Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by:
Date: August 28, 2019 11:20PM
Reepicheep Wrote:
> Probably another case of different rules for different groups of people.
I suppose we can find solace in the fact that Gary finally put an end to religious hierarchy. By all accounts, it appeared to reek of that at Marilyn's funeral.
Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: reveal
Date: October 15, 2018 03:19AM
FROMSOUTHCHICAGO, I'm glad you asked about Marilyn's funeral because it's something I have thought of posting about on here for some time. I was there and it was very, very odd. One, we had to pay to attend. No kidding. We were told we had to register if we wanted to attend the funeral, and pay $40 per person to "cover costs". I found this extremely bizarre and supremely tacky. Who charges people to attend a funeral?? Especially considering the Hargraves have a ton of money.
Two, besides Marilyn's immediate family (Rick, Marti, Gary, and granddaughter Kaylin) the leaders/shepherds from all of the churches were a part of the processional and recessional in the church, and then at the graveside they had all of the chairs surrounding the immediate area cordoned off. Only VIP were allowed to sit in the chairs, and they had someone placed at the entrance of this sectioned off area to allow or disallow people to sit in the seats. Even though there were a ton of empty seats, the rest of us minions were given standing room only OUTSIDE of the roped off area. In typical TLWF fashion it was very exclusive. It felt very uncomfortable.
Three, Rick did a "Twenty-One Gun Salute" for Marilyn with fire crackers (you know the ones that just make a loud BOOM), simulating what they do for members of the Military who pass on. I was deeply offended by it, because in my opinion that is reserved only for those who have served in the Armed Forces. It seemed highly inappropriate to me and came off very awkward.
Four, at the reception everyone was completely shitfaced. I have not seen so many people wasted at a church function before. I mean, in LA it's kind of par for the course to see people drunk at functions, but this was just over the top. It was all just very, very strange in every regard.