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8 years ago
I have been told imay not have long to live by many reputable doctors. So I do not post the following lightly. It's amazing how people who didn't want to have anything to do with u for decades show up at your hospital bed unannounced. When they know you have been ill already for awhile. While I wasn't mean to them or treated them badly I still had negative feelings about
Forum: Destructive Churches
8 years ago
Do you believe in coincidences? I don't believe in coincidences. Especially, when it comes to pc. When you have two different militant pc-ites contact you on the same day when you haven't spoken to either one in several years; it means something is brewing. Probably sounds paranoid but if you were part of this you'd understand. By saying this I may no longer be anonymous b
Forum: Destructive Churches
8 years ago
I take it back I think they know exactly who they have let in and know exactly what they are doing. You know what's interesting? Words like globality, church multiplication, multiplicity, cell groups which are better known as sheepfold or bible study aka high demand small groups that control small groups of people in order to bring them to a collective mind to create a mega church fellowship
Forum: Destructive Churches
8 years ago
Once again without even trying more unfortunate information comes my way. I feel that this has to be said in more detail. I always knew that most of the leadership did not have any formal training or formal education. I had finally figured out that most of them had not truly studied the Bible for themselves and that any understanding of it was spoonfed to them by the nevilles and their inner c
Forum: Destructive Churches
8 years ago
It's been a long time since I've posted. I feel the need to once again say how dangerously false and deceiving praise chapel was and is. It's not a church its a cult and a business depensing false doctrine. They are also becoming more entrenched in the hebrew roots heresy. Which shouldn't be surprising considering they both teach that Salvation and Grace are conditional.
Forum: Destructive Churches
10 years ago
Hi Everyone, Its been awhile... There's definetly a lot going on especially in the church world. I see that praise chapel has been embracing some interesting new things. New for them or it's been going on for awhile but it's starting to come to light. As all things do in the Kingdom of God. I would like to ask the congregants of pc fellowship: do you ever look up or resea
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
I got a kick out of this.
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Hi Everyone, Couldn't help but notice this new thread. Also see: Praise Chapel...a cult?, and the ones that have Potters House or Wayman Mitchell in the the title. Michael Neville was my pastor (and i am being generous) from 1987 until his death. I went to pc huntingtonpark ca for over 20yrs. The brainwashing statement was merely a play on words in a few sermons over the years kind
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Hi Everyone, Couldn't help but notice this new thread. Also see: Praise Chapel...a cult?, and the ones that have Potters House or Wayman Mitchell in the the title. Michael Neville was my pastor (and i am being generous) from 1987 until his death. I went to pc huntingtonpark ca for over 20yrs. The brainwashing statement was merely a play on words in a few sermons over the years ki
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Never a dull moment. It never ceases to amaze me how that pc blames people who left for other people leaving. Never taking responsibility for what they do to cause these people to leave in the first place. Its always someone else causing the problems or the leaving or the turmoil that is a constant. Never them. Oh and prayer meetings or should I say the meeting together to speak dest
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
It does my heart good to see that people are reading this thread. I hope those who are in contemplation of going to a praise chapel, potters house, christian fellowship church will read this and run as fast as they can in the opposite direction. Those that have feeling that something isn't right and start researching these so-called churches will find this and other websites and read what
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Its been awhile since my last post - the more time that goes by the more I realize how much time and precious resources I wasted in the pc and its been very dishearting. This is a grieving process with different stages; this one being regret mixed with shame that I allowed this to happen. The further away you get from the constant brain washing and start to think for yourself the more you reali
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Ever notice how when the true and tough questions are posed to pro praise chapel posters they never come back to answer them? It speaks volumes. They can't answer them. They are afraid that if they really think about them and try to answer them the Truth about what they are apart of may penetrate the rational part of their psyche and they would then begin to realize that they have been liv
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Coven or prayer meeting? The reason I ask is when a group of people come together and stand in a circle and pray against people that don't agree with them or leave and then curse them-would that be praying or speaking witchcraft over them? Now, some may ask where this is coming from? Well its been in pc and ph from the very beginning. I think its about time for this issue to be addressed
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Well said "ravenbynight." larry neville preached either last Sunday or the Sunday before at the mother church in Huntington Park and gave his sister-in-law pastor neville an award that the HP church gave the most to missions in the fellowship. If we took a poll of the finances of the people in the congregation I wonder how many we would find are either on unemployment, welfare, gene
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Happy New Year! As I sit here and contemplate my post - I'm having mixed emotions on how to respond or if I even should; but I must say that "part of the body" post is a standard generic fellowship response and doesn't surprise me at all. It actually did make me a little sad and tired to read it because it seems nothing ever changes. Its always the same old rhetoric. I
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I have a story. Its not first hand experience. Its all from things I observed on the internet by googling certain names, phrases and places. Now, would you take all this information like it is the gospel truth or would you investigate and research it for yourselves? This is a very pertinent question due to the fact that most of us (when in the pc fellowship) did whatever we were told with
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Couldn't help but notice this thread. I was in a shepherding church for almost 25years - therefore, first hand experience. Shepherding is just another term for (Psuedo) Christian CONTROL. It nutures an environment of dominance by a few at the top over the vulnerable many branching outward at the bottom; much like a pyramid. Therefore, Pyramid Scheme in regards to recruitment and finances
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
12 years ago
Hi everyone, In this time of Holiday celebration and great financial upheaval I would ask that you would take notice of the following: When attending any praise chapel church service, bible study, prayer meeting, men or women's dicipleship and/or any other congregation time I would like you to start a count and keep record of how many times you are asked for money (in any way shape or fo
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
True Definitions of praise chapel "catch phrases" and words: Evangelism & Outreaches: Recruiting new victims for their Pyramid Scheme Church Planting: Opening a new franchise location to Recruit new victims for their Pyramid Scheme Submitting to leadership as unto the Lord: Allowing someone who has an alterior motive (controlling your life and finances) to tell you every mo
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I want to post thread from Escape from the Fellowship - its a truthful history of pc and potters house. I started going to pc in 1987 and remember wayman mitchell and his boys preaching at conferences, revivals and church services. Everything this guy is saying about the book Harvest Generation is true I read the original. This is where pc came from. This is what pc still is. We have so
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I stumbled on this post; very interesting. Its regarding pastor howard pennington he pastors praise chapel kingman az. Its funny the poster is talking about him 30yrs ago when he pioneered in potters house. Its the same kind of behavior that kingmankowboy describes at lenght now. Perfect example of how some things never changed or ever changed. Coincidence? I think not.
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
Here is a post from Escape from the Fellowship: potters house that perfectly describes praise chapel. They are mirror images of each other. After all these years they never defiate from their strategy because unfortunately, it still works. Here's another one:
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
who gets the tithes from the baby churches pc or the assemblies of god or both or do they just split it down the middle? if pc is apart of the assemblies of god does pc pay tithes to them or does the assemblies of god pay tithes to pc? might sound like ridiculous questions but this is how franchises work i wonder if all the regular people in the congregations know just how many churche
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
i have a correction to make the pdf that i supplied above is part of an actual website with complete information of the church and pastor information: i have to say if the assemblies of god are ok with the pc church planting pyramid then i am very disappointed in them
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I googled praise chapel assemblies of god and found this pdf: Just one page, no pastor name, no date - but a whole lot of name dropping. How does this stuff end up on the internet? Is it true? Why only one page? It seems that like everything else at pc only partial information is provided; keep it vague but make it sound legit so people just believe it without researching it.
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I have a question that we should all ask ourselves:Do we believe that the Lord would give us a Gospel that is completely unattainable? Do we believe that the Lord would give us His Word and then make it completely impossible for us to live by it unless we adhered to certain conditions and stipulations? Unless we performed a certain way or gave everything we have so He could then love us? NO
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
What never ceases to amaze me is that the so-called leaders at pc think that they can stop people from talking about their experiences at pc. they seem to think they can still control people even within their own congregation. the more they try to cover things up the more likely they are to come out and they never seem to get this. I think its because they have created their own alternate
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
"Do as i say not as i do." We have all heard this saying - oftentimes in regards to raising children. We tell them who and what to be; what to do and what not to do. But then we wonder when they are grown why they turned out the way they did or suffer the way they do or why they never took us seriously. Well, obviously actions speak louder than words. We can do all the talking an
Forum: Destructive Churches
12 years ago
I can't just let this go; pc is leading people astray for their own personal gain. Its a travesty. One of the main reasons the so-called leaders will not answer kingmankowboys challenge or respond to other testimonies is because they know they are true. They can say that they are above responding to this forum but I can tell you that this is not the real reason. These posts are true.
Forum: Destructive Churches
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