Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 31, 2020 03:05PM

Offer people a relationship with God?
An organisation offers a relationship with God. A Holy Package. Like a dealer. Good morning, can i have the package from the offer? How much is it?

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 31, 2020 04:37PM

English translation is bad.


Glownym celem Instytutu Wiedzy o Tozsamosci Misji Czaitanii jest zaproponowanie ludziom nawiazania relacji z Bogiem, która prowadzi do szczesliwego i pelnego zycia, bez niepotrzebnego doswiadczenia cierpien roznego rodzaju.

"to propose people setting [renewal] a relationship with God"

and there are no 2 organisations.

"Instytut Wiedzy o Tozsamosci Misja Czaitanii" - one organisation.

But with desires - still:

"Kazdy czlowiek rozwaza indywidualnie swoje pragnienia i ma pelne prawo do podazania za nimi."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2020 04:39PM by Culthusiast.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: August 31, 2020 04:47PM

"it's not nice to discuss everything in public" - really?
"It's not nice for us" - Kasia's suicide was nice for her parents? They lost a child.
"it's best to open your mind in confidence and not to wash all your dirt in front of other devotees" - really?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2020 04:50PM by Culthusiast.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: September 07, 2020 09:35PM

The truth of statistics. Polish portal - As one can understan under the "care" of Balakhilya das (ananda?)

type in the Google for the keywords:

"nidra" nidra - 99 results

"Gaudiya" Gaudiya - no results

"parampara" parampara - no results

"Brahma" brahma - 6 results

"sampradaya" sampradaya - 6 results

"Balakhilya" balakhilya - 441 results (wow!)

"Bhaktivedanta" bhaktivedanta - 1 result

"yoga" yoga - only 308 (?)

"Gauranga" gauranga - 79 results

"hatha" hatha - 636

And the winners:

1. Hatha
2. Balakhilya
3. Yoga

and honorably 4 - Nidra

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2020 09:38PM by Culthusiast.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: September 09, 2020 11:46PM

Let's look on the subject of finding a real Guru.

Mr. Balakhilya das gave a webinar:


Translation from polish stands:


We meet so many people on our path of spiritual development. Some of them seem to be authorities. They claim to have wisdom and knowledge.
But how can we know if they will guide us in the right direction? Will we get lost in life by following their guidance?
So how do you find a reliable spiritual teacher? How to find out who this person is and if what he or she says is really the absolute truth? How not to get stuck in the world of scammers?

But does Balakhilya das have a Spiritual Master?

Here, as Happy Man he says - it's Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa:


But here, on His webpage you can't find "Siddhaswarupananda" at all. Wasn't important to mention about own Guru?

" siddhaswarupananda"

but You can find "Bhaktivedanta"

" bhaktivedanta"

So together with Mr. Balakhilya das we ask again -

How to find out who this person is and if what he or she says is really the absolute truth? How not to get stuck in the world of scammers?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2020 11:53PM by Culthusiast.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: September 10, 2020 04:44PM

Kindness is everything...


"The girl that your friends threw from the meditation center to the pavement within an hour committed suicide."

"People your friend leader has described in public as "sitting in their ass" intimidated remained silent."

Hypocrisy and denial is not everything.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CultKid85 ()
Date: September 14, 2020 12:48PM

Well, hello everyone,

I guess this is as good as any place to decompress and ramble my thoughts out to an audience that has some understand of Chris Butler and his group. You can probably tell by my chosen title that I have had some rather close experience with the group being discussed in this forum. I’d rather like to avoid retaliation since I do still care about my brother who is in the group. Details about me will be far and further between. The group however is open season so questions are welcome.

It was kind of crazy finding out that my whole world had been fabricated. It took me 10 years to really process it, going from being intensely ardent about my belief in Srila Prabhupada, to being so weary about my entire childhood and how little I knew or the world. I did all the usual stuff unique to SIF, I went to the Philippines, made pilgrimages to Hawaii, and held those tulsi beads while praying as hard as I could. You trick yourself in to believing it, into feeling the some emotion, and a sense of place and purpose.

I guess at times I miss that. I miss being perfectly assured, unbreakable, unassailable in the belief that a higher purpose awaits me. Then when you have the doubts which creep in at 0200 quickly followed by the FUD. Will I burn in the material universe for basically ever if I miss the chance to be with a ‘pure devotee’? The thought makes your gut roil with fear. A powerful tool to keep someone engaged with the ‘process’. However, this fear can only motivate someone for so long before the edge is lost and the weariness sets in.

I am surprised that this Coronavirus wasn’t as fear-mongered as other world events have been by the man-on-high. I get the impression that they are influenced heavily by ‘conservative’ talking heads. They doubt it is real or even a danger. It closely matches the evolution in positions that I have witnessed by conservative media heads. I think I should mentioned that they love Trump.

For a group of people that disparage “god works through mysterious ways,” they sure love to say that Krishna makes everything just so through his powers. Apparently Trump is just one of those things made so by Krishna, it sounds coincidentally like “god works through mysterious ways” to me. I believe most of them would be virulent supporters if they didn’t already have a ‘strong man’ running their lives.

I guess this is an open invitation to ask me anything, and I will see what I can answer. Understand that I will not answer too much about myself, but I am happy to discuss beliefs, practices, and more about the group and Chris Butler.

Be kind to yourselves.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: September 15, 2020 01:55AM

Hello Cultkid85 and welcome.
Yes, this is a good place to decompress and process everything
you have gone thru.
One of the few things I remember from the cult, the one that still causes some emotional triggers to go off, are all the kids who have suffered and lost loved ones, whether by suicide or by resorting to drugs to dull the pain of where they were at, or who their family was, who suffered at the hands of male relatives by having to endure sexual abuse, orr the absence of yet another father who left the family for another marriage, etc etc. I guess you can call it the loss of one's childhood because although they did not choose to be born into this cult, they were. This cult has harmed many kids- there is no doubt of that in my mind.
So I guess my first question to you is, aside from the cult school in Baguio that others have already talked about on this forum, what did you witness amongst the other children who were heavily impacted by the blind followers of Butler?

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CultKid85 ()
Date: September 15, 2020 06:57AM

Hi VoxVeritasVita,

I can’t say my experience included many of the things you mentioned. Everyone does have their little secrets and foibles. Most kids come out with no marketable skills. Most will hang around the group on the fringe frustrated and angry with their limited predicament. As for sexual abuse, most sexual abuse is familia in nature and invisible to society due to the strong ties present in any family unit. There has been a few incidents that I am aware of where a child was sexually abused by a parent. I can’t say if it is any more common within the group than normal.

So to answer your question succinctly, a lack of basic education provided to the children. I have met more than a few of the cult kids who at the age of 13/14 years old could not read let alone write. This is in my opinion the main form of abuse as it sets up a dependent relationship between child and group for survival.

A second answer would be the fear, driven by constant reinforcement of the idea that the ‘pure devotee’ is rare, of missing out and being stuck in hell. Life is described as being a living hell, Karmies are duplicitous, and the gays/atheists are always agitating against Mr. Butler. It is a life lived in a constant state of fear with the new element being Mr. Butler’s advanced age. It is being weaponised to inspire more devotion. An example would be “Srila Prabhupada isn’t going to be around much longer, then he will be gone and with him his association.”

I hope that answers your question satisfactorily.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: September 15, 2020 04:26PM

Cultkid85- thank you for your reply.

This caught my eye:

"It is a life lived in a constant state of fear with the new element being Mr. Butler’s advanced age. It is being weaponised to inspire more devotion. An example would be “Srila Prabhupada isn’t going to be around much longer, then he will be gone and with him his association.”

Laughable- his advanced age? Do those devbots not realize that this guy- this fake guru- has been coddled and pampered for DECADES now- has probably never worked a day in his life and has been given EVERYTHING- in his dotage????
I think not!

Weaponized is a great word to use in describing how Butler can still hold his minions captive.
Fear inducing control works every time.
But that is in interesting scenario- I would hope Butler has one foot in the proverbial grave but I doubt it- too petty and vindictive to fade quietly away into a rocking chair.
All the people he has harmed, all the ruined lives, it's tragic.

Butler, karma is a b#*@h.

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