Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: January 03, 2020 01:38AM

I left DW and I think it's the best decision I've ever made. And I must confirm that Ole is a rasist and homofob as same as his students. I was witnessing that on every course I have attended. The worse example is the last year in Karma Guen in front of Nedo Rinpoche who was so embarrassed after Nydahls speech about Muslims. I've never met so unwelcoming people, I was sending my friends to the Buddhist Centre and they were coming back disappointed, people were unfriendly, sitting together in small groups completely not interested in talking to new people. Newcomers supposed to get an introduction to the Buddhism and meditation hahahaha. When I was listening to this I was really trying to not to laugh. Everything is about the money, they're so greedy. They'll be standing and watching you did you pay for the cup of tea. Level of knowledge of so called traveling teachers is just ridiculous and embarrassing. Same subjects all the time. There is no Dharma at all just praising Ole Nydahl. If you're interested in Dharma teachings avoid this group at all costs. There's no compassion amongst those people, there's just pure ego! I actually feel sorry for them. I was always aware of that but the last few visits about six months ago helped my to make up my mind and leave. There are groups holding the power and so attached to this place that they're at the Gompa every day. Most of them have no life, no other friends, they always stick together. It's a sect and it's growing so fast that it actually scares me. I just wonder what's gonna happen when Ole Nydahl dies. It's going to be a big circus.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: February 13, 2020 03:24AM

Someone here was saying about there not being enough info online about Ole Nydahl's cult. They have been quite good at suing and suppressing info. Well let's put that right!
I launched a website all about Ole Nydahl and his Diamond Way cult. If anyone has any info I should add please let me know.


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: February 13, 2020 03:38AM

I'm also trying to add as much info as possible to Wikipedia, since it seems members of the Ole Nydahl cult have been removing anything critical. I would appreciate your help in this.


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Misstyk ()
Date: February 15, 2020 01:00AM

@Mary Lou

Being all ego and no compassion seems to be a hallmark of cultic Buddhist groups. The same has been said of Shambhala/Chogyam Trungpa's groups, and also Dzongsar Khyentse's. Obviously, it's fake Buddhism; the groups exist mainly for the gratification of the cult leader.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Misstyk ()
Date: February 15, 2020 01:20AM


Good luck with your website (you will receive a "cease and desist" order from Ole's lawyer, as soon as your site's discovered by Ole. However, the photos speak for themselves, don't they! Very eloquently) and your Wiki campaign. It's not always so easy to have one's "corrections" to Wiki pages accepted, I've found. And btw, whatever accusations the text of your site makes (I haven't read it yet), if/when you receive a removal order, you can still keep the photos up, because they're documented proof, and therefore do not fall under the definition of "slander" or "defamation" or "libel". In order to prove a libel (etc.) claim, the plaintiff must prove the statements are false. There's no way to prove those photos are staged or in some way falsified, photo-shopped, or whatever.

RE: the Diamond Way page you linked: the Shamarpa info is out of date. It doesn't reflect the fact that Shamar passed away a few years ago, and it says nothing of the fact that Shamar denounced Ole on his website [] (you'd have to search his archived postings under "letters" ), was threatened with a lawsuit, removed the denunciations for awhile, then re-posted them.

Shamar observed Ole and Hannah coming and going to/from their lessons with the Karmapa when Shamar was 17, and he noted Ole was frequently remarking on "The Great Bliss" (tantric orgasm/consort practice), and that they were both "very sexual". Shamar eventually came to conclude, that tantric teachings weren't appropriate for West or East in the current age, and started his Bodhi Path Centers as tantra-free zones as a result.

He's the only TB teacher or authority to ever admit that tantric Buddhism has been a disaster. Though he's a controversial figure for other reasons, I admire him for taking a stand on the abuse issue. He came to regret very much his earlier association with Ole. IMO it's too bad he passed away at a relatively young age (50's, I think). His Bodhi Path Centers are still active. They focus on the Bodhisattva Path, which is really what Buddhism is all about, anyway.

Thank you for your efforts.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2020 01:25AM by Misstyk.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: February 26, 2020 10:08PM

Ole Nydahl being very "hands on" with female cult members

Attachments: ole3.jpg (41.1 KB)   ole2.jpg (28.8 KB)  
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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: February 26, 2020 10:21PM

Ole Nydahl being very "hands on" with female cult members

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: exdwgirl ()
Date: March 04, 2020 11:42PM

Good luck for all your efforts! Unfortunatelly I don't think this pics will do much... :( Anyway, do you anything about why he got divorced from Alexandra? There is also hardly anything on the net about Alexandra Munoz Barboza, all I could find that they were married for 3 years, and he is married again to Anna, who is again super young. Alexandra was kind a tough on him, that I know. She almost changed her mind even about the wedding, because Ole was cheating on her and she said than no marriage, if the rumour was true, so Ole stopped it that time. Those times I was in the Sangha, this is how I know it. But I am wondering what could happen. Alexandra was like an amazon, really strong, tough Venezuelan woman.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Mary Lou ()
Date: March 05, 2020 12:55AM

The horny self proclaimed guru told everyone at the teachings that Alexandra was trying to keep him for herself at home. He did it in Karma Guen last year when he was introducing his new wife to all students. Even old time students were shocked that most of the informations about Alexandra disappeared from the internet so quickly. I think it's good for her I hope she will find some decent guy, she deserves that.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Date: March 05, 2020 10:46PM

exdwgirl Wrote:
> Good luck for all your efforts! Unfortunatelly I
> don't think this pics will do much... :( Anyway,
> do you anything about why he got divorced from
> Alexandra? There is also hardly anything on the
> net about Alexandra Munoz Barboza, all I could
> find that they were married for 3 years, and he is
> married again to Anna, who is again super young.
> Alexandra was kind a tough on him, that I know.
> She almost changed her mind even about the
> wedding, because Ole was cheating on her and she
> said than no marriage, if the rumour was true, so
> Ole stopped it that time. Those times I was in the
> Sangha, this is how I know it. But I am wondering
> what could happen. Alexandra was like an amazon,
> really strong, tough Venezuelan woman.

I think you answered your own question. Ole Nydahl can't keep his **** in his pants and will cheat with any young woman!

No wonder his Diamond Way cult has become such an abusive organisation and there are so many allegations of sexual abuse against him and others!

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