excerpt from hyscience.com
"Earlier today, a poster discounted the effectiveness of culpable inefficiency, because, as he put it, the social reference was as corrupt as the act perpetrated by Dr. Phil and company. This specifics of his argument I will omit and concentrate on the crux.
In my last two evening's posts, I explored the vocabulary which could be employed to criticize the actions of Jamie Skeeter and Dr. Phil McGraw in forging the tapes of the conversation with Deepak Kalpoe. What I will do tonight is expand that vocabulary and included a few more participants.
The critical incident, involving the forged, 8-second Beta tape occurs on the Dr. Phil Show. There were prior airings; however, it is in this particular airing in which Dr. Phil vies for authentication. In order to persuade his audience, as to the incriminating evidence contained within the 8-second Beta tape, Dr. Phil McGraw props his stage with familiar faces, well-accredited by the American audience: Jamie Skeeter (former police chief and polygraphist), Harold Copus (former FBI agent), Clint van Zandt (former FBI kidnapping investigator and MSNBC News analyst), Ty Ritter (kidnapping liberator) and Beth Twitty (a commanding figure in the case). With the props on stage, Dr. Phil airs the forged, 8-second video of Deepak Kalpoe admitting to multiple sexual encounters with the an "easy-virtue" victim. With the tacit affirmation of the props, Dr. Phil passes his forged, 8-second video to the American audience. At no time do any of the props, especially Jamie Skeeter who taped the conversation with Deepak Kalpoe, object to any of the forged content.
Many of us would simply assume that personages like Clint van Zandt, Harold Copus, Ty Ritter and Beth Twitty were duped by Dr. Phil McGraw. Our earlier discussion of culpable inefficiency does not seem to apply to any of these props. Certainly, we would be hard-pressed to claim that Clint van Zandt, Harold Copus, Ty Ritter or Beth Twitty actively participated in the forgery of the tapes. "
read on.
Phil is very lgatty to me. Props, like those used in the audiences at lgats, give credibility where none is due.