I went to my local library to get Outrageous betrayal : the dark journey of Werner Erhard from est to exile by Steven Pressman.
It was not on the shelf, the location listed in the catalogue was 'Administration'
So I ask at the desk, the helpful man says it is 'upstairs' and it will only take a day or two to retrieve.
A week later no word, so I ask again. A phone call later to 'upstairs' I get told "that book is marked for deletion". I ask why. "It happens all the time, after all it is 10 years old"
10 years old? It is one of the newer books. The librarian thought I was nuts when I suggested a Landmarkian member of staff might have wanted it removed.
She has requested it from another library. This should be interesting.
The Anticult
Its certainly possible a Landmarkian Librarian could put the book on deletion status.
Or even a Landmarkian patron could just "lose it" to get it off the shelf.
They want that book off the shelf, and its not in all libraries.
But libraries do get rid of books all the time..
I have seen critical articles from cults missing from the library.
I recall one example when years of a certain magazine was in the system, but the ONE ISSUE with a large article on one cult was missing from several libraries. The cult obviously sent someone to get rid of it.
Thank goodness for digital articles now.
Since Outrageous Betrayal is out of print, hopefully [b:8bc6bfca71]someone out there in cyberland will scan the book as a PDF, and then release into the P2P and torrent system[/b:8bc6bfca71]. That would only be about 20 minutes work to scan the book...maybe someone already has...its very easy to do...a person just scans the book in Adobe Acrobat as a vector graphics image of the text (not OCR).
Here are some used copies for cheap...
But interlibrary loan is possible as well...
The Anticult
Its certainly possible a Landmarkian Librarian could put the book on deletion status.
Or even a Landmarkian patron could just "lose it" to get it off the shelf.
They want that book off the shelf, and its not in all libraries.
But libraries do get rid of books all the time..
I have seen critical articles from cults missing from the library.
I recall one example when years of a certain magazine was in the system, but the ONE ISSUE with a large article on one cult was missing from several libraries. The cult obviously sent someone to get rid of it.
Thank goodness for digital articles now.
Since Outrageous Betrayal is out of print, hopefully [b:811064b388]someone out there in cyberland will scan the book as a PDF, and then release into the P2P and torrent system[/b:811064b388]. That would only be about 20 minutes work to scan the book...maybe someone already has...its very easy to do...a person just scans the book in Adobe Acrobat as a vector graphics image of the text (not OCR).
Here are some used copies for cheap...
But interlibrary loan is possible as well...
John Fox
I'd really encourage anyone to get the author's permission before they go scanning and uploading a copy for the good of mankind.
An author puts in a lot of work to produce the content (which we obviously value highly) and it rightly belongs to them.
No matter what screaming chasm of need there is for the information, you should obtain permission from the author wherever possible. It's the right thing to do.
Otherwise, feel free to write and donate your own original content.