Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: July 05, 2023 11:22PM

Posted by: FCSLC ()
Date: July 04, 2023 09:38AM

The exhilarating sense of individual independence and agency was never taught to the congregants of TLWF. Unlike natural people who “love and appreciate” their universal right to do as they please, TLWF congregants were basically denied and even warned against that life-giving teaching.

Happy Independence Day to all.


Good observation FCSLC. Happy Independence Day to you too!

Every once in awhile I think of a "word" brought by John Robert Stevens in about 1976: "Sitting In The Cell With The Door Open." And I realize that that is exactly what I was doing for over forty years. Just not in the way that JRS described. Let freedom ring!

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: July 05, 2023 11:36PM

Changedagain, you have a great talent for reposting and weaving salient points together. I appreciate very much that you do this here.

Posted by: typer
Date: November 07, 2019 08:51AM

It is so weird. I still get afraid and flinch when I think of certain things. I'm actually a little scared right now to share this, for fear John S**er will come to my house and kill me. Please don't quote me on the following, but the words are pretty close to what was said.

One time a few years ago we had a little intercession group at the PL church led by John S**er. He would get this "fire" in his eyes and say to me (us) don't get to close to him because he was very intense in his intercession and he could blow us away. It made me extremely fearful to pray vocally in his presence, lest he rebuke me for not being violent enough. It was so weird and very dreadful.


Changed and Typer, well...John S**er was parroting something that John Robert Stevens used to say. He often mentioned that he couldn't participate in intercession with the congregation (mere mortals that we were) because his prayers were so intense and violent that we would not be able to handle it

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 06, 2023 12:02AM

Thanks, Reep. For some reason I enjoy doing this--which means it must be opposed to God's will ;)

Changedagain, you have a great talent for reposting and weaving salient points together. I appreciate very much that you do this here.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 06, 2023 12:32AM

Not to compare my intensity to John's--but back in the mid-70's I recall handing out flyers to homes near our local church during the day, urging them to evacuate immediately because that evening I would be engaged in violent intercession against principalities, powers and all sorts of evil in the spirit realm.

Note: I may have have included a certain ballroom dancer, too--not sure.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 06, 2023 06:06AM

I still think the most effective sessions of intercession took place when people were sh*tfaced (a level above drunk), righteously angry and more than willing to smash things to oblivion in a church know, as long as other people paid for it.

Reep wrote:
Changed and Typer, well...John S**er was parroting something that John Robert Stevens used to say. He often mentioned that he couldn't participate in intercession with the congregation (mere mortals that we were) because his prayers were so intense and violent that we would not be able to handle it

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 07, 2023 02:27AM

It turns out that this quote is not from the Sermon on the Mount. Boy, did I get duped:

"Blessed are those who have no sympathy,
for they shall rise up the chain of command."

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: July 07, 2023 05:51AM

Changedagain wrote:

turns out that this quote is not from the Sermon on the Mount. Boy, did I get duped:

"Blessed are those who have no sympathy,
for they shall rise up the chain of command."

That just about sums up the Walk mentality. And here I always thought that it should have been:

"Blessed are those who give a damn, for they shall not be damned."

Meanwhile, the highest of the high leaders cared only for themselves.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 07, 2023 10:33PM

Posts by Changed4me and Invisible from late July of 2013:

Posted by: Changed4me
Date: July 30, 2013 10:19AM

John's first wife was named Martha Stevens. John and Martha lived in a home in North Hollywood on Kling St. The Blix House was connected directly behind John's home. What I know about Martha is from what others told me or from comments JRS made. I do know that John would have the women that lived in the Blix House, when it was first opened as a communal home, take Martha out to the market, or for ice cream... primarily to give him time alone. Of course that was not their primary role... but an interesting fact about the dynamics of John and Martha at the time.

John would often walk a path to their Blix House to "get away" from Martha. The Blix House had several young women who were dedicated and committed to "serving the apostle". Marilyn, her children Rick and Marti as well as Marilyn's mother Bessie lived there as well. You got to stay there only if you met the dedication requirements. It became the center for the group of women that traveled with John to services.

As in any relationship, over time people have differences. John and Martha no longer thought the same way about where his ministry was going. Marilyn was a very strong spirited individual and I am sure Martha was aware of Marilyn's influence. To be clear, there were several woman prior to Marilyn who were thought to be groomed as John's right hand support ministry... it was not just Marilyn. Ultimately she became the final chosen one.

I remember working with a guy in the church doing landscaping. One day we saw John and Marilyn parked on a secluded street... it looked like they were just talking. The guy I was with told me this was not the first time he had seen them together in that area. He explained to me that John needed the time away from Martha in order to work on sermons. This guy is the first person to tell me that Martha was a Nephilim. I remember the church praying against the nephilim spirit that was battling with JRS. When I found out that Martha was supposedly one of them I thought anyone that doesn't think like you do or anyone that doesn't want to do what you want to do must be a nephilim.

Marilyn's power and control over JRS was slow and gradual. Of course she was influential in JRS's decision to divorce Martha. As John's illness became worse, she became more influential.

Posted by: Invisible
Date: July 30, 2013 10:43AM

I remember the majority of the members back in the day were young people and many were searching and looking for a father figure. Many found something they ( in part ) needed in the church , that J.R.S. gave them by how he related to them and by the things he spoke about God from the pulpit.

Over the years many came to relate to John as being far more than an ordinary man, as being far more than a man . The many of the majority of the people came to idolize John. He became in their hearts and minds their Spiritual Father on earth. They over time came to look to John, relating to him as if he were all but God or as if he was the closest person on earth to being God, as their Spiritual Father. They built a place so high up for him on the throne of their hearts and in their minds, that they made him into their idol.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 10, 2023 08:37PM

A post by 'Wasted' from October 2020:

Posted by: Wasted
Date: October 31, 2020 06:28AM

I have spent a lot of time reading many people’s stories and experiences within the cult that was/is The Living Word Fellowship. It is horrible, disgusting, and I am so sorry for all of those it has impacted. Thank you to so many who have shared. I sincerely hope as you move forward from these experiences you are able to find peace, healing, and justice.

I know many people that have also shared personal stories with me that have not spoken publicly about things (myself included) that makes it evident there are endless layers to the destruction this organization has caused. Some encounters so terrible that individuals have blocked it out of their minds to never have to relive it again. I have seen a therapist on a regular basis for 2-3 years now to help uncover things I have forgotten, talk about the things I was told never to speak of, and unravel my mind and emotions to simply try to feel normal.

I wanted to share some of my story in hopes that it will help in the healing process. Many have been able to continue with life as normal, but I find myself struggling on a daily basis to keep going – and many days feel like I won’t make it.

I was born into the fellowship and a part of it my entire life until about 3 years ago. I left “officially” about 6 months before Shalom’s letter was released. I grew up in a church that was considered a “local church” not a “kingdom facility.” The church I was in connected with Shiloh as the kingdom facility in charge, though throughout the 80’s , 90’s, and 00’s , directives from Shiloh were still often coming from or influenced by the Los Angeles facility.

My experience as a kid (0-18) was really nothing negative towards me. However, I learned things that happened to my parents once the Shalom letter came out that I never knew. For example: my mom was told not to further her career and education, but to focus on giving her paycheck to the church (her full paycheck) to support the kingdom. My dad was called a Nephilim and the church directed people to pray for his death and business failure. My mom was sexually assaulted and raped. They both volunteered at the church 20-40 hours a week. I never knew any of that was happening as a kid, except volunteer time because I was there for part of it. Even with all of that I was told to give my life to the church, and was called rebellious whenever I asked a question or acted like a normal kid/teenager.

When I was 18, John and Chris S**er entered my life, and to put it simply, ruined my life. But…I didn’t know that yet. J&C were “commissioned” over the young people at that time, and had just moved to Palmer Lake, CO. Our local church was closed down by Gary and Marilyn after they visited (the one and only time they ever visited), and all of the money that the local church had (which was quite a bit) and that the local church was never allowed to spend, was given to the General Fund in a church transfer. My parents moved to Colorado as they were directed to, and in a visit to CO with my family, that’s where John and Chris inserted themselves and changed people’s lives for no agenda but their own…and Gary and Marilyn’s…of course.

As this is already long, I’ll pause for now, and return later. Still to come on J&C…forced relationships, submission, more nephilims, abuse of all kinds (sexual, mental, physical, substance, financial, etc), abortion, neglect, public displays of discipline and power, and more!

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: July 13, 2023 01:32AM

A few posts from February of 2017 re: Bob M.

Posted by: changedagain
Date: February 01, 2017 08:22AM

One of the few things I'm proud is my response to being put over the worship schedule in SG during the last couple years of Bob M's life, and letting him do whatever the hell he wanted, including skipping the services. Of course, it was a private agreement we had, and hopefully it will never come to light.

p.s. the agreement was benign in nature. He wanted to get out of all the church obligations placed on him, spend some time with his son...taking trips to the desert, if I recall. Sounded good to me...still does.

Invisible wrote:

Changed Again,
You must have been very close to Bob M. You have spoken of him often. It seems you were so very close to him, and identified with his suffering and affliction at the time you "allowed." him to skip services - he must have shared with you many of the things he experienced and went through because at times , he was very vocal privately, to several of the members. I have noticed you have chosen not to speak openly and clearly - about what he personally shared with you.

You must have good reason for keeping some things confidential but it is difficult to know and understand sometimes what it is that you are really saying - when you convey and express your self thru sarcasm.

I really believe that you sincerely cared for Bob M. and I can only but think by the things you have written, that there was nothing more you could do to have helped him but to have been his friend, who loved him the best way you could, during some very difficult years.

I hope you will not be offended or angry with me for speaking so directly and personally to you in what I am writing to you in response to what you posted.

Posted by: puddington
Date: February 01, 2017 11:10AM

Regarding Bob M, who we all loved dearly. I recall hearing that Gary tried to take Impact away from him. Sort of an "apostolic take-over". And that once Gary was in the driver's seat he ran the company into the ground. Not sure how accurate this is.

But I've heard of Gary taking over several "kingdom businesses" and really making a mess of them. Seems to be a pattern there. Perhaps he doesn't have good business sense. Greg G must have to rescue him often.

Posted by: changedagain
Date: February 01, 2017 02:23PM

Invisible Wrote:

> I hope you will not be offended or angry with me
> for speaking so directly and personally to you in
> what I am writing to you in response to what you
> posted.

No, I'm not offended by what you write. You've experienced quite a bit of affliction due due to the overbearing/meddling nature of TLWF leadership--and you have every right to express your opinion, whether it coincides with mine or anyone else. Yes, I was close to Bob--and he did share with me his feelings on many matters that personally hurt him. Of course, he wasn't perfect (who is?), but the callous treatment he received from 'Christ in the earth' was completely undeserving.

p.s. Bob enjoyed my humor--sarcasm and all. It helped him deal with the harshness of what he was going through.

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