No, Jason, you have just confirmed your purpose on this thread --- to again disrupt it, get it off topic, and discredit posters.In case you did not notice, ALL the references were from Rick Ross source material on cults and brainwashing.
Rick Ross articles on BrainwashingThe Sagan quotes reveal the flaws in your own logic, and this is only a partial list:
Common fallacies of logic and rhetoric [in a debate];•
Begging the question (assuming an answer in the way the question is phrased).[All of your questions to me have been made, not with an interest in my answer, but rather reveal your prejudice and collateral bias.]
Slippery slope - a subset of excluded middle - unwarranted extrapolation of the effects[Reading into a statement something that is not there -- excluding statements and facts -- and extrapolating conclusions based on missing points.]
Straw man - caricaturing (or stereotyping) a position to make it easier to attack[a common Butler tactic used in his lectures and writings. Using phrases like "enablers" and "blame the victim" are simplistic examples of both extrapolation and caricaturing a point of view. A point of view much different than you imply.]
Here is a PRIMER version of my post:
A) Intelligent people are more susceptible to cult influences than we may realize. Hell, we can even be led to believe we like Pepsi over Coke against our will! It doesn't take much to fool, hypnotize, indoctrinate a person to believe they have had a "spiritual" experience or are in front of an "enlightened" being. It doesn't always take torture, long sessions of chanting or lecturing, or even a low protein diet. While aversive techniques are very effective, they are not the only LGAT methods used or even needed.
B) To paraphrase Alan Tate Wood; a successfully indoctrinated cult member supplants his own character development, critical thinking, compassion towards others, and self reliance into blind obedience, conformity, moral slavery and psychological bondage.
C) Because of A and B, cults are dangerous and damage the lives of everyone involved; themselves, their children, their non-cult family members. Followers end up rationalizing their own exploitation, the exploitation of their children, and often become complicit in the crimes and misdeeds of the leader and group. This is the most tragic result. Previously kind, moral, and loving people can turn into blind submissives or brutal zealots.
CONCLUSION: Question Authority.