The Anticult
But its clear that Stephen Sashen is quite a slippery self-promoter, and a promoter of Byron Katie and The Work, in an indirect permissive way. That is more effective than banging on drums and shaving your head bald.
You can call yourself an Anti-Guru, but still promote your own Guru.
And that is exactly how I got into "the work" - via Steven Sashen.
I found out about him in the course of reading Guruphiliac's blog (which I have come to find to be a very mixed blessing). I enjoyed some of the comments left by Sashen on Guruphiliac's blog, so I visited his website and Anti-Guru blog. (I now see that Sashen's blog is quite bizarrely named, as he almost never discusses gurus.)
I enjoyed Steven's sense of humor and seeming skepticism enough that I decided to try a session with him in "the work". (Prior to that, I had checked out Byron Katie and her method and had intuitively felt turned off by it. I wish I had recalled that at the time I discovered Sashen's site.)
My first session with Sashen was so enjoyable and seemingly helpful that I ran out and purchased a copy of "Loving What Is", so that I could continue to do the work on my own. I was on quite a high at the time. I really thought I had found something incredible. Of course I now know that there ARE some aspects of the work that DO work. Unfortunately there are other aspects of it that are decidedly harmful, as detailed in this forum, including the lure into involvement with the cult of Byron Katie.
Sashen is very charismatic and I had several more sessions with him. The thing is, I found as time went by that the work wasn't working as well as it did in the beginning. Which led me to ponder attending the 9-day school. My thinking was, maybe I need a deeper immersion into the work, and also maybe it would be a good idea to learn from "the master"?
Thankfully my former cult involvement came to mind by then and I decided to do a thorough web search on Byron Katie. Fortunately JJ had very recently posted the details of her awful experiences in the 9-day school, and I am beyond grateful that she did that. Wherever she is now, I hope she is doing very well.
Ah, I nearly forgot to say... besides my coming upon the negative info on Byron Katie in this forum, I had an experience during a session with Sashen that caused me to stop consulting with him for good. What happened was, he did a "turnaround" with me on a deeply traumatic experience from my past that was downright insane, just awful. It really f&@ked with my head and I had to go process it in psychotherapy.
I won't repeat what his turnarond was, as I feel it to be too personal.
Whew, I've finally said something about my experience with Sashen. It's taken a while for me to feel comfortable enough to do so. I hope something I've said will help others beginning to suspect that all may not be rosy in the world of Byron Katie.