Ingenious idea!Quote
copy the video to a CD-r or DVD-r and hand them out outside your local Landmark Center on their free intro. night they have once a month and at the graduation night where enrollees encourage family and friend to attend.
if you go to the official Landmark site that will tell you when the introduction meetings will happen in your area. the graduation nights happen the Tuesday after they have the Basic course, which happen during the weekend.
LEC's scheduling page.
again, they'll have the Tuesday graduation event the Tuesday following the basic course. can anyone say what time in the evening? same as the free intro. meeting I assume, but does who knows for sure?
along with the disc, I might also give away some candy like a Hershey mini-bar or something. some way of showing appreciation for watching the video. that should amuse people, too.
Acid Reindeer
copy the video to a CD-r or DVD-r and hand them out outside your local Landmark Center on their free intro. night they have once a month and at the graduation night where enrollees encourage family and friend to attend.
if you go to the official Landmark site that will tell you when the introduction meetings will happen in your area. the graduation nights happen the Tuesday after they have the Basic course, which happen during the weekend.
Wouldn't those in Landmark monitor this Forum and be prepared for this?
Wouldn't those in Landmark monitor this Forum and be prepared for this?
Will be interesting to see if anyone actually does this and posts an update.
Attempting to inform/educate potential recruits is a great thing to do. I wish someone had been outside the intro session I went to. I had some suspicions and saw some red flags at the session. Had there been some activists outside with info (and it doesn't have to be a DVD, just a "warning/buyer beware" flyer with a short message about the nature of the so-called "course" with references to learn more), I like to think that I would have said NO THANKS!