Hello psyborgue.
"Just because somebody is spiritual, charismatic, has followers, and is critical of major world religions does not make one a cult leader. Does he have a group with a totalist structure? "I am not sure what "totalist structure" is, but in the cult of Eric Allen Bell one is free to come, and go.
"Does his organization practice thought reform?"I am not sure what thought reform is. However, it is true that Eric attempts to control, and psychologically manipulate what people think, and does it successfully, I might add. I have the screen shot of EAB telling his followers not to associate with Walid Shoebat for no other reason than Shoebat is a Christian.
Over at Eric's Globalone, a feature of Eric Allen Bell you have yet to comment on, one will find a discussion group for "A Course in Miracles" which may qualify as thought reform.
One can listen to Eric Allen Bell's bigotry on the 2/29/12 edition of the Jamie Glazov Show, where he insists that a Muslim woman submit to his "yes", or "no" questions, and renounce Muhammad.
www.blogtalkradio.com] (@ 25:20)
Eric has the ability to cloud men's minds. Part of his bogus persona is that there is a death warrant on him, and a bounty. He has referenced this bounty hundreds of times on the web. The bounty has the number one quadrillion on it. If that is one quadrillion rupees, that would be over 18 trillion dollars. Moreover, we were told the bounty was for ten million rupees.
When, this information was relayed to Eric, he said this -
" . . . the reason for the big numbers is bait for the newspapers. No serious jihadist expects to be paid. The terrorists are indicating how badly they want that person. How in the world, logically, would anyone collect? How would they get into the US, cut off someone's head, and bring it back to Iran or Pakistan? This is equally absurd if the bounty has more zeros or fewer zeros. "
"In every war there are 2 wars - 1 is with the enemy and the other is within. If you are committed to the cause of Counter Jihad, and you have some doubts or concerns about me, I would ask that you address them to me, rather than broadcasting them on the landing page of my website, or in some Facebook thread. The enemy wants us to remain disorganized and unfocused." - EAB
The only one publicizing, and exploiting this Photoshop creation is Eric Allen Bell.
None of his followers remarked that the number on the bounty had twice the number of zeros as the number ten million ( 10,000,000 v. 1,000,000,000,000,000). Moreover, when it was pointed out to him that the bounty night not be real, he gets defensive, and suggests that bringing that up would be aiding the "enemy".
Just this year, Eric said that the bounty is something he will have to live with the rest of his life.
Telling other people what to think or believe is a defining feature of EAB's character.
"What are the origins of the group?"Again, the origins of the group are at Globalone, a New Age web site. Globalone was started in 2009, and was branded "Global One TV: Online Spiritual Television for a New Age". Globalone is where you will find Eric endorsing "What the Bleep", and the scoundrels from that film such as Dr. Emoto, and John Hagelin.
As you recall, "What the Bleep" was released in 2004. It is now 9 years old, and nearly everyone has commented on the film's connection to Ramtha. WTB was made by three of Ramtha's students to show what they had learned from Ramtha. They named their production company after Ramtha. They give special thanks in the credits to JZ Knight, who is Ramtha, and Ramtha appears in the film repeatedly
I have confronted EAB about his endorsement of this movie that has been described as an infomercial for Ramtha, and twice, he has continued to praise this movie while side stepping the Ramtha connection to WTB.
Indeed, Eric denies any connection to the New Age, and he can not understand why someone would ever mistake him as such.
In addition to praising, and promoting scoundrels like Emoto, Hagelin, Deepak Chopra, and the Maharishi, Eric sells the work of out, and out New Age fraud, Gregg Braden.
What you say about Eric's followers may be true. I don't know what evidence you have to back that up. I have just assumed that Eric's cadre are his New Age followers from Globalone. And, why not? Eric claims millions, and millions of people come through this site. This is where he makes his money. This is where he comes from.