Statement from Dr. John Grinder regarding the namejacking of www.JohnGrinder.com by the Tad James Organization October 2000
I wish to bring to the attention of the NLP community a situation which is highly incongruent with the ethics of work and play within this same community.
Some months ago, Matthew James, son and collaborator of Tad James, a publicly recognized figure in the NLP world registered both my name and the name of the other co-creator of NLP, Richard Bandler as domain names.
Essentially this means that when some person seeking a connection with either myself or Bandler searches the world wide web using our very own names, they are connected to the James website.
These unethical actions were taken without any permission, consultation or notification to me and they do not represent any connection I desire with respect to my name. I have repeatedly requested that this practice known on the www as name jacking and considered even within the anarchic environment of the web to be one of the lowest criminal actions possible - to date, the James have chosen not to comply or even respond.
Evidently there are those within the NLP community who have failed to make the simple and honest distinction between modeling and stealing. Further apparently not satisfied to simply misappropriate patterning which I and others have worked years to codify without reference to or acknowledgment of our work for their personal profit, the James have decided to attempt to steal our names.
We request that members of the NLP community make their response to this despicable situation apparent to the James directly at their website which (sadly) you can get to by clicking on : www.JohnGrinder.com .
I suggest further that this information be make available to alert otherwise well intentioned seekers of knowledge of NLP of the ethical shortcomings of the James organization - after all, if the messenger is fundamentally incongruent with the message they carry, how will this reflect on us all in our endeavor to bring the patterning of excellence to those interested in improving the quality of their lives.
All the best,
John Grinder
Co-creator of NLP