There are some great people who go to the ROC Pun and no need to apologize for what you wrote. You spoke the truth and that's admirable. Doesn't surprise anyone (but saddens the readers of this site, I'm sure) that he was "messing" with a 14-year old. After all, that's what you read on this blog, that he left his first wife and took off with Sammi, 14 years old at the time. I feel real bad for the family of those girls. Why would people here lie about this stuff. What do we all have to gain by lying. Wake up people who are still at the ROC. Know the truth and know what you are dealing with. You need to wake up and listen to what everyone is saying. Why would someone stay at the ROC once they learn the truth about the ministry? It doesn't make much sense, I don't get it - I don't understand it - again, I think the tactic there is called brainwashing. And look at how many "brainwashers" there have been throughout so-called Christian ministry who offer much deception to their flocks. People who are caught in lies in other churches/ministries are dealt with their lies and bad actions appropriately=they are asked to LEAVE. There is authority over those leaders, much unlike the ROC where the head pastor is THE authority. Wonder why the by-laws of the ROC are not allowed to leave the ROC premises. Ask questions people. Why are you not asking questions.
For others needing recovery from abusers - I don't know enough about it but there are some good books by Ron Enroth about the subject - check out Also the McShin foundation at Hatcher Memorial Church in Richmond helps those struggling with issues such as many at the ROC apparently struggle with. There's a fee but maybe they offer scholarships. It is worth checking in to. You can check it out []
I am also curious if G's dad is coming to Richmond. Sounds like it from what someone wrote a page or two over. G stated he had nothing to do anymore with his dad - didn't like his dad's lifestyle. Why would he now want to "hang" with his dad. Again it really does not make much sense to me.
Make him answer the questions on another page as well as the concerns you have about his stay in Texas. Why did he leave Texas. He told Richmonders that God called him to Richmond. Sounds like he was TOLD to leave Texas and the East seemed the best place to set up shop where no one would know the posse - far from California and Texas. I think Richmonders have a right to the truth - the whole truth. Who knew him before he came to Richmond.
Sure, he makes it out to sound like we are all liars. He tells people to stay away from those who have left the ROC. Ask the people in the homes. If they contact a former member, well, ask him what he treatens to do if they have contact with former ROCers. Are we all crazy. I don't think so but he makes it sound like we are - that we are a bunch of liars who are trying to harm the ministry - we have ought against the minstry. No we just don't like the things we have seen and things we know. We don't like the lying, cheating, and stealing which go on at the ROC. We don't like the manipulating. We don't like the dishonesty. In leadership of all places. People for the ministry keep stating on this site "Pastor G admits he's a sinner." Don't we all admit we are sinners? But when you are the head of a church, leading a church, and performing duties quite contrary to biblical beliefs and so are your leaders, there is something very wrong. What would happen if you told the truth leaders. Why don't you try doing that. But as for me, I'm still thankfultobeout.