Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: January 24, 2011 02:44AM

"I asked the Lord should I stay or leave?"..... As a Christian you are to hold all teachings to the true WORD and if proven wrong or deviating against the written word you are commanded to not only leave but RUN away.If you stayed through the bad times were you not supporting EVIL? Just wondering?

"He told me to stay and fight the battle that was going on at TP"...... If there is a battle in a so-called church and everyone knows it, are they not all supporting EVIL? And does that confession by you not support the idea that all that stayed and supported and kept the misdeeds in the dark are,were and will most likely continue to be a HOUSE WHERE GOD DID NOT and most likely chooses not to DWELL?

"A lot was caused because the enemy entered in and our walls were down."..... I do not know how long you were or have been exposed to the twisted word available to all the itching ears at that dump but if you paid attention to anything that Mike,Jeff or any other of the manipulative,authoritive,legalistic,intolerant bible abusers that preached or were brought in to preach there in a nutshell the message was "INSIDE THE WALLS OF TPWOC IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD GIVEN SHELTER YOU WILL NEED!SUBMIT TO MIKE THE FALSE APOSTLE AND ALL YOUR WORLDLY DESIRES WILL COME TO BE.LEAVE AND HOW MANY OF YOU KNOW THE ENEMY IS OUT THERE,HOW MANY KNOW HE IS OUT THERE AND JUST WAITING TO DEVOUR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE,HE WANTS YOUR HOUSE,YOUR CAR YOUR JOB YOUR MARRIAGE YOUR FINANCES! YADA YADA YADA

So I ask once and for all,how can anyone possibly think God was directing or present or that the spirit ever was or could have been present at TPWOC? ,you yourself are saying TPWOC was operating IN THE DARK VOID OF THE WORD AND SPIRIT....................................unless it is just me like Mike says!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2011 02:46AM by ostracizedone.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 24, 2011 04:37AM

I have gone to TP for quite some time. I too saw the abuse of authority, the faith movement (health and wealth) false doctrine enter in and various programs keeping people so busy that they were losing their love for God. They were in the wrong field and the harvest yielded smaller fruit. They were trying to do things in their own strength rather than God's strength. Pride was running rampant in many.

I asked the Lord should I stay or leave? He told me to stay and fight the battle that was going on at TP. A lot was caused because the enemy entered in and our walls were down.

We are now at the beginning starting at the foundation at rebuilding TP from the ground up. Therefore we must forget the former things and start fresh.

Pastor Jeff was left with quite a mess to clean up, but I feel he is doing a good job. We no longer have false doctrine sliding in, nor abuse of authority. In fact the people at TP are much kinder to one another.

I have read the recent blogs which repeatedly put Pastor Jeff down and are now attacking the new elder list and am apalled. The poor comments, slams and talking about past actions which they have repented of is sickening. You are suppose to be Christians. I too was hurt through all of this, but I will not continue to bash people in this way, and I know Jesus would not want us acting in this way.

Let's get on with it.

Dear JesusChristMyDelight,

My husband and I sat down in October with Jeff Barnes to discuss our issues with TPC and our request for the return of our Stewardship donation since the funds were not spent in the manner or in a way that they were solicited or we would have ever have approved had we known the truth, Ken Hale did not bother to show up. We listened to Jeff, but we did not agree with him or his thoughts. Our request for a full accounting with documentation of the Stewardship Fund has been stonewalled by Jeff, Debbie Bowman, and another member of Jeff's advisory committee. How can someone that was complicit in spiritual abuse now be fit to shepherd a flock? How can someone who was complicit in defrauding Stewardship Fund donors of their money and failing to give a full financial accounting to a donor who asked for a full and complete accounting be trusted? Jeff wants nothing more than to move on without being held accountable for his part in what happened to so many at TPC, he said as much when he met with my husband and I.

Those who donated to the Stewardship Fund have a right to know how that money was really spent! Legal action to force an accounting is in the works. Only when transparency in the form of a full accounting to all the donors to the Stewardship Fund can it even be suggested that TPC is different from the church so many of us left. Why would Jeff and Debbie decline a legitimate request for a full accounting if TPC had nothing to hide now that M & C are gone? I hope there are alarm bells going off, because you are wrong if you truly think that anything at TPC has really changed!!

Jeff is not qualified to be a senior pastor by training or experience. If TPC is to continue, then new bylaws need to be adopted with checks and balances to keep pastoral staff accountable to the congregation. A new senior pastor needs to be found who has no relationship to Jeff, Tony, Mike, or anyone else at TPC.

D of D

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2011 05:00AM by Daughter of Dorcas.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 24, 2011 12:11PM

The notion that Turning Point Church World Outreach is "at the beginning starting at the foundation at rebuilding TP from the ground up" is an interesting notion indeed. Jeff was fully aware and fully engaged in the fabrications and falsifications that took place. He wholeheartedly embraced and vigorously propagated the false teachings that took place in Turning Point Church and at Pacific Northwest Bible College. This is the same man who is now "rebuilding from the ground up."

Jeff and Ron continue to serve as elders. Rather than stepping down, they have been tasked with the training of the new elders. How can this possibly be construed as "starting over"? Those who embraced the false teachings are now training up the new elders. This is the blind leading the blind and would be funny if it werent so seriously dysfunctional.

Instead of casting the bright light of transparency on the financial transactions of ALL Turning Point Church and Pacific Bible College accounts for the last 5 years the old leaders and the new leaders continue the policy of deny, deflect, distort. If Jeff were serious about "starting over" and "rebuilding a new foundation" he would be wise to do a full independent forensic audit of all the financial accounts for the last 5 + years. Why does this suggestion put fear into Jeff's heart and mind? Instead of starting over it appears to be "more of the same".

This is why I am glad that JC is MD has joined the discussion here on the forum. I am looking forward to their shedding some light on all of the above and correcting any and all of the perspectives I may have that are incorrect.

JCis MD, please, share with us your insights and perspectives. Please, correct any false notions we may have regarding the current leadership of Turning Point Church.

Thank you.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: January 24, 2011 07:53PM

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: January 24, 2011 08:05PM


Dang Mike! You must have really pulled-in some good coin on that stewardship campaign/building fund.Look at the prices that the 68-72 Corvettes are fetching!Did you end up buying one?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: January 24, 2011 10:52PM


“Unless we can show (Hirzel) is showing malice or evil intent, we can’t hold him criminally liable.”

It appears that all anyone who wants a shot at Mike and Cyndy Villamor, Jeff and Kim Barnes,Ron and Rachelle Olin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ralston,Darren and Lisa Bailey,Jeff and Shelly Koellmer or any other unnamed parties in a court of law is prove their actions were done in Malice or with Evil Intent!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: January 25, 2011 02:20AM

Kairos: Becoming An Expert Builder
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pastor Jeff Barnes - God isn't only concerned with what we build but also with how we build it. Today is about tuning your ears to hear your shepherd. (Yip,Yip,Yip) Listen to todays message as we continue in the book of Nehemiah and learn how God is calling you to be an expert builder.
Jeff shares about how Jesus said "on this rock I will build this church and Jesus said not to tear people up!
Jeff shares about rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (TPCWOC) and we will no longer be in disgace any more. And how they will position men at there post with there swords and spears.
Jeff shares about sheep and tells us that Jesus didn't push or smack his sheep. Jeff shares his new sheep calling voice with us.(Yip,Yip,Yip)
Jeff tells us the opposition the enemy will not take a break.
Jeff tells us to sleep with are clothes on and keep watch over yourselves and your brother.
Jeff tells us to back people up and protect there reputation. If someone is speaking ill, we cannot be involved. I would be very weary of a constant dose of criticism. You can listen to anything but if you listen to talk radio and a constant dose of critical comments about people with a unending strait shot of criticism. You will end up with what your inputing. Watch your back and someone elses. I have a warning about ministries that make it a pattern or habit to criticise other ministries. I do not listen to them. I know there is a time and place for that(you do!) and we need to step up for truth. If you listen to those ministries with a constant diet of that you will become what you listen too. You will see the negative. God is the utimate judge. We want truth and there is a place for that.

( Jeff I believe if you would study what some of the cultic teachings within the christian churches you would be able to protect your sheep better. By being well grounded in the word and spending time finding out what and where these false doctrines came from would help you alot. Some times it takes a open mind and you may have to take time to listen to the so called opposition to find out what they believe. In doing this it will help you find the truth and make you into a better student of the bible . Then you will be able to use the word of God as your sword. I know that in my life my two favorite subjects to talk about is religion and politics.( I spend time to listen to the opposition and learned what and why they believe. I do the same thing with the Mormons and Jw's. I make sure I am well grounded in the word and spend time listening and studing what they believe in so I can help them. I think if you would have taken that approach you might of been able to stop the false doctrines that came into your church. Maybe you should consider having a Question and answer meeting with the people on the Forum.)

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2011 02:31AM by buddy.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: UndeniablyLivid ()
Date: January 25, 2011 04:02AM

Dear JCisMD? You say there is no more false doctrine. How about man-centered preaching? All Jeff does is preach about how we should act, what we should do or not do and he uses scripture to make his point. But does he even know how to tackle the tough passages in scripture? Do you even know what Christ-centered teaching sounds like? Have you ever listened to preachers who teach from God's perspective? For sure, it has never been done that way at TPWOC and until that happens, there is still a lot of false doctrine because anything man-centered is false. When Jeff starts preaching verse by verse through the Bible, then maybe, doctrine will be sound there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2011 04:03AM by UndeniablyLivid.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 26, 2011 02:32AM

This my opionion about the Stewardship Campaign:

I only gave a small donation once because I never felt right about the whole thing.
Too many pastors without wisdom are spedning their time building their own material brick and stone temples and, in the process, wounding and scattering sheep and neglecting the true temple, the one not made with human hands. The stupid race to builld costly, oversized churches, towers, Christian playgrounds, and recreation centers is the grief of God. All those hours spent poring over plans, on-site, raising money, and running about should have been spent in prayer and the study of God's word. Does God get the glory when a shepard has to fleece the sheep to build his dream project, then continue to fleece them to keep it afloat. The shepard was all wrapped up in their own dream and neglected the sheep. This a serious thing when it has not been mandated by God.

The very holiness of God is affronted by a shepard who use God's Word as a club to extract money. There is a big difference between a shelter and a showplace. Some want a large showplace because competion comes into play and ego demands a monument to self-achievement, something that makes a statement to others.

True men of God build as a last resort. I felt lost when we left the sanctuary and relocated to the middle school on Sundays. It was too large and did not feel homey like the sanctuary. Others felt the same way as I did. Plus all the time and effort volunteers spent on the set-up and tear down in lieu of time with their families.

Do any of you that donated to the Campaign feel this way? And yes, I do agree that an audit is appropriate even though I was not a campaign participant.

What I meant about the enemy within our walls was I saw a large dragon within the sanctuary tearing it apart and reeking havoc within some years ago. There were other warnings prior to that in visions and dreams I received which I do not want to go into.

The open meeting with the members of the church in regard to the accusations made about Pastor Jackie was sickening. That was sooooooooooo wrong.

And yes I am grounded in the word of God. I have not felt a release from the Lord to leave yet. If the Lord tells me to leave I will and I will go to the church he leads me to. God Bless.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: January 26, 2011 03:59AM

This my opionion about the Stewardship Campaign:

I only gave a small donation once because I never felt right about the whole thing.
Too many pastors without wisdom are spedning their time building their own material brick and stone temples and, in the process, wounding and scattering sheep and neglecting the true temple, the one not made with human hands. The stupid race to builld costly, oversized churches, towers, Christian playgrounds, and recreation centers is the grief of God. All those hours spent poring over plans, on-site, raising money, and running about should have been spent in prayer and the study of God's word. Does God get the glory when a shepard has to fleece the sheep to build his dream project, then continue to fleece them to keep it afloat. The shepard was all wrapped up in their own dream and neglected the sheep. This a serious thing when it has not been mandated by God.

The very holiness of God is affronted by a shepard who use God's Word as a club to extract money. There is a big difference between a shelter and a showplace. Some want a large showplace because competion comes into play and ego demands a monument to self-achievement, something that makes a statement to others.

True men of God build as a last resort. I felt lost when we left the sanctuary and relocated to the middle school on Sundays. It was too large and did not feel homey like the sanctuary. Others felt the same way as I did. Plus all the time and effort volunteers spent on the set-up and tear down in lieu of time with their families.

Do any of you that donated to the Campaign feel this way? And yes, I do agree that an audit is appropriate even though I was not a campaign participant.

What I meant about the enemy within our walls was I saw a large dragon within the sanctuary tearing it apart and reeking havoc within some years ago. There were other warnings prior to that in visions and dreams I received which I do not want to go into.

The open meeting with the members of the church in regard to the accusations made about Pastor Jackie was sickening. That was sooooooooooo wrong.

And yes I am grounded in the word of God. I have not felt a release from the Lord to leave yet. If the Lord tells me to leave I will and I will go to the church he leads me to. God Bless.

(Thank You for your reply and being honest. It takes courage to come out and share your story. Feel free to share more. I am very interested in hearing your insights. I need help with understanding how Jeff Barnes has changed and what false doctrine he has kicked out of the church.
Is he still promoting the director of Marketplace Ministry. How will Jeff continue when some of the people who attend still imbrace some of the false doctrines. In your opinion do you feel like there is still alot of people who still attend who still feel Mike is the victim and that still feel like he did no wrong. Do you feel like this change in new direction would have taken place if Jeff would not of recieved the Letter from the other churches. How do you feel about Jeff and his support of Mike and his attack on people who tried to confront Mike about all the false doctrines. Do feel Jeff lacks discernment when in comes to false doctrine. Do you know what doctrines Jeff feels were wrong. How do you feel about the the money given to Mike when he left Marysville. Did you feel like it was difficult to stay when Mike kept bringing in false teachers like Casey Treat,Dr. Increase and others. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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