From linked article:
Cubicles of Charm and Crucibles of Condemnation.How spiritually abusive organizations charm fans and condemn dissenters.
In the spiritually abusive organization, excessive charm quickly becomes excessive condemnation the moment loyalty is betrayed. Any non-supporters are quickly moved to crucibles of condemnation where the heat is turned up until the opposition is melted down.
This condemnation almost always happens in isolation behind closed doors where the organization is able to take greater risks. Those in the cubicles will quickly dismiss any reports of abuse because they have only known their climate of charm.
What the organization fails to understand is that the crucible of condemnation will eventually produce something new to them: people they can no longer charm, intimidate, or silence. People who know the truth and are compelled to make it known to others out of concern for the abused.
Perhaps those still defending abusive organizations such as The Living Word Fellowship have yet to experience "the crucible of condemnation".
Hint: Try making suggestions or speaking up about abusesive behavior you observe or have experienced. You will now become a danger to the organization. You will quickly be moved from the "cubicle of charm" into the "crucible of condemnation", or in our case,