VoxVeritasVita Das Wrote:
> Well, that is the interesting thing about
> COVID19.
> Tulsi Gabbard was in the thick of it- Washington
> DC and spent
> a large amount of time on the East Coast.
> All those pressers, all that 'shaking of the
> hands'.
> A person can be asymptomatic.
> A person can be a carrier and not know.
> Maybe Tulsi Gabbard ends up being the "Typhoid
> Mary" of Kailua?
Those tests she was clamoring for?
> Turns out many of those tests yielded
> false-postives, but much much worse, many of these
> tests are contaminated. And now, each tube has
> your name and contact info-also your DNA !>
> Put that in your bead-bag, Butler.
.... On second thought.....>
> COVID19 is the least of the problems for the good
> people of Hawaii.
The Butler/Gabbard Virus is pretty
> bad.>
> [

"Clean up on aisle 7"I love how that dude says “Gabbard”.
Unfortunately for her she screwed herself with the party when she backed Sanders.