Its really very important work the EFF is doing here.
There are some interesting points in the article.
The French television station that broadcast the documentary has not objected to its appearance online.
That seems to point toward the idea that the Google lawsuit in France is not from the TV station.
Landmark has hired a lawyer in Australia to tell the CAIC to take down the video in 7 days, or they will sue them. They also have the sheer idiocy to tell them to REMOVE ANY LINKS TO THE VIDEO! Landmark is out of their legal minds, and drunk with delusions of grandeur.
Are they going to sue the Google cache as well for the links in it?
Hopefully the CAIC is going to be able to get some legal assistance to fight off Landmark.
In public statements, Landmark General Counsel Art Schreiber insists that Landmark supports free speech. We urge Landmark to take a stand for the principles of free expression and get out of the censorship racket--the answer to criticism is to explain and promote your own view. Landmark may believe that using copyright notices to takedown criticism is a winning formula, but it will ultimately come back to haunt Landmark.
I like the way they use the word "racket", nice touch.
Its great to see that the EFF is playing hardball with Landmark.
But its clear that Landmark will file many lawsuits to try to stop the video. Its very clear they are willing to spend large amounts of money trying to bully, and threaten people, and continue on their Internet Censorship Campaign.
Bottom line, its time to really take off the gloves, and for people to get to work and engage in daily ACTIVISM globally exposing Landmarks attempts at Internet Censorship.
If people spent just 30 minutes a day posting links, and publicizing what Landmark is doing, it would really begin to add up. They could post to newsgroups, media outlets, and do anything else they can think of.
I suppose that some folks out there have already figured out how to upload the Landmark expose' video from an anonymous internet cafe, and to put it up on some website perhaps in Russia, or somewhere else that is harder for Landmark to file more frivolous attacks. Then even if the CAIC website is forced to drop the video, there will be another place to link to for people to download it, as not everyone has a bit-torrent application.
One supposes the video could go on the other P2P networks as well.
Hopefully, once Landmark loses this battle, then this video will be the start of the downfall of Landmark.