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18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Often LEC words are just slightly twisted to favour the aims of the organisation. COMMIT = (1) Be on time; (2) Bring a friend or two; (3) Submit fully to your relationship with Landmark, no questions asked; and (4) Keep doing courses. Because Landmark doesn't have an official book outlining their lexicon, like a dictionary or a printed glossary, those in power are free to alter the me
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
My strength is guitar and voice. I like the suggestion of a 'Chariots of Fire'-like lead in: crowds of starry eyed people moving in slo-mo; same eyes staring straight ahead; and, yes, the screech of 'you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground' ... perhaps it could morph into a kind of 'Thriller' mix; get some DOOF DOOF in there for the younger, dance crow
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
The Forum* Here I am on a first name basis In my chair in a kind of stasis Hours drag with shrewd intention Waiting for the first invention They offer me a new technology A new and guaranteed psychology Designed to help me clear my wicked urge But I only paid to see the tip of the Rosenberg So, here I am upon the stage Two hundred pairs of eyes engaged I better come up with somet
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
And then, like having a tub of ice cream for dessert, you'd finish the meal with The Exorcist.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
I think there will always be people who can't/won't make it passed Step One on the road to awareness...someone keeps these things seems our need to surrender chunks of ourselves to doctrines outside ourselves is very strong...I personally think our culture favours the notion that faith is 'best' served towards an external entity or belief, when, in fact, it serves u
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
:? Just had a dreadful thought. Because I liked the original and remake of Bedazzled, does that make me a Satanist? Which makes me think, is there a Top 10 list of Satanist movies? You mentioned Hammer. What about all those 70s Italian vampire movies?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Maybe it's because of this notion of striving for 'wholeness'. Worthy enough aspiration, but it seems a large percentage of us 'want it now!'. If you're taught or persuaded to think you're not whole, then all these cracks and holes start appearing. Fair enough, in some cases, to yearn for more understanding, a clearer picture, an increased level of contentedn
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Seagull, Celestine Prophecy, The Alchemist...perhaps I would have enjoyed them more with pictures. You'll find them in the 'light and fluffy' reading section of your local bookstore or library. Perhaps, they're just too spiritual for me. I don't mind all the self-improvement themes (the constant repetition), but they tend to lay it on pretty thick. So thick that the ch
Forum: Destructive Churches
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Why am I not surprised that a document like that exists here... Thanks for that, matilda. I'll do a little more 'searching' next time.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
LOL, good one Kath. :lol: Would you say it's a belief system somewhere between paganism and christianity?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
But, more seriously, I think 'terrorist groups' have been in our societites for a long, long time. On some level, they could be compared to 'street gangs' but on a much larger scale. The disadvantaged groups within our societies sometimes use the voice of violence to fulfill their demands (of course, this is not exclusive to disadvantaged groups). It's a tricky situati
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Okay, no need for an answer. But why don't Satanists have better graphic designers? All that black and red. I really hate cliche. Seems like there are still people lost in thrash, feedback and spinal tap. Like I said, we all need a hobby (yeah, I know it's a cliche). :)
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
I totally agree. Authority has that affect on most of us, but I also think it's relative. For instance, being stopped by the police for a licence check or random breath test certainly makes me cooperative (even with the knowledge in the back of my head that they're only public servants). It brings on a kind of heightened self-consciousness and in that state it's more likely I'
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
What is this group on about? I recently stumbled onto their site thinking it was part of a larger 'cult awareness' movement, but it seems to focus on rubbishing others to validate itself. I don't know if I made myself clear. It just seems to smell a little fishy... From their site (Who They Are):QuoteThe Board has consisted of from 5-9 people since the beginning of the organizat
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Unfortunately, psychology still suffers, occassionally, from low self-esteem. It might be a sad case of 'if ya can't beat them...' Scientology is a case at hand, as they refute the validity of psychotherapy, etc. If you consider the Mass Psycho Babble of these organisations (Landmark's a big player here), and the money they're making, then it seems logical for them
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
It seems every belief (religion/cult) thinks it has supreme knowledge. Like a drunk in a bar wanting to fight every voyeur, every dispute...just put another drink on the tab! :evil:
Forum: Terrorist and Extremist Groups
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
I'm curious. Is this the Christian Satan? Or a pagan Pan? Or something completely different... I suppose we all have to have hobbies. :roll:
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
And that's probably the biggest trap - being bullied in front of your peers. I wonder how effective Landmark would be if it had to impart its Technology on a one-to-one basis. I'm sure there would still be a few individuals (regardless of intellectual or emotional integrity) who would lap it up like a hungry dog. But I suppose that's the whole deal with Large Group Awareness Traini
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteON2 LFQuote...Critical thinking seems to be the first thing to go but how does it return so quickly when confronted with another cult? Is this like a cultic 'fight or flight' response programmed into the 'new and improved' minds of victims? It's a defence mechanism held up by their righteousness, their arrogant belief that they are now masters of their own destinie
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Quote...Landmark is a worldwide leader in the training and personal development industry. Landmark's more than 40 programs -- including its flagship course, The Landmark Forum... The other flagship (leaking raft) course Landmark should offer is an Exit Strategy course. I thought saying a 'last goodbye' was an important step in any training facility's program, unless they
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
Yeah, how did we get this far? Proves that the human animal is a tough and resourceful little beast. Perhaps, we've got more lives thatn a cat ... QuoteThere are people who will believe just about anything, if packaged and delivered in the right "program." One undeniable pattern shared by those who seek salvation outside of themselves is having to be at the 'bottom of the
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteelenaAs adults, we are mostly operating from these early inchoate impressions, even as we imagine ourselves to be mature, rational, and considerate. Because this part of the mind is formed before language skills mature, it's almost unreachable exept through things like the very deep, regressive, and manipulative suggestive "processes" they do at Landmark. They "rearrang
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteEurope-girlJack, you can pry all you want. I'll just decline. :wink: I understand your curiosity! I just don't feel like people I know whatching over my shoulder - as I said before, I think Landmark is reading here too. I'm not afraight for any legal threats or anything, just want the freedom to express myself. Part of my curiosity stemmed from all the anti-Landmark activit
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
It would be interesting to know what they mean by Creative Leadership. Sounds like an oxymoron to me ... I wonder if it's anything like Creative Accounting?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteEurope-girl@Jack, I'd like to remain anonymous, so I'll keep it at "Europe". :wink: Ooops. Didn't mean to pry. Sorry.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
LEC_escapee wrote:QuoteSadly, I think that there is probably nothing else you can do, you've stuck it out a long time. You may not have to leave completely, but you may need to step back until she finds her own way out. This is probably the best advice. She's lost it for awhile, like lost on a altering drug. You have to accept that for all your guidance she'll have to make it out
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
I am not assessing whether Landmark is a LGAT or not. If it walks on four legs like a dog, barks like a dog and drools at dinner time like a dog ... well, it must be a dog. Note: I mean no offence to dogs. Simply, Landmark is a LGAT. I have no confusion about that. I think Corboy's quote above is pretty clear that organisations like Landmark have very few, if any, postive or beneficial qu
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteEurope-girlI think you're being presumptious as to where I stand. I've have been judged for years, and I'm not enjoying being judged here now by you. You know little about me. And it seems to me like you've never experienced what I'm going through first-hand. Consider that it might be easier watching it all from the sideline in stead of having to deal with it yoursel
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
QuoteEurope-girlBut neither does a "an interest in music" comply with this discussion. It's one thing to be interested in music, it's another thing to have been in a rock-band. There's a difference in climbing the Matterhorn and heaving read a book about it or watching people descending the Matterhorn after they've done it. Of course there truth to the idea of having
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Jack Oskar Larm
I think Mazellan's intentions are noble and worthwhile. I'd do the Forum just to have more evidence of their corruption. It would be a major pain in the backside sitting there for hours, I know, but I trust myself enough to think that it would be a valuable way to gain more firsthand experience. I won't do it, of course (it's just too bloody expensive), but I get very frustrat
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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