image of WE. I was very impressed with my forum leader. The first time. When I saw him leading other forums I could see that it was a carefully
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultIts certainly possible a Landmarkian Librarian could put the book on deletion status. Or even a Landmarkian patron could just "lose it" to get it off the shelf. They want that book off the shelf, and its not in all libraries. But libraries do get rid of books all the time.. But.... I have seen critical articles from cults missing from the library. I recall one
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
More helpful info... From: Handy Reference Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) QuoteThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. Basic Wage Standards QuoteCovered nonexempt workers are entitled
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuotenutrinoThe UK appear to be going through a suggestibility phase at the moment... not unlike the American suggestibility phase of the 1970s... there are lots and lots of NLP "masters" who have left the US and teach mostly to enthusiastic, credulous, and well paying crowds, what they can hardly drum up one seminar per year in the USA... nobody can figure this out, but the Brits are
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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