The Secret is a marketing ploy, using the old New Thought "mind cure" ideas, same as Unity, Religious Science, Christian Science, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Choprah, Abraham-Hicks, and zillions of other people. Its the same New Age idea that has been sold since the 1980's and before.
(You can watch the movie for free right here, as of now)
Free online version of the film (Complete Version), The Secret [/color:4f66c284bf]
Its a sham from top to bottom. Rhonda Byrne just took a bunch of the ideas, interviewed some people, and slapped it together, to cash-in on the What The Bleep craze. She even uses some of the same hacks from What The Bleep.
She is also using the technique of The DaVinci Code, that is all a big conspiracy, which is pure marketing 101.
She got lucky, and is making millions as we speak. They are even literally selling Gratitude Rocks, which are just rocks, for up to $40.
Rhonda is very slick, and is very dishonest, pretending its a Secret, when this crap has been promoted since the 1800's, starting with Quimby.
I know all about this "New Thought" stuff, and its a mental trap, and leads to absurd ideas like the people in the Holocaust attracted that to themselves, and those in the Twin Towers attracted that as well. Nonsense.
Its a junky philosophy, and it can entrap people, as part of the philosophy is to NEVER DOUBT, and if you doubt, you attract doubt. So you have to BELIEVE, no matter what.
People get trapped into a Catch-22, and really can mess themselves up.
Visualization, and positive thinking, in its basics are great. But this stuff goes WAY beyond this, and says you ATTRACT everything, including cancer, and you can "melt" cancer away with positive thoughts, and all the rest of it...
I think JACK CANFIELD is behind this...he was seated right next to Oprah. I think Jack set this up, planned it, financed it, and is marketing it, and has a cut of the profits. Can't prove that...yet...
more later...