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Sodini didn't believe in being a good human. And he learned that from Thieme and Thieme copycats.
RB Thieme jr quote from "The Integrity of G-d ",
Truthtesty: Perhaps if Sodini had read Vines ( [] ) the night before instead of the Integrity of G-d, things could have been different.
Good, Goodly, Goodness A. Adjectives 1. agathos 2. kalos 3. chrestos B. Nouns 1. chrestotes 2. agathosune 3. eupoiia C. Adverbs 1. kalos 2. eu D. Verbs 1. agathopoieo 2. agathourgeo 3. euergeteo A1. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Adjective] agathos describes that which, being "good" in its character or constitution, is beneficial in its effect; it is used (a) of things physical, e.g., a tree, Matt_7:17; ground, Luke_8:8; (b) in a moral sense, frequently of persons and things. God is essentially, absolutely and consummately "good," Matt_19:17; Mark_10:18; Luke_18:19. To certain persons the word is applied in Matt_20:15; Matt_25:21,23; Luke_19:17; Luke_23:50; John_7:12; Acts_11:24; Titus_2:5; in a general application, Matt_5:45; Matt_12:35; Luke_6:45; Rom_5:7; 1_Pet_2:18. The neuter of the adjective with the definite article signifies that which is "good," lit., "the good," as being morally honorable, pleasing to God, and therefore beneficial. Christians are to prove it, Rom_12:2; to cleave to it, Rom_12:9; to do it, Rom_13:3; Gal_6:10; 1_Pet_3:11 (here, and here only, the article is absent); John_5:29 (here, the neuter plural is used, "the good things"); to work it, Rom_2:10; Eph_4:28; Eph_6:8; to follow after it, 1_Thess_5:15; to be zealous of it, 1_Pet_3:13; to imitate it, 3_John_1:11; to overcome evil with it, Rom_12:21. Governmental authorities are ministers of "good," i.e., that which is salutary, suited to the course of human affairs, Rom_13:4. In Php_1:14, "thy goodness," RV (lit., "thy good"), means "thy benefit." As to Matt_19:17, "why askest thou Me concerning that which is good?" the RV follows the most ancient mss. The neuter plural is also used of material "goods," riches, etc., Luke_1:53; Luke_12:18,19; Luke_16:25; Gal_6:6 (of temporal supplies); in Rom_10:15; Heb_9:11; Heb_10:1, the "good" things are the benefits provided through the sacrifice of Christ, in regard both to those conferred through the Gospel and to those of the coming Messianic Kingdom. See further under kalos. See BENEFIT, GOODS. See also : agathos in other topics A2. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Adjective] kalos denotes that which is intrinsically "good," and so, "goodly, fair, beautiful," as (a) of that which is well adapted to its circumstances or ends, e.g., fruit, Matt_3:10; a tree, Matt_12:33; ground, Matt_13:8,23; fish, Matt_13:48; the Law, Rom_7:16; 1_Tim_1:8; every creature of God, 1_Tim_4:4; a faithful minister of Christ and the doctrine he teaches, 1_Tim_4:6; (b) of that which is ethically good, right, noble, honorable, e.g., Gal_4:18; 1_Tim_5:10,25; 1_Tim_6:18; Titus_2:7,14; Titus_3:8,14. The word does not occur in the Apocalypse, nor indeed after 1 Peter. Christians are to "take thought for things honorable" (kalos), 2_Cor_8:21, RV; to do that which is honorable, 2_Cor_13:7; not to be weary in well doing, Gal_6:9; to hold fast "that which is good," 1_Thess_5:21; to be zealous of good works, Titus_2:14; to maintain them, Titus_3:8; to provoke to them, Heb_10:24; to bear testimony by them, 1_Pet_2:12. Kalos and agathos occur together in Luke_8:15, an "honest" (kalos) heart, i.e., the attitude of which is right towards God; a "good" (agathos) heart, i.e., one that, instead of working ill to a neighbor, acts beneficially towards him. In Rom_7:18, "in me ... dwelleth no good thing" (agathos) signifies that in him is nothing capable of doing "good," and hence he lacks the power "to do that which is good" (kalos). In 1_Thess_5:15, "follow after that which is good" (agathos), the "good" is that which is beneficial; in 1_Thess_5:21, "hold fast that which is good (kalos)," the "good" describes the instrinsic value of the teaching. See BETTER, FAIR, HONEST, MEET, WORTHY. See also : kalos in other topics A3. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Adjective] chrestos said of things, "that which is pleasant," said of persons, "kindly, gracious," is rendered "good" in 1_Cor_15:33, "goodness" in Rom_2:4. See EASY. Note: Lampros denotes "gay, bright," "goodly" in James_2:2, AV, (RV, "fine"); in James_2:3, AV, "gay;" in Rev_18:14 (RV, "sumptuous"). See GORGEOUS, SUMPTUOUS. For asteios, "goodly," Heb_11:23, RV, see BEAUTIFUL. For hikanos, Acts_18:18, AV, "a good while" see WHILE. See also : chrestos in other topics B1. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Noun] chrestotes akin to chrestos, denotes "goodness" (a) in the sense of what is upright, righteous, Rom_3:12 (translated "good"); (b) in the sense of kindness of heart or act, said of God, Rom_2:4; Rom_11:22 (thrice); Eph_2:7 ("kindness"); Titus_3:4 ("kindness"); said of believers and rendered "kindness," 2_Cor_6:6; Col_3:12; Gal_5:22 (RV; AV, "gentleness"). It signifies "not merely goodness as a quality, rather it is goodness in action, goodness expressing itself in deeds; yet not goodness expressing itself in indignation against sin, for it is contrasted with severity in Rom_11:22, but in grace and tenderness and compassion." [ From Notes on Galatians, by Hogg and Vine, p. 292.] See GENTLENESS, KINDNESS. See also : chrestotes in other topics B2. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Noun] agathosune "goodness," signifies that moral quality which is described by the adjective agathos (see agathos). It is used, in the NT, of regenerate persons, Rom_15:14; Gal_5:22; Eph_5:9; 2_Thess_1:11; in the last, the phrase "every desire of goodness" (RV; the addition of "His" in the AV is an interpolation; there is no pronoun in the original) may be either subjective, i.e., desire characterized by "goodness," "good" desire, or objective, i.e., desire after "goodness," to be and do good. Trench, following Jerome, distinguishes between chrestotes and agathosune in that the former describes the kindlier aspects of "goodness," the latter includes also the sterner qualities by which doing "good" to others is not necessarily by gentle means. He illustrates the latter by the act of Christ in cleansing the temple, Matt_21:12,13, and in denouncing the scribes and Pharisees, Matt_23:13-29; but chrestotes by His dealings with the penitent woman, Luke_7:37-50. Lightfoot regards chrestotes as a kindly disposition towards others; agathosune as a kindly activity on their behalf. J. A. Robertson (on Eph_5:9) remarks that agathosune is "the kindlier, as dikaiosune (righteousness) the sterner, element in the ideal character." B3. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Noun] eupoiia "beneficience, doing good" (eu, "well," poieo, "to do"), is translated as a verb in Heb_13:16, "to do good." C1. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Adverb] kalos "well finely," is used in some mss. in Matt_5:44, with poieo, "to do," and translated "do good." In James_2:3 it is rendered "in a good place" (AV marg., "well" or "seemly"). See WELL. See also : kalos in other topics C2. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Adverb] eu "well," used with poieo, is translated "do ... good" in Mark_14:7. See WELL. See also : eu in other topics D1. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Verb] agathopoieo from agathos, and poieo, "to do," is used (a) in a general way, "to do well," 1_Pet_2:15,20; 1_Pet_3:6,17; 3_John_1:11; (b) with pointed reference "to the benefit of another," Luke_6:9,33,35; in Mark_3:4 the parts of the word are separated in some mss. Some mss. have it in Acts_14:17, for kalos. Cp. the noun agathopoiia, "well-doing," 1_Pet_4:19, and the adjective agathopoios, "doing well," 1_Pet_2:14. See also : agathopoieo in other topics D2. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Verb] agathourgeo for agathoergeo, "to do good" (from agathos, and ergon, "a work"), is used in Acts_14:17 (in the best mss.; see agathopoieo), where it is said of God's beneficence towards man, and 1_Tim_6:18, where it is enjoined upon the rich. D3. Good, Goodly, Goodness [Verb] euergeteo "to bestow a benefit, to do good" (eu, "well," and a verbal form akin to ergon), is used in Acts_10:38. Notes: (1) The verb ischuo, "to be strong" (ischus, "strength"), "to have efficacy, force or value," is said of salt in Matt_5:13, negatively, "it is good for nothing." (2) In Matt_19:10, AV, sumphero, "to be profitable, expedient" (sun, "together," phero, "to bring"); is rendered with a negative "it is not good" (RV, "it is not expedient"). (3) In Mark_14:7, the two words eu, "well," and poieo, "to do," are in some mss. treated as one verb eupoieo, "to do good."
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2009 08:44AM by Truthtesty.