Persons who were in three different cults (International Church of Christ, Andrew Cohen's EnlightenNext and One Taste tell their stories. One Taste is Story #3)
What makes these so valuable is each person describes the complex mixture of good and bad that attracted them to the group, bonded them deeply to the group and its leaders, and led to considerable sunk costs before they realized they needed to leave.
In the case of One Taste, it came down to money.
I started working for them when I lived in the house, and that was also amazing — until the team stopped making money, and we stopped getting paid. There was all this other drama as well, and I started to see that making money was a huge focus of the organization, more than the teachings. My savings were gone pretty quick: I paid for the $15,000 coaching program. They got people like me, who didn’t have 15 grand, to put it all on credit cards, and they got people like me, who didn’t really have a job, to continue not having a job and living off their credit cards, which is why I left with a pretty hefty sum of debt.
But...there were benefits at first.
People get hooked because they take the $99 class, the clit-stroking practice, and most people’s lives do change positively in some way. Then they buy into the more expensive programs, which are less valuable than their cheap programs, but that’s how marketing works. I actually stand by their practice: It’s super legitimate, and most of their claims, though they might be exaggerated — what it does for men is, it teaches them to have an extremely long attention span. It develops into intuition that can make us feel our body more. This might sound crazy, but all the benefits I get from doing yoga I definitely got from doing this practice. I got to be more in my body and got good at paying attention to a really small object in a meditative fashion. It made my sex life a lot better, too.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2022 08:55PM by corboy.