I tried to listen to the latest video of TNT
He still give the impression to his listeners that the DEA will soon approve his church in the USA ...not a word that he cannot even enter the USA .
Most cult are known to bombard recruits with LOVE LOVE LOVE
this guy ...sure give those vibrations ...everything is superlative in his language LOVE AMAZING WONDERFUL ON AND ON Thats the reason,s he got so many views on YOUTUBE ...its a sale presentation to lure clients to Peru at $1500 for a week retreat ..But the videos of long ago where it was the same "BROTHERS and SISTERS ...those brothers ans sisters got their money stolen ,
Now its more of the same ..."COME ON DOWN TO PERU "
Also he did mention recently something like other churches serving Ayahuaska
where to narrow minded for him ...without mentioning Santo Daime ...(to Christian for him)
He said I BELIEVE IN ALL RELIGIONS ...anyone that tell me that they believe in all religions ...obviously have not read much about the Theologies of Hinduism
that worship 99,000 gods ..Or the words of the Koran ..(kill the infidels )
or the weird beliefs of so many religions.
He is an ignorant delusional dangerous ayahuwaska salesman...