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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: JRHebert ()
Date: September 16, 2010 09:44AM

Good evening to rrmoderator,

* So don't you know if the donations to "Zen-Way" are tax deductible?

Yes, I think they are...

My knowledge of things is that the non-profit tax ID # is 20-2740009

But this information might be erroneous and/or out of date because I know that some restructuring of the organization was going on for the past month or so.

So GuruG would be the one knowing if this information is correct and up to date or not.

Thank you
& hope this helps


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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 16, 2010 11:04AM

John A. Lobur

My name is John A. Lobur and I am a (recently) tenured professor of Classics (Greek and Latin Language and History) at the University of Mississippi (Oxford). I hold a PhD. in Classical Studies from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and I have recently published a book on the interaction of culture, ideas and power in the transformation of the Roman government from a republican to imperial system.

Here is an online peer review of this book: []

First off, I want to offer Rick Ross my sincere appreciation for this website. Some years ago when I started my spiritual journey in earnest, this website and its plethora of information was priceless in weeding out the false teachers and blemished traditions in my search for a teacher. Because of this site alone, I decided to forgo any interest in Kundalini Yoga (Yogi Bhajan) or Swami Chetananda. When I found Guru SwamiG, she was up front about her early involvement with the Holy Order of Mans, and there was excellent information (such as news articles) here on its flawed founder Father Blighton. . . I also knew she had been involved with ISKON (again, great information here). However I decided that her involvement, limited to a short period of time, and her decisions to leave each organization, allayed my initial concerns

I have been a student of Guru SwamiG for about two years now, and I help administer a facebook public profile page dedicated to her. I have more to write but cannot do so immediately as it is in the middle of the day and I have obligations. I will say off the bat that it is easy for those unfamiliar with her organization or tradition to have concerns with what appears to be cult-like attributes. Upon closer scrutiny, however, one would see that the evidence is prima facie only and quite superficial.

I would be happy to answer any questions one might have with regard to this Guru's organization to the best of my ability. My friends, family and colleagues would hardly tell you that I am involved in a cult.

John A. Lobur.

More later

John That is a 'nice' opening statement, but it seems you have obviously not even looked at information that is on forums like Rick Ross until your "guru" name came up here. If you did you would not be part of this woman's group. You are admittedly deeply involved with her nonsense. And have jumped from one cult to the other if what you claim is true. Why do you need to mention your PHD in classical studies or anything else? PHD's do not lend credibility to the nonsense that is being passed off as fact by this lady who calls herself Sawmi G. You being a 'student' of this woman's nonsense does not say much about your critical thinking ability. Actually friends and family of cult members are not always aware of what is going on. And anecdotes such as yours does not make this esoteric nonsense based on the hindu religious practices credible.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: John A. Lobur ()
Date: September 16, 2010 11:53AM


flinging words around like "nonsense" and the like in a hostile manner does nothing to bolster your argument. That is your opinion and there is nothing objective about it.

It seems you have obviously not even looked at information that is on forums like Rick Ross until your "guru" name came up here.
How can something both seem to be the case and obviously be the case at the same time?

If you did you would not be part of this woman's group.
That is a logical fallacy. You are assuming to be true that which has not been ascertained. That's like a Christian saying to an Atheist thinker "you obviously haven't read the bible like you said you have, otherwise you would be a Christian!"

Why do you need to mention your PHD in classical studies or anything else?
Because I saw it alleged that what this Guru teaches lacks rational credibility, that she teaches nonsense and that she is tricking gullible people. . .

You being a 'student' of this woman's nonsense does not say much about your critical thinking ability.
In your opinion maybe. But being an accredited, recognized and respected professional intellectual does actually say something about my critical thinking ability.

Actually friends and family of cult members are not always aware of what is going on.
Thats nice. Mine (boss, friends, parents, colleagues, siblings) are fully aware with what I am involved in and have not the slightest concern.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: September 16, 2010 04:32PM

Guru SwamiG,

I've read through your posts and noticed that you employ the very annoying habit that Osho and Adi Da taught to their acolytes. All the phrasing in your writing omits the "I", on the rare occasion when you have to employ "I" you put it in lower case as "i"

This is an attempt to sneakily give the impression to your unsure readers that you have conquered the ego, when all you have really conquered is the habit of hitting the Caps key on your keyboard.

If you have truly conquered the ego--which is the mental construct by which we identify ourselves to ourselves--you wouldn't be able to write at all, let alone function in this material world, so why employ such an obvious conman's trick to deceive your readers?

When one no longer identifies so strongly with the ego that one is ruled by emotion, the use of the "I" becomes immaterial, it is a just a useful tool and recognised and used as such.
When one no longer identifies so strongly with the ego that one is ruled by emotion, one drops all such tricky emotionally manipulative ploys as one recognises that they are pointless (unless, of course, one has an interest in emotionally manipulating others)

That is this one's considered opinion after a lifetime of studying this very engaging and entertaining nonsense.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2010 04:55PM by Stoic.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 16, 2010 06:21PM


Ganga Karmokar aka Swami G

Creepy videos



Video of SG shakipat though breath.....whatever that means !!


Bizarre !


These people are deluded......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2010 06:38PM by indiaspark.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 16, 2010 07:24PM

John A. Lobur:

Does the "Zen-Way" group disclose its budget annually to all contributors?

Is there a published report that discloses in detail how all the charitable donations are used?

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 16, 2010 07:33PM

To whom it may concern:

Education generally is no guarantee against cult manipulation.

It was a medical doctor (M.D.) that mixed the "Kool-Aid" at Jonestown.

One follower of David Koresh that died in the cult compound was a Harvard Law School graduate.

It has been reported that about 80% of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's followers were college graduates, something like 20% of the general membership had a post-graduate degree and many had a Ph.D.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: John A. Lobur ()
Date: September 16, 2010 09:51PM


Why didn't you cut to he chase and ask me this question to begin with?

The answer is no.

But before you jump up and down in glee screaming "I knew it, CULT, CULT!" I know who to ask if there are questions (the business of running the ashram has recently been handed over to two in particular), financial activities on behalf of the group are often shared by different members, and there is not a heck of a lot of money changing hands to begin with. We all pretty know each other (met each other in person several times at annual retreats), and the details of who and who isn't contributing are, well, kind of personal, as no one is pressured to contribute if they don't, and some are participating pretty much for free.

Guru Swami G has been active for about 10 years or so. Is there or has there ever been any evidence for exploitation or manipulation of any kind, financial or otherwise? If so, where? You run a great watchdog group. If you find anything please let me know.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:25PM

John A. Lobur

flinging words around like "nonsense" and the like in a hostile manner does nothing to bolster your argument. That is your opinion and there is nothing objective about it.

It seems you have obviously not even looked at information that is on forums like Rick Ross until your "guru" name came up here.
How can something both seem to be the case and obviously be the case at the same time?

If you did you would not be part of this woman's group.
That is a logical fallacy. You are assuming to be true that which has not been ascertained. That's like a Christian saying to an Atheist thinker "you obviously haven't read the bible like you said you have, otherwise you would be a Christian!"

Why do you need to mention your PHD in classical studies or anything else?
Because I saw it alleged that what this Guru teaches lacks rational credibility, that she teaches nonsense and that she is tricking gullible people. . .

You being a 'student' of this woman's nonsense does not say much about your critical thinking ability.
In your opinion maybe. But being an accredited, recognized and respected professional intellectual does actually say something about my critical thinking ability.

Actually friends and family of cult members are not always aware of what is going on.
Thats nice. Mine (boss, friends, parents, colleagues, siblings) are fully aware with what I am involved in and have not the slightest concern.

@John you are clearly part of this weird group and will defend your guru at all costs. And if you are so smart please provide the evidence for the presence of this thing called the "kundalini" . Get the research for all her nonsense published in a peer reviewed science journal. And then come back and make these claims.
Your academic qualifications do not make you any less gullible as the rrmoderator pointed out.
Either that or you are just another skilled manipulator involved in running this Swami G's cult.

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Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:38PM


Ganga Karmokar aka Swami G

Creepy videos



I'd say they were just tacky.

John A. Lobur
How can something both seem to be the case and obviously be the case at the same time?

By seeming to be obvious. That which is obvious might only seemingly be so.

Surely it is obvious that mystical, spiritual or religious experiences are both beyond critical thought and outside of intellectual pursuits. But it might only seem to be that way. It may be that an obviously rational explanation for such experiences is being overlooked.

John A. Lobur: Apart from academic analyses of history, theology or mythology, but in relation to actual experience, please can you explain specifically how and in what way critical thinking skills and intellectual practices are compatible with the teachings of Swami G?

How do they demonstrate that Swami G has rational credibility?

Lastly, can you please give a rational explanation of "Shaktipat" as shown in these videos cited earlier:



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