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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: January 02, 2020 09:25PM


A Documentary is needed. The world needs to just know the truth. These are exciting times!


Have a happy new year also, :)

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: January 03, 2020 05:58AM

James Swartz:

You posted a Satsang today, to someone called Tom. Entitled:

'I am not your butler'.

We study everything you are saying and doing, and you have once again, without fail, shown your true colours.

The current e-satsang that can be viewed now is not the version you posted earlier today.

In the version you posted earlier today, you say to Tom explicitly that you will only carry on teaching him if he gives you donations, as you have a mortgage to pay for in Spain!

I am challenging you on how you think you have the authority to do this? Since you seem to think you represent our Sampradaya?

You and your wife publicly humiliated one of your teacher-students two years ago. This poor guy merely asked would some people like to donate for medical expenses. You made him be shunned by the community, and you publicly shamed him. And out him under enormous psychological pressure. He has never recovered from this.

How do you think it is appropriate to hang him out to dry for medical expenses, yet you think you can canvas for donations for a Spanish love nest?

In the original draft of today's satsang, you threatened to withhold the student's teachings if they don't give you donations. Do you understand you have then made them NOT voluntary. Voluntary means there is no expectation.

Proud to abuse students.

Secondly, you told this student today that if they give you donations you will skype them and; "I will abuse you face to face". Direct quote.

Who do you think you are? To act like this. Putting people under pressure to gives you money, just so you can abuse them some more!

In another e-satsang today you call yourself: 'Mr. Sampradaya'. Are YOU kidding ME? Lol! You ego is your downfall. You do NOT represent the sampradya. It is the emperor is wearing no clothes time.

In another e-satsang today, you publish something a student says, that is so wrong it will prevent him from enlightenment. And you do not correct it. You don't do this, as it is a teaching method is Shiningworld. To keep them in samsara. And tell them they are free. I am keeping this wrong foundational teaching for direct contact. Myself and Swami have laughed at this lack of teaching you have. That is the truth

You are manipulating and withholding spiritual teachings from people in samsara, that are in need, unless they give you money so "I can abuse you face to face".

And now you try to be sneaky and upload a more gentle version later.

You are just like Osho. I'm directly accusing you of abusing students still. Your own words today. Placing them under pressure, so you can do it more. If I am telling lies take libel action against this poster. I will explain how here.

With over 20,000 views in this topic, the world is reading this. So, if you are not going to interact with me here, I will set up a private email account and we can go at it there. If you want to take libel action against me, your legal team can address me there.

I am inviting you to also communicate with me there. There are many people in Shiningworld, that go to your seminars. Trav explained before. They are telling us what is going on. And that nonsense posted online is being monitored also.

It is over James. I have got tons of stuff to put to you. You do know how karma works, I wonder? You started this with your abuse of Heather. And you carried it on with students for many years. the karmic debt is with you, as you initiated this.

I have had enough of dancing around this whole thing. It's time to get serious. I want direct email dialogue with you and Isabella. Contact me in private message on here. And I will set up the email.

Today is the tipping point for me. I have had enough. It was not dharmic for Arjuna to walk away from adharma. So, you and I are going head to head.

If I am lieing about today I expect contact from your legal team. Remember, it is only libel if it is lies and malicious.


Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2020 06:20AM by earthquake.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: earthquake ()
Date: January 03, 2020 06:33AM

Apologies, that link is wrong. The changed e-satsang is here:


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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: January 03, 2020 06:53AM

earthquake Wrote:
> Apologies, that link is wrong. The changed
> e-satsang is here:
> []

From the e-satsang (bolding mine):


I guess you think that we are some kind of buddies and you can just write the same doubts over and over, promptly forget my replies and ask the same question again. I’m not your butler. I have a life. If you want to make a donation and Skype me, maybe I can help you but I'm not confident because your intellect is pretty dull.

Like Earthquake pointed out: if you ask money for help, that's called a fee, not a donation.

If this is the toned down version of the e-satsang, I'm curious about the original one. Earthquake, next time you can submit the url to and, they'll save a publicly accessible time-stamped copy of the page.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2020 06:57AM by zizlz.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: MynameisHeather ()
Date: January 03, 2020 07:04AM

Good powerful stuff Earthquake. Your fight is valiant. I hope and pray others like you will come to the forefront and speak the truth about Swartz.

I've looked at all the comments on this thread. A pattern is obvious. Swartz sends out his trolls and apologists--he does it in bursts. Perhaps this is a strategy to try to out-voice the objectors on this thread. Perhaps it is an attempt to flood the thread with Swartz supporters and muddy the waters of discontent.

I've noticed my own patterns too. I see how I've felt compelled to respond to the trolls and apologists, to remind folks of my true account and set the record straight. I've been lured into responding to trolls several times.

This battle against the trolls is not healthy for me.

I submitted my true account of Swartz's abuse; I've said everything I need to say. I knew him when I was a teenager, and that's when he sexually and spiritually abused me.

However I don't know him or his family now, nor am I involved in his current racket. I can only repeat what I've been saying all along: Swartz is a criminal psychopath and is unable to have empathy for anyone.

I have decided I'm going to be very selective if I post further comments. I'm not on troll patrol!

If others on this thread feel the need to respond to trolls, then I support you and appreciate your efforts. As for myself, I have to take care of my life right now and not get into battles with trolls.

I've asked Trav to PM me if something significant is brought up on the thread. In the meantime I'm going away from all this for now.

I have to finish my book Cults Inside Out by Rick Ross...and other assorted readings. (I'm also reading John Steinbeck which I got for Christmas.)

I just wanted to let you all know I'll be out of here for a while.

Thank you for your courage to speak truth--and all the work put out on this thread. I'm in deep gratitude.

I'll check in on this thread and you folks at a later time.


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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: MynameisHeather ()
Date: January 03, 2020 07:07AM

Last bit...

and BTW...expect more and more and more trolls from Swartz.

I'm sure he has an arsenal of trolls lined up and ready to go!

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: January 03, 2020 07:36AM

Right you are, Heather! It's unhealthy to battle trolls. And there's no need to. Their own words confirm and reveal the problematic influence JS has on his students, and the attacks give people (like me) a renewed interest in this topic.

However I don't know him or his family now, nor am I involved in his current racket. I can only repeat what I've been saying all along: Swartz is a criminal psychopath and is unable to have empathy for anyone.

I get what you're saying, but I'd like to add that psychopaths are capable of empathy. It's just that they're only empathic when it suits their needs. They can even appear very loving. But the next moment they can discard you or abuse you. This is important for people to understand, because many people who only know a psychopath's empathic side believe that such a person could never do horrible things.

This is from a study of empathy in psychopaths using fMRI scans:

So psychopathic individuals do not simply lack empathy. Instead, it seems as though for most of us, empathy is the default mode. If we see a victim, we share her pain. For the psychopathic criminals of our study, empathy seemed to be a voluntary activity. If they want to, they can empathize, and that explains how they can be so charming, and maybe so manipulative. Once they have seduced you into doing what serves their purpose, the effortful empathy would though probably disappear again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2020 07:47AM by zizlz.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: Valma ()
Date: January 03, 2020 03:56PM

zizlz Wrote:
> Right you are, Heather! It's unhealthy to battle
> trolls. And there's no need to. Their own words
> confirm and reveal the problematic influence JS
> has on his students, and the attacks give people
> (like me) a renewed interest in this topic.
> However I don't know him or his family now, nor am
> I involved in his current racket. I can only
> repeat what I've been saying all along: Swartz is
> a criminal psychopath and is unable to have
> empathy for anyone.

Good point zizl on "empathy" or what looks like empathy in such individuals. How could they attract anyone if they would not have a display of being empathic and all nice and loving, let alone attract those with the slightest need of attention and love? But once you have uncovered the fraud, the only thing you want to do is flee from them if you have not fallen already too deeply in their trap that it becomes difficult to do so.

All the best to you dear Heather and thank you for what you shared abundantly with us.

I see two issues with JS, the lack of ethics which Heather confirmed to an enormous extent through her testimonial AND what he and his wife are teaching/asserting.

Thanks God for Earthquake to be on board here. I can confirm what he says about this Tom e-satsang which i by chance happened to have read too. It was indeed shocking to read the initial version!

Anyone who is receiving a proper teaching in the field of Vedanta will have to raise eyebrows when reading or hearing what they are asserting here and there. Why spend time in muddied water, when you can find jewels in pristine waters elsewhere? That is up to everyone to choose or go the epic way of having to select the wheat from the chaff.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: January 03, 2020 06:19PM

Thank you for confirming the content of the original e-satsang, Valma!

Here's some interesting quotes from the book Saints and Psychopaths by William L. Hamilton:


Distinguishing saints from psychopaths
Distinguishing a saint from a psychopath presents a unique problem because they have some common characteristics that seem at first to be identical. Both saints and psychopaths can have the appearance of a beautiful, radiant and attractive being. Both may tell you, "Be here now, forget the past, forget the future; be spontaneous, heed your inner voice, follow your bliss." Both may advise you to not be bound by traditional social values but by higher spiritual values. Both may have messages from God or spiritual teachings tailored just for you. Both may be homeless wanderers. Both may manifest fearless behavior and may risk persecution.


Although the powers of a saint and a psychopath may seem the same at first, they have different roots. Saints have a calm, clear, empowered state of mind as a result of discipline, meditation, and introspection. Psychopaths can develop paranoid samadhi, which is a concentrated mind, because they have done so many unskillful things such as lying, theft, injury, adultery, substance abuse, etc. Their powers come from having to have a very sensitive awareness to perceive when someone is coming after them. They are also gluttons for attention, and when they have your attention they will start to feed on your spiritual energies like a psychic vampire.


So how do we tell saints from psychopaths? My teacher, Sayadaw U Pandita, says that he never makes up his mind about peoples enlightenment until he has known them and observed them closely for a year. It is in the nature of saints to respond to sincere requests for help, and guidance. If you sincerely want help they will be there for you.

Amoral or immoral?
In time some very distinguishing differences between saints and psychopaths become apparent. Saints have such a deeply rooted morality from their own direct understanding that by normal social standards they may be amoral. The Buddha clashed with his culture by disparaging rites and rituals and not respecting caste. Christ, too, conflicted with his culture.
Psychopaths, on the other hand, are simply immoral. Their divergence from social standards involves self gratification and disregard for doing harm. At first it may be difficult to discern whether a teacher is amoral or immoral, but in time it may become apparent whether or not he or she adheres to the standards of behavior being taught.


I use a standard of evaluation I call SAY, MEAN, DO. Saints will say what they mean and will do what they say. Psychopaths will mean something other than what they say and what they do may have little relationship to what they say and mean. For example, psychopaths may say they love you or want to help you, when what they mean is that they want attention or money. What they do in the long run is going to be a disappointment. It takes a while for consistency or inconsistency of SAY, MEAN, DO to come into focus. The more time you take in evaluating this the more accurate your conclusion will be.

On a somewhat unrelated note, when attending JS's Amsterdam seminar, I noticed many red flags. In hindsight, these were obvious manipulation techniques. I wonder if other (ex) students of JS recognize these.

These were some of the red flags (paraphrasing JS):

"I like the people from Amsterdam. You are cool. But it's funny how you go from one satsang to the next. It's like you're addicts. One week you go to Rupert, the next week to Mooji, etc."

"Unlike the other teachers, I teach traditional vedanta, which is the superior system for attaining enlightenment. It's important to stick to one true teacher, or you won't get anywhere."

"What I'm telling you is the time-tested truth of Vedanta which has led many thousands of people to enlightenment. You can't argue with it. You can try to argue with me, but there's no point in doing so because I'd defeat you."

Especially interesting in this context is the fact that it isn't even true that James teaches pure, unaltered Vedanta, as even one of his attack-dog students (Sattva) admitted in this thread.

I hope it's clear to everyone that a true teacher wouldn't say such manipulative things as the statements I paraphrased above.

There's a few more things I want to say but I'll do so in a next post.

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Re: James Swartz—What is the Truth?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: January 03, 2020 07:23PM

I just remembered two other manipulative statements by JS. Like I said, I wonder if others recognize these statements. From attending his satsangs and watching his videos, I get the impression that JS has a repertoire of manipulative statements that he keeps repeating.

Paraphrasing JS (Amsterdam seminar 2019):

"To learn Vedanta, you have to be qualified. That's what the other teachers don't tell you. But don't worry, the fact that you're sitting here means that you're qualified."

"All of you sitting here, you have good karma. That's why you have ended up here, learning true vedanta. If you didn't have good karma, you'd be sitting with someone like Mooji."

And like others have reported from other satsangs, JS did a bit of ranting about Donald Trump and transsexuals, that seems to be part of his repertoire as well.

A few more things I'd like to say to the people who know JS:

If despite all the warning signs, you still think JS is a true and moral teacher, and you feel sorry for him for being criticized: You don't have to feel bad for him, because he doesn't feel bad about it himself, at least not according to his own statements.

Not only doesn't he care what people say about him:



Let people say what they think, good or bad. It does not enhance or diminish me in the slightest. I listen to what is said and see if there is truth in it. If there is, I accept it and if there isn’t, I don’t.

JS is in a constant state of bliss (or so he claims in the same interview linked above):


Since my guru erased the veil I am in savikalpa samadhi all the time.

I'm not entirely sure what savikalpa samadhi is, because there seem to be different definitions, but their common factor is that it is a state of bliss. Is that really what we see and hear when we look at and listen to JS and his rants? Is this a man who's constantly in bliss?

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