I hope you know that those negative thoughts you are having, are creating and mirroring back those same results in your life?
If we think the thought, "these LGAT Gurus are just out to scam us", then guess what? We ATTRACT LGAT Guru's into our life that just want to scam us, and [b:be7bbc896e]we make them scam us[/b:be7bbc896e] by our negative thoughts.
On the other hand if we think, "these wonderful teachers want to help me have a terrific life", then we attract them into our life, and they have a wonderful life with all of our money!
Obviously, I am being sarcastic, sorry if I traumatized you for a sec!
But I have been thinking about this a lot, and this might be one of the most evil and nasty belief systems out there, when abused. Bascially, the "New Thought" Gurus tell people...
-if you do what I tell you to do with this New Thought belief system, then great things will happen for you.
-if you criticize what I am telling you to do, then your own negative thoughts are going to make your life a literal hell on earth.
Its the same thing as primitive religion. Its based on FEAR. If you don't do what I say, then you are literally going to HELL.
But with this "New Thought" stuff, they say, if you don't listen to me, then you are damning yourself to a hell on earth, with lack of money, lack of love, shitty career, cancer, and everything else.
They have taken the Human Condition, which we are all subject to, and they say, you can ESCAPE the human condition, by following me, and doing what I tell you to do, buying my CD's, books, DVD's..etc.
But if you DOUBT me and my teachings, then you are cursing yourself by your own negative thoughts, and thus creating cancer in your body, misery, debt, mental illness, alcoholism, and everything else that is horrible.
That shit is evil. Literally.
I used to practice this very "New Thought" stuff many years ago, and so I happen to know basically everything about it. But I had rejected it many years ago, and never really thought about much after that.
But as I now look back on it, and look into it, I can now see how very dangerous and abusive it can be. It can wreck your life.
I think I am going to use my own positive thinking to become these "New Thought" practitioners and Gurus, WORST NIGHTMARE!
Now that this New Thought crud has hit Oprah, it needs to be taken down, and exposed for what it is. It really is the supreme mindf*ck, and it has a built in defense mechanism, that if you doubt it, that very doubt causes it to not work.
So you are locked in.
This is why people literally die from this stuff, as when in Christian Science (a form New Thought) they refuse to call a doctor for their child, because by calling the doctor, shows they don't BELIEVE in the mind-cure power of Christ, thus, calling the doctor will cause the child to die, so not calling a doctor, and just "doing a treatment-nothing" is the only thing to do, which results in the poor child suffering, and even dying.
Most of the people in New Thought are trapped by the belief system, which has a Catch-22 built into it. I don't think anyone designed this belief system, I think it is a type of "meme" that is self-perpetuating, and self-sustaining.
Of course, the Big Shots at the top making the $, know its bullshit and does not work, as they see their clients stay the same, so they just live like hypocrites, and drown their sorrows with cash.
There is SERIOUS money in this stuff. Unity, Religious Science, and all of the thousands of New Thought Practitioners...
New Thought has always been about MONEY right from the start, the Fillmores, Mary Baker Eddy, and all the rest of them made serious fortunes from this.
Maybe someone should write an expose on what's behind the Secret?
Guess how many books they would sell? 100?
No thanks.
And in addition to the headphones, you'd probably need dramamine and a barfbag...