Does anyone know who these people were in the "Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard" trailer???
Was the fellow in the pink shirt in the "Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard" Art Schreiber? - "when the est training began, there was nothing like it...what is this stuff is it a religion is it brainwashing..."
Who was the guy in the beginning of the trailer talking about how "intense" the Est Training was? - "it was an intense look at yourself"
Who was the woman in the red shirt? - "it was direct and compassionate, like ruthless compassion"
I'm assuming the fellow in the dark suit in the green marble office was Randy McNamara? - "most people were very very uptight"
I think you correctly identified Art Schreiber and Randy McNamara, but I'm really not sure. No idea about the other ones. Anyone else have any ideas on this?