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14 years ago
Another look here: ... a bump no less.
Forum: Coercive Persuasion and Undue Influence
16 years ago
This website was invaluable in giving me information about landmark/est the day when @ 11:30pm my mom called me long distance out of the blue sounding hypo-manic/stoned/deranged using strange jargon saying she'd had a breakthrough and in an insistant and jeuvenille way asking me to come to a landmark grad ceremony. Without this kind of informational resource I very well may have fallen for t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteandycheeWhat are you saying, that the president is a nazi? Thats nuts. Hes a christian, and he wants this to be a good christian country. Making up stuff won't change that ever. Prescott Bush, little Bush's grandfather was doing business with the Nazi's during the war and I believe was charged under some provision back in the day(business with the enemy act or some such th
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
9/11 stinks to high heaven of false flag op.
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
PNAC and the Cheney thing where he says America needs a new Pearl Harbor in order to get the people behind the military a year before 9/11 and now there's some twit journalist who says we need a new 9/11 to unite the people lol. Who cares about Bin Laden, robber barons don't have to hide in a cave they hide in plain sight. Bush's family has ties to Bin's family, if you go b
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
Oh, it's about 2hrs long, and mostly like a lecture with slides or powerpoint. Don't be expecting anything flashy heh ...
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
Watching the movie Zeitgeist recently I followed a few suggested links and discovered this very sober and well layed out expose on outstanding 911 questions from an architect: I think if the evidence has any merit it could radically change some folks ideas about what terrorism is or can be. Anyway I guess it's a hypothesis, the speaker says a real independant investigation needs ta
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
Personally I don't see the need to compare religions as predominantly none are based on evidential arguments and relying on faith to guide ones destiny is a hopeless endeavor. I don't think there's really much use for benign religions, i don't think there are any. Blind faith is pretty useless and cherry picking bits and pieces is contemptable to the origins of most de-fan
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
16 years ago
Well as it happens Joe over on the athiest boards i frequent people bring things into question all the time as is natural :D That one didn't pass muster. I like the Betrand Russel quote above, if you can question the nature of the universe you can certainly question your worldly masters :D Nations are little meritocracies of a sort. We are all men and women from the same place ultimately
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
16 years ago
If i can relay my experience with religious science and my mother. She came to become enrolled in the landmark forum via some attendees of the church, not a solid indightment of the church perhaps merely some oppurtunistic affinity leveraging there, an infiltration of sorts. To my knowledge not all the attendees are lekkies so that is some comfort. I also see that two months ago, 'the sec
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
What kind of quality control is there on defining 'positive', 'negative', and the 'best' for everyone. I'm not sure what kind of empiricism you will ever find in a church, on oprah, or on talk radio for that matter. I understand or would assume most of us are painfully curious, are seeking anwers etc. A lot of people bank on that, pt barnum quotes asside i
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Forgive my typo, this message board has no edit feature ... Just describe ME as an anti-thiest from here on out.
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
If the mind treatment is not suggested to replace medical treatment, then why bother? If it's suggested to have some effect wouldn't the church goer find their belief in it displacing their desire to get medical treatment? But you're right there's qualifiers given. So why be a member of the Church of Religious Science? Perhaps it's not a cult, perhaps it's not
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
I suppose the vanguard for this type of thing might Christopher Hitchens :D I'm of a like mind, think churches should be taxed to offset the damage they do to society, and ultimately the money reinvested to bolster science education, classes on the history of secular institutions, even understanding religions' effects through the course of history. Plato's magnificent myth keeps po
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Oh yeah, and note in those passages it's all about if you only just believe hard enough and purely your problems will vanish you will be perfection. Or at least i do believe that is what is implied. If you were made to believe that I think you will be meeting with disaster as life is not that simple, nor does one's mind leverage anything beyond what your physical limbs can reatch. E
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
In a society that grants 'religion' a free pass, common liberty and then held above the average citizen in a tax free status I find the notion that it's buyer beware providing for the average citizen to be a cavalier attitude. As you see the slow decay on the wall between church and state, or rather the rapid toppeling of that wall in the case of the US where in Cincinati there
Forum: Destructive Churches
16 years ago
Dispicable ... this is like the newest fad diet, pure oppurtunism, pure predator ... fuck em
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
'The Secret' is just more pile on the new age money train malarky. Landmark is much much more sinister. They don't advertise but by word of mouth, using the confidence of relatives, friends or coworkers against an unsuspecting peer. They are good at selling to the unsuspecting, and provide very little information. Then you are out 5-600$ and looking straight into the barrel of 3 13
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
my whole post is not ... posted, drat i lost some of it because I could not type it quickly enough before having to relog in ...
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
I don't believe it for one, but have at times been labelled negative, and I've tried to state that I believe it is good to criticise or appraise something on merit in it's entirety both good and bad. Anyone that tries to shove part of my awareness into the gutter for a more clouded viewpoint be damned I say. Legitimate ideas should hold up to a little throttling from me, and if
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
This is where i mention 'the secret' is the topic of the month @ mom's Religious Science church. Welcome to the affinity fraud beltway! Critical thinking is out, now open the doors to any that may, like wolves to the lambs I say! More complaint than logic; but I think you may agree with me here, I'm beginning to think 'new age' is more of a 'new dark a
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
QuoteonlymeI have a scientific background and would be interested to know how spiritualism links science to spirituality. Hope this makes sense I very much doubt it has any legitamit link, but i'd love to hear the explanation hehe ... perhaps just like religious science or scientology have nothing to do with science in reality they like to bandy the term around in marketing to naive skepti
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
QuoteKastlefeerNo, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God. George H. W. Bush It seems the place I borrowed this quote from is now reporting that it cannot by verified despite vigorous attempts to do so. Being a dubious quote, probably should be ignored ...
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
17 years ago
QuoteObi-Wanthere is about 15-20% of what Tony preaches that is pure crap Why don't you suggest a more refined alternative rather than subject the ignorant masses to this minefield. Care to let us know your field of study, your credentials in fact, I mean really why should we trust your recommendation?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultQuoteKastlefeer As for my brother, I do not like the fact that he goes to the RS site but upon reflection perhaps he's the least likely fellow to suffer much harm there. For my mother I think things are much worse. The Religious (anti)Science Treatments being done on him are hopefully not going to be directly physically harmful, as long as they are doing it the old fashio
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
Watching a documentary on Japan this evening a passage is given on how the portuguese king plans to take the lands' riches for his own. He decides that he will send churchmen first to be followed by his armies later. The third shogunate desparate to preserve the newly established social order hard won by his father cracks down against a christian aided revolt with draconian measures to the p
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
Innocense and idealism come at a high cost I should think. My mother brought me in to this world, and with the best intentions sought to guide me. I think I will keep my own council and be my own teacher from now on. As for my brother, I do not like the fact that he goes to the RS site but upon reflection perhaps he's the least likely fellow to suffer much harm there. For my mother I thin
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
Fascinating; I narrowly persuaded my mother from continuing with landmark education and was setting in with questions about her church of religious science when what do I hear of? The secret, yes another werner-esque collapse of the wave function instant karma your soul is made from holy ramen noodles Oprah sanctified mystic venom that will cave in your whole reality just in time for george bu
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
You'd think a cop would look at the 9am-12am schedule and do a double take ... what the hell kind of course is this? ...
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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