Hi there, i am GentleStormi,
i am a survivor of the Lester Roloff Rebekah Home for Girls in Corpus Christi Texas.
This and his other unlicensed homes that have branched out across the US and even across the Mexico Border...have all circulated around the use of ACE to educate.
i went thru teh ACE, and i can tell you now at age 41, it is an irresponsible way to educate kids. It fails in teaching young people to think, it teaches robot memory and did not for me, nor otherrs i have spoken with, promote the mind to think and grow. it just inputs data that is meaningless outside of thinking, and expects the student to "spit it out" for an "A" on thier test...not a good way to teach children to think and discern...!! it is the kind of education cults would love to use, as it helps cults to control what people [b:e30b4d6887][i:e30b4d6887]do[/i:e30b4d6887][/b:e30b4d6887] think...
here is a link concernnig the Rebekah Home for Girls , the articles name is: Remember the Christian Alamo, by Pamela Coloff, printed in December 2001 issue of the Texas Monthly article.
Hi, i am a Survivor of the Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls from Corpus Christi Texas.
Lester Roloff was an extreme right wing fundamentalist, who had a very severe narcissistic personality disorder and exhibited grandiosity on a large scale,
He began many juvenile facilties across the United States of America. Fighting State government oversight, to keep State oversight out of his locked up facilities where we girls were being shattered behind closed doors. (they were not "homes" nor "churches", they were locked down facilities detention facilities for socieity's throw away abused kids)
There was a constant stream of mindcontrol in the place, one of the most henious of which were the Night time tapes we had to listen to when asleep at nights. They would play them between 3 am and 4am, and it was not your regular 'sermon' tapes. But what i refer to as "Roloffs Scripts" he read to us in our sleep.
along with the mindnumbing chanting of scriptures, for hour at a time.
We girls were not guilty of anything other than being from homes that had abused us and in need of some good counseling.
These homes by Lester Roloff were mindcontrolling cults.. i know , i was there when i was 15 and i am now 41, and still trying to find my mind and know my own self, and have the true God mend the shatters of my spirit back together.
Thank you for having this wonderful forum here!
I have a group for Roloff Sisters Survivors,
here is the link to the group at yahoo:
i have the Roloff Survivors Site webpage up and running at:
it is constantly being updated
we have a guestbook and it is open to sign.
Patricia Alexander
Roloff Rebekah Cult Survivor to Overcomer