That is actually very revealing about Eckhart Tolle.
It appears Tolle planned and created the oversold ticket and seating problems on purpose, to trigger emotions in people, and then use that against them to make them feel NEW AGER GUILT about not being enlightened like Tolle says he is. (meanwhile Tolle is quickly escorted in and out in a private limo, and does not have any contact with the mass public!).
Eckhart Tolle is also clearly using advanced mass-hypnosis techniques on his audience. He starts the "show" with silence, and then does a monotone delivery, and even puts people to sleep. He also does this on purpose...being BORING is a wonderful way to put people into a DEEP TRANCE, and then you can implant your Suggestions into their minds, and they are accepted more easily.
That is why Tolle endorses Byron Katie, they are both modern, indirect, permissive, master mass-hypnotists.
This is why Eckhart Tolle also attacks your mind, as its stands in his way of implanting his hypnotic suggestions into your brain. So he has designed his own methods to disabuse you of your ability to think. Notice how all of these guys are trying to do the same thing? From Werner Erhard, to L Ron Hubbard, to Byron Katie, to Eckhart Tolle...their #1 goal is to GET RID OF YOUR ABILITY TO THINK.
Like Yogi Bear, they want to be the ones doing the thinking.
Don't get duped.
But sadly, some people seem to want to get duped.
"He sat and composed himself, and didn't begin to talk for another 5 minutes or so.
The entire audience of TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE (at $75 a shot!) fell reverentially quiet.
After a relatively short opening-silence stint, Eckhart began to speak quietly, in a near-monotone. His voice is gentle, lulling, not unpleasant - approximating 2001's HAL 9000 computer voice..."
corboyA report by one person who attended a Tolle event in Los Angeles in 2003.
(If you scroll up, there is a description of a Byron K event, too).
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2018 09:13PM by corboy.