The whole situation is very confusing, because Gnosticweb users offered me reasonable, sound advice about my problems initially. I was struggling with the question "is my orange the same as your orange", or do we see the world the same way?
Someone said that eliminating the egos would make me see the world in a more objective way, and that it would help me see and let go of thoughts as they left my mind, in order to change my reaction to the world, rather than become frustrated.
That sounds like good advice, but then how do you explain the horrible behavior and judgements that go on there? Clearly someone who followed this advice would not say things like "happiness is bad because the path to hell is lined with roses". A spiritual teacher would not delete and censor posts either. People would say "in my oppinion, the world would seem like a good place because the devil makes it seem that way." Whose oppinion is that? The user's or Belzeboob/Samael's oppinion?
Later I concluded they were a cult. It is confusing, though, because they work in such a subtle way.
I posted the video "how to start a cult" on their forums. It got deleted, but some people saw the vid and posted messages about it.
One user accused me of being a fanatic. That's odd. In my oppinion, the video is an exact description of their organization.
I would like to show you the post, but I don't ever want to go back to that website. Just search under "cults" and find the topic "what is awareness", or something like that
Also, I made another post in the spirituality section titled Transpersonal psychology.
In the end, I just can't believe how fanatic someone like Belzebuub can be. I didn't belive it was a cult at first because I was skeptical that anyone could possibly be so hypocritical, evil, and downright deluded. Either he is crazy, or else he knows that he is causing harm to others but is still confident and proud of his judgements anyway. What do you think?
By the way...
the land for dinasaurre is jarassic land. I like dinasaurre
I also liked this video (especially the second half).
(This is not spam. Its just my way of getting my mind away from circular arguments and seeking the power of humor).