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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 19, 2007 11:11AM

Now Rhonda Byrne is getting some people to write propaganda puff-pieces for her, to try and deflect the harsh criticism she is getting, and the backlash against The Secret from religious groups, from people saying its a scam, and from those who are calling it a type of cultish belief system.

Notice how this bogus article says its not a "Feel Good brainwashing system", which is exactly what it is. She also glosses over how Abraham-Hicks was cut out of the guess is that Hicks wanted more royalties, so they told her to go F-herself.

She is also trying to deflect the severe religious criticism by saying its not religious, which is an outright lie. They teach the Christ Consciousness and about 50 other bastardized "religious" things constantly quoting Jesus from the bible...that's not religious?
Then what is it? Mathematics? Astronomy? Fiction? (ok, it is fiction).
These creeps are trying to say its "science" and Quantum Mechanics which is a blatant, bald-faced lie, and they know it.
Its just a straight up lie meant to fool people with no education in those areas.

Isn't it utterly amazing how you have these scammer type "Leader" people, trying to push themselves off as being "spiritual" and holier than Mother Theresa, when in reality they are just making money off people with sales trickery and mind games?

One new piece of info is she does admit that[b:9608e9bdaa] Jack Canfield is the one who put together the Gurus for the Secret movie from his "TLC" Transformational Leadership Council.[/b:9608e9bdaa]

ok, I just checked the list of TLC, Rhonda Byrne is on it, and so are the Sedona people, and pretty much scammers from top to bottom...Raymond Aaron to Marshall Thurber.

So I was right about that...Jack Canfield slapped together some of his rent-a-gurus, so he could get some cross-promo for his Chicken Soup books with them. Its clear now that Jack Canfield is the one behind The Secret, as I suspected.
It was clearly his idea, and he put all the people together from his Transformational Leadership Council, including Rhonda Byrne, and set this entire thing up.

Its nothing less than a new Chicken Soul franchise.
In bookstores, there is an entire separate rack of Chicken Soup books.
Now Jack Canfield wants to add another series...
The Secret series.
Books from all the Gurus on The Secret. That's about 30 books to start.

Now I also believe that Oprah company Harpo probably also has a development deal with Jack Canfield and is taking a cut of the action. Its probable that Oprah and Jack have cut a deal for The Secret series, which they plan on being as big as Chicken Soup. Rhonda Byrne is just a PR flack, with movie skills.

So we'll see what happens, but its pretty clear now what is going on.
Just like Oprah launched Dr. Phil, and take a huge cut of the money from his show, and Rachel Ray, and others, its clear she has some type of interest/deal with Jack Canfield to turn The Secret into a billion dollar franchise.

The Secret, a new Chicken Soup franchise, co-produced and marketed by Oprah Winfrey, goal is probably a billion in global sales.

Will they pull it off?
Looks like they will.

Can anyone stop them? Basically the traditional Christian's are going to rip them all news ones, for trying to "Transform" Christianity with The Secret. The only ones who can hurt them are the US Christians...who generally despise The Secret and think its the work of the antichrist.



You can create wealth, harmonious relationships, strong health, and anything else your heart desires. But here's the tricky part. This is not some "get rich quick" scheme, or some type of cult that brainwashes people into "feeling good." The Secret is not an organization or a charity -- it's simply the vehicle Byrne uses to present the universal Law of Attraction to a larger audience.

When Rhonda Byrne discovered the Law of Attraction, she found the teachers she was seeking to present this ancient principle to the world in the members of the Transformational Leadership Council founded by "Chicken Soup for the Soul" author Jack Canfield.

While many of people featured on the movie The Secret have strong spiritual beliefs, the Law of Attraction is not religion-based. In simplest terms, it's about believing in yourself and aligning your thoughts and beliefs with your greatest desires. However, the Law of Attraction is complementary to a wide range of religious beliefs. As Michael Beckwith pointed out on Oprah's show, Jesus said, 'Pray believing that ye have that ye may receive.' Says Beckwith, "That's The Secret in a nutshell."

James Ray agrees. He says The Secret is about supporting the great spiritual traditions in a more modern form. "It really is just putting Christianity, Judaism, all the great teachings into a current vernacular," says Ray.

Along with Beckwith and Ray, other teachers featured in the movie include Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, and John Assaraf. (Esther Hicks appeared in the first edition of the movie, it is now a collector's item.)

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 19, 2007 06:06PM


While many of people featured on the movie The Secret have strong spiritual beliefs, the Law of Attraction is not religion-based. In simplest terms, it's about believing in yourself and aligning your thoughts and beliefs with your greatest desires. However, the Law of Attraction is complementary to a wide range of religious beliefs. As Michael Beckwith pointed out on Oprah's show, Jesus said, 'Pray believing that ye have that ye may receive.' Says Beckwith, "That's The Secret in a nutshell."

James Ray agrees. He says The Secret is about supporting the great spiritual traditions in a more modern form. "It really is just putting Christianity, Judaism, all the great teachings into a current vernacular," says Ray.

As a Christian I definately agree with 'The Secret' being the work of the anti-christ. All those involved with its production and sale are totally wolves disguising themselves in sheep's clothing. No amount of their quoting the bible will make their 'secret'' something ok. Unfortunately, the people who do not understand how far from being biblical 'the secret' is, will be misled by the misuse of scripture in the DVD. They've covered all the bases in giving 'the secret' a false appearance of validity.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: February 20, 2007 03:57AM


While many of people featured on the movie The Secret have strong spiritual beliefs, the Law of Attraction is not religion-based. In simplest terms, it's about believing in yourself and aligning your thoughts and beliefs with your greatest desires. However, the Law of Attraction is complementary to a wide range of religious beliefs. As Michael Beckwith pointed out on Oprah's show, Jesus said, 'Pray believing that ye have that ye may receive.' Says Beckwith, "That's The Secret in a nutshell."

James Ray agrees. He says The Secret is about supporting the great spiritual traditions in a more modern form. "It really is just putting Christianity, Judaism, all the great teachings into a current vernacular," says Ray.

As a Christian I definately agree with 'The Secret' being the work of the anti-christ. All those involved with its production and sale are totally wolves disguising themselves in sheep's clothing. No amount of their quoting the bible will make their 'secret'' something ok. Unfortunately, the people who do not understand how far from being biblical 'the secret' is, will be misled by the misuse of scripture in the DVD. They've covered all the bases in giving 'the secret' a false appearance of validity.

I think many people who were subjected to guilt and legalism via childhood religion might find The Secret a tempting means of starting down a spiritual path. The Secret is so deceiving at so many levels.

For those of us who abandoned Christianity for the reasons above and don't have a depth of knowledge on scripture, are the scripture passages quoted on Oprah\Secret taken out of context, misinterpreted? My holistic doctor often referred to scripture to try to get me to see how his medical spirituality (for lack of a better term) was universal (all paths up the same mountain) and that I just didn't "get it".

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 20, 2007 04:39AM

As a non-Christian, I don't think The Secret is any more 'dangerous' than any other 'magical' doctrine. I suspect that when we turned away from the divinity of the Earth and started longing for a spiritual identity off-planet we became susceptible to any number of religious ideas. On some level, I strongly feel that LGATs are a 'natural' by-product of this 'magical', religious yearning, except that most LGATs are obviously more concerned with cashflow than, say, just passing around the collection plate on a Sunday.

I can accept that my thoughts above will be seen as heresay by some. I'm not trying to offend. And I'm willing to pay the ultimate price, ie going to hell, if it truly is blasphemous according to a higher authority! God, I'm up for the challenge, anyway ... :roll:

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 20, 2007 05:10AM


I think many people who were subjected to guilt and legalism via childhood religion might find The Secret a tempting means of starting down a spiritual path. The Secret is so deceiving at so many levels.

For those of us who abandoned Christianity for the reasons above and don't have a depth of knowledge on scripture, are the scripture passages quoted on Oprah\Secret taken out of context, misinterpreted? My holistic doctor often referred to scripture to try to get me to see how his medical spirituality (for lack of a better term) was universal (all paths up the same mountain) and that I just didn't "get it".

I abandoned Christianity once for the same reasons above.
I returned after a dark and stormy few years on the new age road. My disdain for the new age world comes from my experience of it.
The scripture, as used by the marketers of 'The Secret', is definately out of context. They are essentially trying to utilize the power in the word of God to propel their own evil purpose forward, not to mention increasing the sale of a lie. If scripture is used to bring people closer to God or to provide a comfort to people seeking refuge in trials and chaos, it is likely in context. When its used to dress and decorate a lie, or to cause the skeptics to take a second look and open up the check books, its use is way out of context. Context in scripture is pretty consistent, it is usually centered around guidance, understanding, wisdom and giving strength. The people pedalling the secret don't want to cause people to come closer to God, they want people to get really intimate with a [i:9f606d74a8]mysterious[/i:9f606d74a8] and unbounded universe. That universe being one of a strictly new agers' interpretation.
Scripture is widely disputed and doubted in the new age realm but is obviously not disbelieved because 'they' know roughly how or when to use it to their advantage.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Kastlefeer ()
Date: February 20, 2007 05:34PM

Fascinating; I narrowly persuaded my mother from continuing with landmark education and was setting in with questions about her church of religious science when what do I hear of?

The secret, yes another werner-esque collapse of the wave function instant karma your soul is made from holy ramen noodles Oprah sanctified mystic venom that will cave in your whole reality just in time for george bush to send you to gitmo.

I wish Oprah would elaborate on how the law of attraction works when you poor sobs in the US don't even have the benefit of Habeus Corpus any longer? (military commissions act hmmn digity).

Now the house is also recently in a fervor as my poor mentaly disabled older brother who has the gentalist and suprisingly charismatic aura of innocense is found to have a large mass beneath his sternum along with an enlarged heart, increasing fatigue etc; scheduled to have a ct scan and biopsy and a long list of possible ailments including hodgkins/lymphoma or metastasis disease ie some sort of cancer and the spry age of 35 noless.

I love my mother but I don't trust her judgement, and I fear love in general is at risk when she takes my brother to the RS church for 'spiritual mind treatments' implying that somehow my brother who far surpasses any literal or dogmatic definition of innocense is somehow attracting negativity in a life threatening way.


I'm at a loss at how to approach the likes of OPRAH FUCKING WINFREY and preserve any dignity I have left, as far as I'm concerned it's the NEW DARK AGE and our masters weild the noble lie as always...

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 20, 2007 06:01PM


Now the house is also recently in a fervor as my poor mentaly disabled older brother who has the gentalist and suprisingly charismatic aura of innocense is found to have a large mass beneath his sternum along with an enlarged heart, increasing fatigue etc; scheduled to have a ct scan and biopsy and a long list of possible ailments including hodgkins/lymphoma or metastasis disease ie some sort of cancer and the spry age of 35 noless.

I am so sorry that your brother is not well kastlefeer. I truly do empathize with you. I'd be going nuts if it were my brother. I hope you're able to hang in there for him.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Kastlefeer ()
Date: February 20, 2007 06:21PM

Innocense and idealism come at a high cost I should think. My mother brought me in to this world, and with the best intentions sought to guide me. I think I will keep my own council and be my own teacher from now on.

As for my brother, I do not like the fact that he goes to the RS site but upon reflection perhaps he's the least likely fellow to suffer much harm there. For my mother I think things are much worse.

I've already been told a story of mom's friend who died of cancer, she hurled a fit of outrage at her husband on her death bed when she discovered despite her best efforts she was ultimately dieing as well.

So much for psuedo science monoism, page depak that someone wants their money back ...

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Acid Reindeer ()
Date: February 20, 2007 10:25PM

Gulab Jamon
I didn't get that from the movie AT ALL. As I remember, they were actually joking about the fact that the guy wanted to buy an ordinary rock that had come from a creek. The point of the rock story was that the belief and intention was what made the rock special, not where it came from or whether or not it cost money.

I just Googled it and they have at least one slick website by someone selling semi-precious stones for $29.97 in a box with a card and booklet. depressing.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Acid Reindeer ()
Date: February 20, 2007 10:28PM

I watched Oprah's show with some friends and they all thought it was amazingly stupid and couldn't believe Oprah had sunk so low. And none of them had ever heard of The Secret.

if you sunk any lower than Oprah has already, you'd hit a pocket of lava and start roasting.

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