LoveAlways, actually the last post by "out of it" was by the woman in question herself.
I think where your previous posts were merely reporting what the pastor said, and even what you visually observed, these things can be disputed
but are not likely to cause hurt or require that you put things right with this woman.
However once anyone here starts going into assessments, personal intuitions, judgements and the like - regarding other people, its to be expected that
people will be hurt and temperatures raised.
The fact is, like it or not we are all deeply fallible and prone to errors galore. I have already posted on what i consider the dangers of "faith games" where third parties are involved. We might all have "todd bentley" moments where we feel led to "push the boat out", but the amount of caution and self doubt that needs to take place when this "boat" involves someone else, should be tenfold the amount of caution - when the risk involved only refers to ourselves. Of course Todd Bentley ended up kicking an old woman in the stomach. And - just like struthers leaders, it seems no matter the scale of
error, these people find themselves back in ministry - even elevated in their "status" within their circle.
It is also a very sad but proven fact of human psychology, that the more a party is committed to a particular cultic position, the less likely they are
to change course - even when they have been shown publically to be in error. In fact what tends to happen is that brave detractors and "moderates" leave such organisations, leaving behind a hardened "core" of members, who despite all external evidence, become even more resistant to outside criticism. Although it refers to a UFO cult - i would reccomend taking heed of Leon Festingers study on how humans react when faced with new facts contradicting previously strongly held beliefs ( read "discernment" ? ) :