I am a member of the ROC, and am here to tell you that you are mistaken; the ROC is not a cult. I have always been taught that actions speak louder than words, and when you see a thousand children every Saturday being bused in and fed the word of God, and then fed a lunch, for some the best or even the only meal they will get that day. That is action. When you see a group of young men and women feed homeless people every week that is also action. When you see a teenage girl who finds herself pregnant with nowhere to go, and the ROC provides her with a home, food, and direction, that is action. When a lady who’s son spent 4 months in the hospital and during that time she lost her job,( who by the way is not even a member of the church) needed a place to live the ROC provided them a place to live as well as meals while they get back on their feet. That is action. So while I will fight to the death for your right to post the stuff you post, I will respectfully let you know that actions speak louder than words. I hope and pray that your actions will do the things that will help others, and that your words will lift God instead of taking jabs at a man, who is far from perfect, but his actions speak loud and clear.
Those things are all laudable, and things that very few churches perform.
However, several very serious ethical issues have been detailed in this thread of posts, things that very few evangelical churches are engaged in.
Read the Bible stories of Baalam, Samson, etc. Samson even made it into the Hebrews 11 'rollcall of faith', but he made a big mess out of his life, didn't he?