Posted by: Sagehen ()
Date: May 01, 2017 06:31PM
I agree with much of what "larry bobo" posted May 1, 2017, I too had to ask myself why I fell for the hook! Mine took me back to the Charasmatic teachings in the early '60s and led right into what JRS was teaching in the early '70s when we , my late husband and I joined. I also see this is still the focus of many groups still today, that being, "We have more Light than the others"!
I was ripe for the taking.......JRS, "To be a Christian" hooked me.
I was an idealistic teenager looking for someone to resonate with my ideals. I
found the Walk....
"To be a Christian, as I understand Christ, means the acceptance of
the absolute authority of Jesus in all of my life. It means that in
everything I am and do—when I eat and drink, when I buy and sell,
when I work and play, when I read and think—that I look to Jesus as
my Master. It means that I enthrone Him as King in my affections;..."