I can see where you are coming from Doug in what you say about Ole being a lone ranger type. You could say he is uncomprimising in what he believes. I guess it depends on how you interpret it. There are some good questions about where true accountability is there that I think you have raised. It is not healthy if you can't be submitted to others, but you have to discern who is someone you ought to be submitted to. If you just need to be more radical than everyone else, then you can lose sight of the greatest commandments of Christ which are to love God with your whole being and to love others as yourself. I guess it takes discernment to know what the case is with Ole. I also appreciate you saying that it is not wise to judge another's salvation. I think the passage you cited worked well to demsonstrate that.
I think you put that well, Nathan. A lot of what drives Ole is his need to be more radical than everyone else, and that causes him to neglect the weightier matters, such as mercy.
I think the right spirit to approach this in is, like Mark says, to pray for them. In Ezekiel 33 we read,
[b:204d3b1295]11: Say to them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?[/b:204d3b1295]