To zeebrook: as much as it is possible to know in both cases, Sodini was as much a "Christian brother" as Thieme. And? You knew it on 081409.
[...] Dr Wall stated emphatically that R.B. Thieme Jr "is a Christian brother well within the circle of orthodox Christianity".
Truthtesty: He did not "emphatically" state that. That is your emphasis.
zeebrook: He is saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Truthtesty: And Sodini is not?
zeebrook: He is with the Lord now rejocing in his presence
Truthtesty: And Sodini is not?
zeebrook: and all your vitriol cannot change that fact and that Dr Wall says (paraphrase) Thieme is a believer in Jesus Christ, a Christian brother. [...]
Truthtesty: I question that. Thieme denied the efficacious physical aspect of Jesus' death and the actual Blood of Jesus as efficacious. Thieme did not have faith in the full gospel of Jesus. Even though many "Christian brothers" such as Dr. Wall tried to give Thieme one last chance to turn around from error. Thieme never turned around.
If Thieme were not heretical before refusing Dr. Wall's Christian brother admonishment reaching out to him one last time, then after refusing Dr. Wall's attempt to help him, I think that is when Thieme solidified his heresy. Dr. Wall was giving Thieme one last chance.
Thieme's political murderous vitriol to Christian humanity and good works helped disable Sodini's human sense of right and wrong. And? 3 women are murdered because of Thieme's corrupt cult teachings. Thieme murdered, not with physical bullets(as far as we know), but with verbal bullets. Thieme doctrine destroyed Sodini(and others) while Sodini's body was still alive. Thieme was a mass murderer too. It was just slow verbal murder.
We get many reports (and I was close to witnessing a thiemite who committed suicide) of thiemites who have committed suicide.
zeebrook: Of course you are sceptical of my claims [...]
Truthtesty: With good reason. You bear false witness against me when you knew you did not have the facts.
zeebrook: Furthermore doubt the forum will see much of my challenges to you because the moderator keeps editing the really good bits of my comments.
[Moderator note: No. just the insults and personal attacks, which are against the rules you agreed to before posting here. And if you continue you will be banned from this message board.]Truthtesty: lol more fictional exageration zeebrook? Are you ready to cry your being victimized? Have you no sense of shame about your fiction? Oh you are desensitized to shame "in front of inferior humans"? Yes, because Thieme reeducated you that way? Yes. So you only feel your sense of shame anew when faced with the public undeniable overwhelming truly sickening reality of Thieme's love of killer instinct murder and 3 dead murdered women and 1 premurdered mass murderer? Yes. Send your unfiltered challenges to
Truthtesty@hotmail.comzeebrook: Returning to my initial point: Thieme as a Christian brother and your attempt to associate Sodini as a Christian brother in order to down play Thieme as a Christian brother. Nice try but its a false analogy.
Truthtesty: How is it a false analogy? It is not and you know it. What you just stated is nothing but thiemite false factless rhetoric. My statement is not a false analogy, but it is true in reality and backed with facts. And you can't handle the ugly truth that Sodini believed exactly as Thieme. Sodini was as much of a "Christian brother" as Thieme. That is the ugly truth. Now why with all your so-called "Christian love" do you throw "just as much a" "Christian brother" Sodini under the bus? He went to the Thieme clone church Tetelestai for 13 years. He tried to apply right man right women with a women in the church. It didn't work. Sodini was thrown out. But? Now? Rickard says he's allowed in heaven, but he just wasn't allowed in Tetelestai. Rickard says he's allowed in heaven, but he just wasn't allowed in Tetelestai. Rickard says he's allowed in heaven, but he just wasn't allowed in Tetelestai.
Explain how I am "down play"ing Thieme as a Christian brother? How is this a false analogy? I am spot on. Did not Thieme teach that you could have faith in Jesus once and then turn around quit believing and worship satan the rest of your life murder and still go to heaven? Yes he did. So what is so revolting about "Christian brother" Sodini the premurdered mass murderer? Thieme a cult leader. Why are you ashamed to call Sodini a "Christian brother"? Why are you running away? Why do you consider this a false analogy? It is a true reality. You know it.
My attempt is right on because it is reality. Your argument is with reality (hint: you won't win). It is Sodini's "Christian brotherhood" of which you are ashamed. Sodini READING, LISTENING, ACCEPTING and STUDYING the "Integrity of G-d" and SUBMITTING to Thieme's false corrupt AUTHORITY, in preparation for his "Christian brother" mass murder. NONQUESTIONING Sodini showed the ugly truth of Thieme's "love" for a Christian's murderous killer instinct. As far as "do-right" Sodini it wasn't his fault or Thieme's false right-man/right-woman that he could not find a submissive obedient slave for a wife IT WAS THOSE LIBERAL FEMINISTS(that Thieme vitriolically hated)that were taking over America and driving America into collapse.
zeebrook: Dr Wall has not written, to my knowledge, that Sodini was a Christian brother.
Truthtesty: More false redirection? Tsk tsk. Ridiculous. No one ever said Dr. Wall even knew Sodini. But? You joined the forum on 081009 your friend in false accusations sistersoap posted on 081409 [] "Jack Rickard, a deacon at Tetelestai church, told the press that Sodini is in heaven because “professing a faith in Jesus as Saviour means you will have complete eternal salvation” (“Once Saved, Always Saved,” Valley News Dispatch, Aug. 8, 2009)"
So zeebrook you knew Sodini was a "Christian brother" then on 081409, but you are too ashamed to admit to "Christian brother" Sodini believed exactly like Thieme.
zeebrook: However he did write that Thieme was a Christian brother. So your attempt to expunge from people's memories Dr Wall's clear statement shows up your attempt to muddy the waters.
Truthtesty: I am not muddying anything. I am not expunging anything. I said I am not convinced Thieme is a "Christian brother" and I stand by it. You are "selectively viewing and denying". You completly bypass your cohort sistersoap's post on Sodini's "Christian brotherhood". You try to play Sodini off as if there are no connections to Thieme but there are very very close connections between Sodini and Thieme.(Integrity of G-d).
"Christian brother" is a very broad term isn't it? Depends on who's using it.
I said I was not convinced. And? Since I was incapable of crawling inside Thieme's ear and seeing what he really thought, then? I don't know, YOU don't know and I am not convinced. I am not Dr. Wall. Only G-d, Thieme, Sodini, and satan know their true fate. You apparently just want to emphasize that one statement and ignore Dr. Wall's serious warnings about Thieme's false cult authority and serious errors of false teaching causing serious harm to "Christian brothers. And? You posted before and after your cohort sistersoap's post on Rickard.
Since I helped to bring Dr. Wall's dissertation to the internet for the world to read, no intelligent person can take seriously as truth your statement valid in any way. I AM NOT trying to hide Dr. Wall's view of Thieme in any way. Dr. Wall was a theological source.
Knapp(Thieme copycat) was ordained by Thieme in 1991. Sodini attended Knapp's church for 13 years. Knapp reportedly(Sodini's blog) taught Sodini that he could commit mass murder and go to heaven as long as he had faith in Jesus as saviour. No wonder Thieme taught the same thing.
Only G-d knows what Thieme and Sodini really believed and whether they are in heaven or are burning in hell together. But one thing is probably certain wherever Sodini is? His "Christian brother" Thieme is there with him. How fitting and just.
“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:16).
Yes Titus 1:16 could be said of Thieme and his "once saved always saved" "Christian brother" Sodini, alike.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2009 01:23PM by Truthtesty.