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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: alonzo ()
Date: November 23, 2018 01:06PM

Hello, I'm sharing here emails of correspondence I had with a person Mooji suggested I contact so to have "stale energies" and entities removed from my person. At this point I had already spent more than 13 months over a three year period at monte sahaja and traveled around with him during this time. He came to me one day and advised that I and two other people had these "stale energies" attached to us and suggested I contact this person to have the entities and energies removed. I at first found it odd that my trusted and all knowing guru was sending me to someone else for healing but I totally loved and trusted him so I took his advise.

I know now that I was already "enlightened" even before meeting mooji but I didn't know it. I was drawn to him for self actualization and a lot of what he said spoke directly to me and I knew from experience that what was being said was true. During my entire stay I was not much affected by the mind play and negativity that went on which is why I believe I was sent to this theta healer person. Anyway, this person I was referred to performed some distant "so called healing" upon me as you'll read in the emails below. This so called healing caused my entire world to be turned upside down in a drastic and negative way. As I look back I see how foolish I was to go for this but at the time I completely loved and trusted Mooji, he was my guru and I never thought he would send me to someone that would do me harm. After giving this guy permission to do distant work/healing upon me, shortly after I returned home and once back my entire life and world had been altered in a drastic and negative way. All of a sudden I could no longer function in society, I was having delusions and people were following and watching me where ever I went, I could no longer hold a job, everything had changed. My mind had been hijacked and I was honestly helpless. (just for the record, I still have small effects from my experience but for most part have healed beautifully).

This person had somehow screwed around with and perhaps altered my "energy system" along with my long term contact with some seriously ungrounded and unhealthy people caused me to experience a lot of the problems I experience. NOt everyone is unhealthy and ungrounded of course but there are some that are around to do harm. In fact, becoming ungrounded is what's happening to most people that is following the teaching that being offered by mooji. This ungrounding causes one to become sort of disconnected from reality and confusion and delusion follows. Like in my specific experience, there are purposeful acts directed toward some but the whole-sale problems and ungrounding that people are experiencing is not purposefully done by mooji. It's the nature of the teachings itself that causes people to open a particular part of their awareness that is otherwise closed and this awareness then gets hijacked.

Below then are the first set of emails, totally unedited except for removing my name and email address. If anyone find them helpful or have question I'm happy to answer or share the full scope of what we talked about and what he performed, otherwise I'll just leave it at this. You'll need to read from the bottom up for the correct order of the messages.

Thanks again, I am grateful. Please do check for "other" health issues when you have the time. I feel healthy and strong but I suppose there could always be something I'm not aware of.

These entities that attach to us, where do they come from? Are they hanging out at particular places or are they everywhere?

I'm not sure when one is to feel benefit from what you're doing but I can honestly say that yesterday and this morning it feels something has lifted. There is a since of more lightness and freedom. I look forward to hearing from you again regarding the question I ask and rather there are other health issues I need to address.

Enjoy the day!.........................

-----Original Message-----
From: John Frazier <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 20, 2014 4:36 am
Subject: Re: hello

Hi ,

I was able to remove all the more negative energies and all the Wayward entities. In Theta Healing we call these more negative entities "Fallen" which are negative entities that have developed into nasty guys over time. Mooji uses a different terminology, but it is the same thing. The Waywards are spirits of people who have died in unusual circumstances such as accidents. They are simply lost and need to be sent on their way for their own evolution.

Your chakras opened up immediately to about 75% on average. I then did another Theta Healing process to open them further and put healing modules in each. Currently they are 88% open. I will do another process to open them some more in two days. This should get us above 90%.

I tested all your endocrine glands that I mentioned. They all test good now. Amazing actually. Very good! The endocrine glands secrete hormones that control most of the body's processes.

I have not searched for other health issues that might be there. If you want me to look further let me know and I will do a search and recommend solutions..

These entities have been on you for 22 years. You might ask "how did they get there in the first place?" There has to be some weakness in the body for them to attach. Typically it is drug and alcohol use that causes the weakness although there can be other reasons. So if this is the case with you, try not to do anything to weaken yourself in the future or these entities will attach again.

We have not had any personal contact. I was there at Zmar but was in silence so could not approach you. I first noticed the situation while watching Satsang from home. I was in a real quandary about how to get you the information. Forgive me for going through Mooji but I knew of no other way. We both trust him I am sure.


On Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:30 PM, "" <> wrote:

Aketan, thanks for the explanation and for getting back to me. I do give permission and look forwarding to hearing what you find. I am curious though as to how will you work on me specifically? Have we had contact?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Frazier <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 19, 2014 3:49 pm
Subject: Re: hello

Hello ……..,

Thank you for contacting me. I am able to remove these energies using a process from a healing modality called Theta Healing. I have done quite a bit of this work and have been successful in all attempts so far.

I can tune in to your body from a distance and do a muscle test on my fingers to find out what is there. I have looked and have found a total of sixteen of these energies. Seven of these are only mildly negative called Waywards These can easily be removed with one process which takes only a couple of minutes.

The other 9 are more difficult to remove as I have to do them individually and have to have some way of identifying each of them, by getting a name which I get psychically. I can then remove them

The main reason these energies should be removed is that they are causing you physical problems which you may not be aware of. The presence of these energies shuts down the 7 chakras so your physical organs in these areas get less of the body's natural energy flow. Currently your chakras are only open 45% on average. After the energies are removed, the chakras will immediately open to perhaps about 70%.

I will then do another process to open them some more. We should be able to get them open to at least 90% in a couple of days.

You might ask exactly what is going on in your body due to these energies. I have not done a complete scan on you except to look at the endocrine system glands. I tested some of these just now - pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, thymus, and adrenals. They all fail a simple muscle test. When the energies are removed, they should return to normal. After that we can take another look in more depth, but that is not necessary at this point.

I do need to have your permission to any work on you. If you give that I can go ahead and will report back to you what happened. There is no downside to this. So let me know, or if you have more questions feel free to ask.

Aketan (John Frazier)

On Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:11 AM, "" <> wrote:

Hello, this is …….. and I was referred to you by Sri Mooji so this note is to follow up with you. Mooji and I spoke briefly and it's my understanding that you are willing to look at and perhaps help remove trapped or stale energies that reside in the body. I am open to this and look forward to hearing from you with any detail and how we are to get started.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: November 23, 2018 04:30PM

Thank you Abdias824,

For your insights. Please feel free to keep posting and inform others about what Mooji and his followers are up to. People have a right to know about all this. People really need to know what is going on at Monte Sahaja, so as they can avoid getting involved with this cult.

I think I was lucky to have had some spontaneous spiritual experiences when I was young. Then when I happened to become suspicious about Moo, I could compare how I felt after a genuine spiritual experience to how I felt from being "tranced-out" from watching Moo online. There is no comparison!

In my experience, feeling genuinely 'in sinc with the universe' is very uplifting and wonderful. In no way does this experience want to make you turn away from the real world. It just makes you appreciate the real world of lived experience in a new and lovely way.

You are so right when you say Moo followers dismiss every kind of experience as being 'ego' or 'in your mind' or whatever. They do that all the time! Truly spiritual people would never be dismessive in that way. They would just be open and curious.

I have to go but I will write more when I can.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: SadGame ()
Date: November 23, 2018 04:47PM

thank you for sharing this, you give a very detailed and specific account of how mooji might deal with people he judges to have what he calls "stale energies".

Thankfully you have for the most part healed and recovered beautifully from the upheaval you experienced after this "intervention", but it is a shame you have had to go through it.

Im curious about the effects of your own state of "enlightenment" as you describe it, that you seem to have recognized after you left mooji, how does this enlightenment play into this? Does it help you progress toward more complete healing and towards getting your life back on track?

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 23, 2018 06:48PM

A useful website called rationalwiki has this to say on theta healing:


* Anyone worried about throwing out the baby with the bathwater while reading this site should ensure their baby is seated properly in an upright position, with seatbelt on, and spare diapers stored either in the overhead locker or below the bathtub in front of them.

Sorry mixed metaphors there.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2018 07:17PM by happytown.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 23, 2018 08:41PM

"For example, let us say that a satsang teacher has chosen the spiritual nickname of Foo. Now Foo is the actual name. By adding “ji” to it, the name itself is made into Fooji. Everything then gets convoluted.
Everyone referring to Mr. Foo is forced to call Mr. Foo, Fooji! This essentially means “Respected Foo.” The option to call Mr. Foo, simply Foo or Mr. Foo is thus taken off the table. The name Fooji is hence imposed on the innocent whether they wish to use the term “ji” to refer to the person or not."


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: alonzo ()
Date: November 23, 2018 11:12PM

Wanted to share one more thread of communication I had with the healer that mooji suggested for me. We had lots of written communications but the one I share now is the one I believe really caused most of the difficulties I experienced. Most people would hopefully be smart enough not to try/do this action but when it's suggested by your guru you may consider it so I send this as a warning. Prior to my experience with mooji and this "healer guy" I never imagined or believed that I/we could be tampered with remotely so to cause us to all manner of mental and physical problems. You will do well to stay away from all healers, lightworkers and gurus.

Again, you'll need to read the last email first and read up from there.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Frazier <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 23, 2014 7:03 pm
Subject: Re: Healing Module for brain

You got it! Congrats!
OK, now keep on doing it once week or so.
Contact me in a month or so and I will give you a numerical update.

On Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:42 AM, "" <> wrote:

ok, how about now?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Frazier <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 23, 2014 5:20 pm
Subject: Re: Healing Module for brain

It is not there. Try to have more intention when you create the module and then visualize it going in your brain when you insert it.

As a reminder, you can used the abbreviation CIA to help you in the process:
C=create the module
I= insert the module
A= activate the module.

Try again,

On Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:37 AM, "" <> wrote:

done, please check and let me know....... thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: John Frazier <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 22, 2014 5:17 am
Subject: Healing Module for brain

OK ,

To create a healing module for maturing your brain:

1. Put out your hand like you are holding a grapefruit or softball.
2. While looking into your hand say and intend "Create module to mature my brain."
3. Then insert the module into your brain. You can flick it in or toss it in. Say the word "Insert" while you are doing this.
4. After it is in the brain, say "Activate."

This is an automatic healing module where it creates itself with the components it needs. You can also add ingredients to the automatic module that will help the process if you know of any. Otherwise, skip this.

The module may stay there for a week or two. It will then leave. It needs to reconstitute itself given the work that has been done. If you can muscle test yourself to see if it is still there, do that. If not, just put a new one in every week or so.

Your brain is currently 86.3% developed. The goal is to get above 92%. That should be doable in 2-3 months.

Let me know when you have done the above and I will check to see if you got it in.
Good luck,

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Moo referrals to a healer - what about confidentiality?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 24, 2018 12:27AM


What relationship - if any? - does Moo have with the healers he uses for referrals?

If Moo recommends that you consult a healer, will the healer keep your sessions confidential - that is, not report anything to Moo?


The module may stay there for a week or two. It will then leave. It needs to reconstitute itself given the work that has been done. If you can muscle test yourself to see if it is still there, do that. If not, just put a new one in every week or so.

Your brain is currently 86.3% developed. The goal is to get above 92%. That should be doable in 2-3 months.

Wow. Most of us are eager to develop our brains. It would be tempting to do this as often as possible.

But...just like any exercise, one can overdo things. In ordinary body-building, one needs rest periods in between workouts so that one's muscles can heal and build strength.

Why should brain development be any different?


1. Put out your hand like you are holding a grapefruit or softball.
2. While looking into your hand say and intend "Create module to mature
my brain."
3. Then insert the module into your brain. You can flick it in or toss it
in. Say the word "Insert" while you are doing this.
4. After it is in the brain, say "Activate."

Could this be some sort of trance induction that has a dissociative effect?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2018 12:34AM by corboy.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: November 24, 2018 01:21AM

Thanks Alonzo,

It’s a heavy and scary stuff you present about Mooji and his “healer”, I definitely believe it. Now, there is no doubt that Mooji has been in contact with or surrounded by some dark beings and deluded people. It’s definitely the warning for everybody to stay outside of Mooji's influences. I have quite underestimated Mooji, it’s more than a simple manipulation, it may be a dark magic and Mooji's predisposition for Jamaican’s voodoo….

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Re: Moo referrals to a healer - what about confidentiality?
Posted by: alonzo ()
Date: November 24, 2018 02:30AM

corboy Wrote:
> Questions:
> What relationship - if any? - does Moo have with
> the healers he uses for referrals?
> If Moo recommends that you consult a healer, will
> the healer keep your sessions confidential - that
> is, not report anything to Moo?

To be clear. There was absolutely nothing wrong with me to begin with. This seemed to have been a setup to get me into a difficult situations.


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: alonzo ()
Date: November 24, 2018 03:19AM

SadGame Wrote:
> alonzo,
> >
> Im curious about the effects of your own state of
> "enlightenment" as you describe it, that you seem
> to have recognized after you left mooji, how does
> this enlightenment play into this? Does it help
> you progress toward more complete healing and
> towards getting your life back on track?

I've lived a happy life with never a hint of mental or physical difficulties what so ever. Although I had blind spots I for the most part have always been clear minded and understood what was going on around me. It happened that all of a sudden and out of no where I started experiencing all manner of illusions and misfortunes. I went back to my guru for answers and help but all of a sudden he no longer wanted anything to do with me and was not able to help me at all. It was at this point I realized that myself and other people were in trouble. I made my way home again and literally went through hell as I attempted to heal and figure out what had happened. Eventhough I was experiencing these difficulties I could clearly see and understand that my body and mind had been attacked by some outside and unseen influence that had hostile intent toward me. I started recalling all people and situation that happened over a period of time and it started to become clear what had happened and who was behind it. There were many people that made contact with me with the intent to help push me toward the situation that caused me problems. To your question specificly, it's all about being clear minded and have an understanding of what's happening. This then lead me to find material that deepened my understanding of myself and helped me to discover on a deep level that all healing and gaining of fundamental clearity comes only from within each person. No one outside ourselves can heal us or help us to become enlightened. I then found some semi yogic practices that help me to clear the the negative energies I was carrying while at the same time advancing toward self actualazation which is available for all of us. Self actualization is not some mystical magical state but rather a state of opening up your full potential as a human being, discovering the simplicity of your own natural state.

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