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1 year ago
Nicole Daedone and or her marketing advisors were clever to name their operation One Taste. "One taste. Just one taste. Come on, sweet heart, just have just onnne taste." In early toddlerhood most of us have heard this. This is how tiny, tiny children are persuaded, ever so gently PUSHED, to taste unfamiliar foods and habituate to them. Its how caregivers wheedle us tiny kids
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
From the comments section following this article: Quote (commenter's username deleted for privacy - Corboy) I’m sure we all have our One Taste stories so here’s mine: A few years back they had a booth at the Green Festival (!) when it was still on Bryant Street. I stopped by out of curiosity and Nicole and a female assistant were there. They presented themselves as a sort
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Quote Has anyone been involved with EO (Entrepreneurs ... Reddit › Entrepreneur › comments Dec 1, 2022 — Is this a reputable organization? I have a potential business deal that has been vetted by these guys and they have a strong trust with each ... Anyone in Entrepreneur Organization (EO) or YEC? Reddit › comments › anyone_in_entr... Aug 12, 2015 — I was in EO accelerator for arou
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
1 year ago
(For years, One Taste's HQ was located in San Francisco, on Folsom Street, south of Market. Later, OT HQ moved to an address on Market Street and Van Ness Street, its location identifiable by large letters reading, Love Your Orgasm. The establishment was blaringly adjacent to the Market Street offices of a blameless San Francisco trial lawyer.) They Promised ‘Orgasm Meditation.’ They
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
To assist summer vacation research, here are just a few topics researched over the years by The Anticult, whose research skills were legendary. Waiver Forms -- never sign away your rights to sue or mediate for damages. No ethical therapist or healer demands that you sign one of these. Dodgy types push us to sign these. Too many persons who have signed such documents have told their stories
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Welcome to the CEI message board. We 'bump' older topics upwards to the front page all the time so that visitors can know what's available. The Byron Katie discussion was one of the most heavily disrupted, trolled conversations that took place on the message board. Heavy trolling is a sure sign that many consider a discussion valuable, and that many others want that same
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Moms for Liberty is a far-right organization that engages in anti-student inclusion activities and self-identifies as part of the modern parental rights movement. The group grew out of opposition to public health regulations for COVID-19, opposes LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive school curriculum, and has advocated books bans. ‘Parents rights’ groups, Moms for Liberty designated extremist
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
1 year ago
QuoteUnburied our family time capsule from 5 years ago - my qmoms contribution was a card dedicated to Trump. 5 years later she joined a new age cult and cut us off. We’re now fighting the cult. Today we dug up our family time capsule. All the contributions from my family was tokens, mementos, and family related items. Photos, coins, family related writeups, souvenirs and toys for the kids
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Profundity Yours 1655 Oak Springs Rd Trlr H, Kempner, TX 76539 Overview PROFUNDITY YOURS (Taxpayer #32079287366) is a business in Kempner, Texas registered with Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The registered business location is at 1655 Oak Springs Rd Trlr H, Kempner, TX 76539, in the county of Coryell. The permit start date is on May 18, 2021. The business is a franchise tax permi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Profundity Yours Website Quote Profundity Yours is a society of diverse humans, coming together Now to co-create a New environment. One of empowered gratitude and heart based living as One with Nature. ... Live Stream Videos · Emerald Sun City of Light · Online Store · Conscious Gratitude Profundity Yours - Social Media Quote Linda Good McGillis (@mcgil
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Corboy note: quoted portions are from the much longer article -- which deserves to be read in full) “It reminds me of ISIS”. The Briton talks about his collaboration with the St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus 25.05.2023 Steve Lacey Quote Q Did you know by that time about the political role played by Moscow Patriarchate and its connection with Putin’s regime? (Lacey)The interesting th
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
1 year ago
Stephen Thomas Timothy Kjera Syro Russian Orthodox Catholic Church The Mercy and Right Greek Orthodox Church St. Michael's Greek Orthodox Church St. Mary the Theotokos Orthodox Catholic Church The Mercian Orthodox Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Anglican Catholic Church Notre Dame de Lafayette Monks or con men? Sect has credibility issues The monks arrived in Canfield, Ohio
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
American Conservatives and the Allure of Post-Soviet Russian Orthodoxy by Sarah Riccardi-Swartz Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA Religions 2021, 12(12), 1036; Received: 30 September 2021 / Revised: 3 November 2021 / Accepted: 20 November 2021 / Published: 24 November 2021
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
1 year ago
Cultenthusiast - your mailbox is full. Please do not deny yourself social connection. We are all hurting and make mistakes. The ones to despite are not ourselves but the ones who lied to us and wasted our time, our lives, our youth.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
"The reality is that there are differences in what they teach to the uninitiated public and the actual members." Ask Me Anything Former Hare Krishna Recruiter QuotePrometheus1776 Op · 5 yr. ago There is a big difference between being an observer and a player on the field. The HKs chew people up and spit them out when they are no longer useful to their agenda. Sunday feast
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Should SikhNet be accepting grants from Akal Security when Akal assists ICE in separating children from their parents at US border?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Memorial Service for Steven Bryant
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
(Glum) CO$ is still here. They post ads online using questions to which any mildly sane person would answer "yes". Yes Yes Yes Go to Google and put these words in the slot. yes set sales technique
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
1 year ago
Spring sunshine is here. Wherever there's a crowd ISKCON will be there to greet you. Meditation Yoga Free books tied together with blue ribbons. Yoga and meditation are the marketing hooks the ISKCON recruiter will invoke to draw you in. The street recruiters are not yet burned out.Anemic carbohydrate bellied older ISKCON devotees are kept our of sight of potential recruits li
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Discussion is about pedophilia problems in Iskon schools, not adult women.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Gotta wonder if for ISKON pedophilia is a feature rather than a bug.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
QuoteAlexandra Stein has pioneered the application of attachment theory to cult dynamics. Briefly put: she shows that the main task of the high-demand group is to re-wire the recruit’s attachment patterning to the disorganized end of the spectrum, where they are in an acute state of arousal amidst the contradiction of needing to devote themselves to the person who is abusing them. One of the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
"It’s not like the yoga world has accelerated the carbon crisis, but it is poignant to consider that in the crucial decades in which something could have been done, an entire generation of liberals was encouraged to spend money on self care in environments designed to give the impression that everything was fine and the only real problem was mental hygiene" -- Matthew Remski Listenin
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Fake Hafez: How a supreme Persian poet of love was erased That so many of the poems attributed to Hafez are fake reveals a Western appropriation of Muslim spirituality Omid Safi is the Director of the Duke Islamic Studies Center. Published On 14 Jun 202014 Jun 2020 Faking Hafez What happens when it turns out that 'translations' of Hafez's poems are not Hafez’
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
How a recovering former Scientologist behaved as a manager. Sounds kinda like Landmark, eh? QuoteAbigail’s fall from Scientology was long and difficult. When she got a job at her mom’s secular healthcare company, she used Hubbard’s business principles to whip the employees into shape, banning water-cooler chat, instating a uniform policy and riding people to keep their productivity “stats” up.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
1 year ago
Nico gives us the emotions and tensions of the junkie searching for the dope dealer - who is never early, which means we always have to wait. 0:00 / 4:39 I'm Waiting For The Man Nico Velvet Underground 1967 Have a listen. Tension to the max, eh? Now, recall when you waited, waited, waited for the guru to invite you, for the message to arrive. Waited for the guru to ap
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
*2023 - Centrepoint, has since been revealed as a hotbed of pedophile crimes perpetrated by its now deceased leader, Bert Potter. Many survivors remain in various states of shattered torment. A university study found that every third child in the CP commune suffered sexual abuse. Bert's Labyrinth 2021 Anke Richter Prince of the Commune The victims of sexual abuse at the
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
1 year ago
From another member of the CEI message board who spoke of a different group: QuoteThis is an old song Slave to love And I can't escape I'm a slave to love This is exactly devotees suffer from. Slave to love. Afraid to lose that love and security. Even though when you are in it, you will kill and die for that transcendental bliss, it is slavery. When you are fine sitting wi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
1 year ago
Some interesting discussion here. Mike Warnke Q Early Warning Signs...I Should Have Seen This Coming: QAnonCasualties
Forum: Destructive Churches
1 year ago
Mike Warnke Q Early Warning Signs...I Should Have Seen This Coming: QAnonCasualties
Forum: Destructive Churches
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