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18 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultIts certainly possible a Landmarkian Librarian could put the book on deletion status. Or even a Landmarkian patron could just "lose it" to get it off the shelf. They want that book off the shelf, and its not in all libraries. But libraries do get rid of books all the time.. But.... I have seen critical articles from cults missing from the library. I recall one
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuotemazellanI went to my local library to get Outrageous betrayal : the dark journey of Werner Erhard from est to exile by Steven Pressman. It was not on the shelf, the location listed in the catalogue was 'Administration' So I ask at the desk, the helpful man says it is 'upstairs' and it will only take a day or two to retrieve. A week later no word, so I ask again.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteMaggieI heard through a source at a network that one of the top magazine shows (20/20 or Nightline or one of those) allegedly has someone "inside" LE and are planning a big expose for "sweeps week". Apparently this person has become pretty high in the rank-n-file. I can't wait! The next sweeps period would be the upcoming month of February 2007. Anyone hear an
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Is there a Robert Kiyosaki, EST, Money and You connection? Read on and see: Poor Man's Prophet Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad says that everything you've been told about money is a lie. Is his vision setting us on the right track--or is it just more financial snake oil? By Peter Carbonara with Joan Caplin January 1, 2003 From CNN Money: Quote"I'
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Related useful link : FairPay — Filing a Complaint for Back Wages Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) When Should a Complaint be Filed? Quote The FLSA contains a two-year statute of limitations (three-years for willful violations). This means that any part of a back wage claim which was earned more than two years before a federal court lawsuit is filed may not be collectible.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
original link from wikipedia, and subsequent deletion of the info by a Landmark follower : QuoteControversy surrounding Landmark's estimated 7500 unpaid laborers has placed the company at the heart of an ongoing investigation by the US Department of Labor. Roger Gayman is a spokesman for the Department of Labor in San Francisco, where Landmark is based. In March of 2006, he confirmed
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteJudi from How Judi of You posted a ditty about a recent Dr. Phil show that got me thinking again about the subject of est. McGraw is from the est school of therapy, which is why I reject his existence. For those of you never exposed to est or its creator, Werner Erhard, Bitch Panic lays out the basics as they relate to Dr. Phil’s form of “therapy”. Rick Ross’ site is, as usual, a gre
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quotesonnie_deethe only thing to remember is that the shareholders/investers are the staff of the company In Landmark Education's case, yes. But I was referring to the shareholders/investors of publicly-traded companies that contract with Landmark Education Business Development. In this case, these shareholders are the owners of the company, and thus do have a say in voicing concerns i
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Here is a transcript of the Werner Erhard & Barbara Walters interview :
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteJack Oskar LarmAjinajan wrote:QuoteBut they would probably pay attention if it was one of their shareholders/investors themselves who sent them a formal written notice... So, the shareholders/investors need to be informed. At the end of the day, it's the 'suits' that put in the money, they need to know. A personal boycott of the products and services of the LEC-trained busin
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteJack Oskar LarmQuoteThis message board is all well and good - but I was wondering more about the potential efficacy of affecting change by notifying this list of companies above that we, the consumer and/or investor (through the investor relations contact at the company) are dismayed at their participation with this controversial company and it's sordid history and methods, and voluntee
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Natalee Holloway's Parents File Suit Ex-Holloway Suspects Sue Dr. Phil Natalee Holloway's parents sue ex-suspects, who sue Dr. Phil show
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteClausDIatreating people like children, breaking their personality by making them feel insecure, shutting down criticism have always been characters of "controversary", dictatory and culty organizations, groups or parties ... all of you know that in advance, but I had to learn it the hard way ... I was initially sucked in by some friendly people, until I realized what was really
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteClausDIabecause volunteers are convinced that this rigorous training helps them to work on their personality, to improve their effectiveness and so on... as long as you use the course for self-impovement it might be fine, but the best or the ones with enough free time end up as Landmark sales drones (unpaid by the way), so called introduction leaders that officially sell the course. La
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteClausDIayes, absolutely, people are treated like children ... or soldiers, no common sense ... reasonable aguments are accepted, any discussions shut down be leaders One wonders why all of these unpaid volunteers put up with this - and why after all this time a class action lawsuit to recover unpaid wages has not yet been filed by all of these volunteers either in civil court and/or with t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteClausDIaI was in the ILP. At one occasion I complained because I had travelled more than 800 km by car with lots of traffic jams, and arrived half an hour late in the evening. In addition to the cost and the hassles of the travel after work, I was "asked" in the first second after arrival why I had not paid the money for the course yet and why I have not made sure to be on time.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteClausDIaQuoteajinajan I wonder what would happen if the office of the CEO and Investor Relations of these companies were directly notified of some of the more controversial practices of Landmark Education and Landmark Education Business Development ? I wonder if they are aware of the past investigations by the Federal Department of Labor in the United States and in France ? BTW, I thi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
QuoteJack Oskar LarmQuoteajinajanQuoteI wonder if any of the clients above are FULLY aware of the controversial history surrounding Landmark Education, and chose to hire Landmark Education Business Development anyway? I don't think anyone is fully aware. I mean, people make all sorts of purchasing decisions without knowing the whole story. For instance, look at the number of clothing and a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quotesonnie_deeQuoteas far as I know LEBD is strongly connected to LEC, impressive record of clients, also scary LEBD is a subsidery of Landmark Education. Many of the "consultants" who work for LEBD also either volunteer with landmark or are course leaders. I know when I was on staff, we were given a brief overview of what LEBD does, whether its true or not I couldn't s
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quoteas far as I know LEBD is strongly connected to LEC, impressive record of clients, also scary I wonder if any of the clients above are FULLY aware of the controversial history surrounding Landmark Education, and chose to hire Landmark Education Business Development anyway? Perhaps it's just sheer ignorance on the part of the company's hiring Landmark - that they think they are
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Andy Dick - Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes - Wedding Planner - Matrimo-gician! Andy Dick - TOMKAT - Church of Scientology Wedding Planner...... simply hysterical! One wonders how much of that stuff might have actually taken place at the wedding ...
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
18 years ago
Grant La Mora is titled here in this email as the "Executive Assitant to Art Schreiber Chairman of the Board of Directors " QuoteThank you for your UNBELIEVEABLE share and communication! I was totally blown away by who you are being and what you have accomplished. Bloody Great! (Harry asked me to respond to your unreasonable request, but I had to get my two cents in first.)
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Very funny YTMND entitled: "Scientology Sues Everybody!"
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
18 years ago
Originally the company was initially owned by Werner Erhard , under the name Transformational Technologies, Inc - which also had some sort of connection to Tekniko Licensing Corporation.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Quoteas far as I know LEBD is strongly connected to LEC, impressive record of clients, also scary They are a direct subsidiary company of Landmark Education, and headquartered in the exact same building. Their CEO Steven Zaffron was once convicted of mail fraud and was very close with Werner Erhard and had high positions with Erhard Seminars Training. Check out OUTRAGEOUS BETRAYAL, by Steven
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
A YTMND entitled "Tom Cruise Needs Therapy" : I'm sure you've all seen this one: Tom Cruise Kills Oprah: Tom Cruise comes clean:
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
18 years ago
Their site now has a music video up about their song "Message from Xenu"
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
18 years ago
I don't get it. Was it a wedding - or a free "introduction session" to Scientology? Apparently Tom Cruise did not have enough celebrity friends who weren't Scientologists, so his publicist had to invite her friends as well. Then they stationed a scientologist spokesperson at every table to explain the "religion" to the guest celebrities. Very creepy. H
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
18 years ago
Seems like this video : Is much more accurate and telling than this video:
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
18 years ago
Hehe. You should say "correction: WERE two of my favorite entertainers..."
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
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