Re: Mooji a cult?
Date: September 03, 2019 10:54PM
Dear Ananas
This thread was opened with the question whether Mooji was a cult.
Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: March 24, 2017 05:45AM
Hi does anyone have any information about Mooji? There are few things on here but nothing recent.
With all my respect to you as a human being I have to say this :
You did not open this thread and you have no sovereignty to interpret or monopolise the truth about Mooji in this discussion. Therefore i ask you to please stop telling me what my opinion should be or telling me not to write anything here if i am not your opinion.
A discussion is alive because there are also different opinions. I certainly can't change your opinion but your attempt to silence me here won't stop me from writing about this topic.
Now I'll go into some of your points :
"Bodhi, this thread is about M's cult, the abuse done by him (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, sexual, energetical and financial), the tools he and his team are using and a safe place to share what people have experienced."
Ananas, this is not true. This thread was opened with the question whether Mooji could be a cult.
"Bodhi, Is there anything else you have seen and witnessed at Sahaja/retreats that is sign of a cult?"
As I said before, the level of worship for Mooji as a person was too high for me, so I don't go to meetings and retreats anymore. However, this is also my personal conditioning which doesn't like worshipping and devotion.The other “cultish” looking things like singing Bhajans etc. you’ll find in almost any spiritual community and are nothing special related to a cult.
“Bodhi “,If you still find inspiration in M go for it, but dont give advice here people should listen to M's meditation which are full of trance inducing. The trance inducing and hypnotherapy techniques M uses all the time are highly manipulative and important part of this cult.
The guided meditations have nothing to do with trance. You may easily just read the text of some guided meditations let’s say from Mooji, Adyashanti and Tolle , delete the authors name and you wouldn’t know anymore whose meditation it is.
I don’t know Ananas if you ever have meditated or listened to any guided meditation but all these long discussions about hypnotherapy techniques, trance, etc.. look like posted by someone who has actually no idea what meditating means.
“Bodhi”, Do you want to discuss, if it is a cult, with arguments other than Quote: "here in the forum so much is told what is simply completely unproven so many rumors spread and even obvious lies spoken."?
Ananas if you refer to this BeScofield article that I’ve also read. That is almost 100% hearsay and unproven stuff.
Just by repeating this “BS” 1000 times doesn’t make it more proven or valid. There are so many things in there that are so ridiculous and absurd that you actually have to laugh when you ever have been in Sahaja. As an example I just mention 1. The dead Heron story. ;-) This story is treated here in the forum as a proven fact whereas nobody ever claimed “ Yes, that’s true I was there I witnessed it.”
Finally I would like to say that I am happy about a forum like this. I just hope that in the future the discussion will be a bit more objective, a bit more for the good of all and not just mere Mooji bashing by some people.
Thanks to all