What relationship - if any? - does Moo have with the healers he uses for referrals?
If Moo recommends that you consult a healer, will the healer keep your sessions confidential - that is, not report anything to Moo?
The module may stay there for a week or two. It will then leave. It needs to reconstitute itself given the work that has been done. If you can muscle test yourself to see if it is still there, do that. If not, just put a new one in every week or so.
Your brain is currently 86.3% developed. The goal is to get above 92%. That should be doable in 2-3 months.
Wow. Most of us are eager to develop our brains. It would be tempting to do this as often as possible.
But...just like any exercise, one can overdo things. In ordinary body-building, one needs rest periods in between workouts so that one's muscles can heal and build strength.
Why should brain development be any different?
1. Put out your hand like you are holding a grapefruit or softball.
2. While looking into your hand say and intend "Create module to mature
my brain."
3. Then insert the module into your brain. You can flick it in or toss it
in. Say the word "Insert" while you are doing this.
4. After it is in the brain, say "Activate."
Could this be some sort of trance induction that has a dissociative effect?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2018 12:34AM by corboy.