Where do I begin? Let me explain first how I got here. Last night on Heartland (FOXNews) I saw an interview wiht this Ross guy. They were talking about the wackjob in Florida that claimed to be Christ - sorta. So, I thought I'd see more on this subject at culteducation.com.
First, I saw several accusations of "cult" to be wrong. At the same time, I saw more accusations that I agree with. Cult is anything remotely like the koolaide drinkers from Jim Jones, ok? Scientology, in my opinion, is a cult too. So, in seeing the list of "cults" I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Ross defines any religion/church/denomination as a cult. Any and all of them, but that is simply incorrect. Scripture memory, and fellowship with like minded people are not a bad thing, and it certainly does not make it a cult activity. It's like seeing the boogy man under every bed and in every closet.
Regarding this thread - I went to a ACE school for one year. I hated it. I was not abused physically or mentally or emotionally. I just hated the cubbie holes. I needed hands on learning.
Now, if you go to a Christian school one would expect to learn about Christianity. It WILL be part of the curriculum. There is nothing wrong with that. Nothing. I must note that you guys should not generalize so much. Not every ACE school or any Christian school is the same, and thank goodness, from what I've read. In the public schools I learned about sex and drugs, got in fights and found out in a very heartbreaking way that kids are so cruel. IMO, my public school experience was no better than that year at the ACE school.
As for the comment with regards to wanting the government to insist kids are taught by "qualified" teachers. I have a HUGE problem with that. I am in my 6th year home schooling my kids. We have a blast! My oldest daughter (7th grade) just tested high school level in all subjects. 10th grade level to be exact. They are on the swim team, go to book club and have more activities than I can keep up with!
The minute the government puts their nose in private Christian schools (abuse cases should be investigated, by the way) that will be the day that they will try to impose on my right to home school my children.[/quote]
From GentleStormi
i have also heard good reports from homeschooling issues,
yes in a christian school you would expect a christian bent, but in the ACE there is a strict rigid extreme fundamentalist point of view, especially like the ones that David Gibbs supports. the ones like Roloff Shootoff schools and 'homes' still in active use today.
in this setting, there is no allowance for understanding God, there is no real teaching and learning done, they truly are from the anti-intellectual arena of life on earth. for sure! they are scared to explore and find other ways of seeing things. Of looking at the mountain from other views. which i am not, i may not agree with a perspectives point on something, but i am becoming more and more abled to at least get closer to look wihtout thinking the devil is gonna get me. or worse God. God is love and in Roloffs they did not teach love only Fear, yet perfect love casts out fear, and fear has to do with punishment so anytime any one uses God for punitive reasons it will sadly shatter spirits and not set people free to know God.
i do not believe anyone in government is worried about your freedom to homeschool your children. what i do hear in your voice is the same anti goverment distrust i grew up in. my dad was a JBS and it impacted me and Roloffs disdain for governing authority is surely the ingrediants to a cult. roloffs was a cult, they have his image to this day stamped onthe curtains in that place in corpus! i just seen it, and they have him enthroned in the Jack Hyles Andersons College, Roloff refused to be under any authority, he decided to BE the authority, and it backfired and left many kids with broken lives. State oversight of "lock down detention facilities" i believe is a MUST, the confusion on roloffs is because they clamed it was Separation of Church and State, he hid behind that, and i got to tell you , that taking in young persons who are suicidal, depressed, abused, pregnant from their dads, and then condemning them and mind controlling them was not "practicing ones faith" , they locked them up, treated them as if they were incorrigible, and whores, (who got pregnant by their dads incest) and it was a lie, i believe firmly that the homes Roloff ran and his ACE schooling should have been monitored by something other than the fox watching the hen house,
worshiping God in our own way and with a free conscience is the beauty of our nations constitutional rights, but creating dorms across the nation from coast to coast where you beat and lock up kids and force them to do ACE work is in need of dire help and intervention .....
these places are in existence today, there are two in Florida and one in Montana, and one in NC, they exist they are doing just what they have been always doing. destroying souls and minds
and they use ACE
about the idea of the defintion of "cult"
to me a cult is about a man who leads a body of followers and he is basically got some psychotic sociopathic qualities and very narccissitic
he has a "fight" and a "cause" and brings in those who will stand behind their "hero". but no you are correct, there is much to be gained from safe community,
when and if you are in a community and feel yourself being sucked in more and more, could be a sign that the group or communty is like unto a black hole that will rob you of your freedom to live a life.
safe community inmy opinion is respectful of your individual boundaries of life. and will indeed PROMOTE critical thinking, not stamp on it
Roloff Rebekah Cult Survivor