I'm curious. What motivated you to read all his books and watch numerous CDs?
I can't say much about Oprah, but I've seen, read and listened to enough of Tolle and others that have been around him that he does "walk the walk." Should he be a full-time hermit? I'm really not sure what people expect him to do or not do in terms of writing and/or public appearances. He did not initiate contact with Oprah. She called him and he accepted the 10-part internet series format. He has some insight into human nature, the ego and how it can tie into our spiritual pursuits that he wants to share. Seems quite reasonable to me. I have much more of a problem with being pounded into submission by pharmaceutical ads on television 24/7.
As for the Course in Miracles ... Tolle makes very little mention of it in his writings. His two main reference points are Buddhism (mindfulness) and Jesus. The reason for the latter is that he is speaking primarily to Westerners and their reference point is Christianity. That and any other spiritual or religious references he makes are to help explain Universal Truths which cut across many religious traditions and spiritual pursuits.
His comments regarding communism, holocaust, etc. do not contradict the reality of "now." They occurred in the now. His point is that these were both examples of large scale manifestations of the ego.
What motivated me? curiosity. The more I listened and read, the more I kept discovering inherent contradictions. I'm a bit of a sleuth and so I continued to watch his popularity flourish along with his bank account. Spiritual materialism? no problem, he's "free" to do as much....for now. No, he doesn't "walk the walk", as a Tolle seminar, in my opinion should NOW be free. Free not only of financial gain but free of words as well. Just pure silence, as it speaks louder than words, or so I'm told. Now, I'm a little concerned for your well-being csp as you confess to being "pounded into submission by pharmaceutical ads on television 24/7". Why not FOLLOW ME and ditch that TV as it would appear that Tolle is doing little for you. NO...do NOT follow me, follow your heart! Granted that Tolle mentions ACIM little in his writings but reference IS made, and he refers to it on his Findhorn Retreat CD as well as a couple of others.
What do you mean by "universal truths"?
"words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn't very much. Language consists of five basic sounds produced by the vocal cords. They are the vowels a, e, i, o, u. The other sounds are consonants produced by air pressure: s, f, g, and so forth. Do you believe that some combination of such basic sounds could ever explain who you are, or the ultimate purpose of the universe, or even what a tree or stone is in its depth?"
-Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth; p.27
why should these "mere sounds" be capable of conveying "universal truths?" That's rather absolutist and presumptious wouldn't you say?
1. Thought 2. binary, yes/no signs 3. letters of the alphabet 4. words 5. Sentences/meaning 6. Thought received
who's to say that they CAN'T explain who you are? why Tolle of course, as he purports to tell you about "Awakening to your life's purpose" (from the cover of A New Earth). Yet again, another, amongst MANY inherent contradictions in his writings. As he will be one of the first to tell you that "you don't HAVE a life, you ARE life", therefore, he CANNOT purport to "awaken" you to that which you already are.
"Nobody can tell you who you are. It would just be another concept, so it would not change you."
-ET, A New Earth; p.189 Yet he purports to tell his audience and the world about awakening to their "life's purpose?"
What better way to attempt to create a "new earth" than through Oprah Winfrey's invitation to explain what cannot be explained?
"the TV's hidden agenda becomes control of you by putting you to sleep, that is to say, making you unconscious."
but what if the TV is making you unconscious to ego, form, content, structure, concepts, and ideas? is the "control" justified?
what better way to allegedly lull people into enlightenment via the constant drone 20khz hammering away at them?
I think that Mao could resonate with the Tao were he here NOW.
"Instead of trying to be the mountain, teaches the ancient Tao Te Ching, 'Be the valley of the universe'. In this way, you are restored to wholeness and so "all things come to you."
-ET, A New Earth; p. 216
the "all things come to you" assuages the materialist that prosperity is just around the corner....it worked for Tolle so why not me?
I can hear a communist/capitalist Chinese sweat shop operator repeating that to some unfortunate child.
"be the valley of the universe, where the sludge and shit flows. In this way my child....all things will come to you. BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!" Tolle's philosophy must provide some comfort to those who can afford his retreats etc, but to those who labour under intolerable conditions it is HIGHLY impractical, if not an insult. He keeps his mouth shut regarding current human rights abuses. Never mind the "past" Eckhart, which of course "was" now.
granted he also offers "yet there is enormous and still largely unexplored potential in the medium of television"
fair enough.
As far as "large scale manifestations of the ego" in relation to communism (funded by capitalists!) are concerned, yet ANOTHER contradiction. Were they NOT also manifestations of its victims becoming the "valley of the universe" the lowly ones, stripped of ego?
So which IS it!?!? exquisite, divine, suchness of the perfect eternal ONE "advaita" moment or not?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2008 09:21PM by Hugh Manatee.