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16 years ago
This question goes out to the spouses and partners of LGAT people, and I guess it could go to other familiy members as well, but I'm particularly interested in the first group. So many people have posted about losing their wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend, on this site. Mostly they seem shocked by it, the person had changed so quickly, they can't fathom how the LGAT affected
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Oh my GOD. Mary, I am so, so . . . so sorry. Can I ask you if your husband ever exhibited qualities in his person before PSI that would have shown such a weakness in his character? With my ex, I was aware that he seemed very changeable in his views, he often seemed to adopt other's ideas quickly and drop them just as quickly. Did anything your husband did or said show that he migh
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Does anyone have any comments on the following quotes presented by Landmark? Notice the comment: "there is no evidence that The Landmark Forum is harmful.” I guess he hasn't been reading this board much. --------------------------------- Dr. Norbert Nedopil, Head of the Department of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Munich, did a Study in 1996 of Landmark Education and
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
God, I would love to have my ex read this thread, but I've determined to stop talking to him. It hurts too much and I can't get through to him anyway. But he is continuing on with Landmark, he says, so they can coach him more on being in the moment. I don't think I could convince him that there is anything counterfeit about this state of being. When he explained to me about t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Yes, my ex is brain dead. Actually, I just can't get my mind around it. He just seems to be lacking critical thinking skills, or the desire to really pursue truth rigorously. He seems happy to believe what Landmark tells him, or not to question it much. He also doesn't see any problems with this! I'm horrified by it. It's one thing to spend time hanging out in cafes debatin
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
news, but you've lost him. Just like I lost my fiancee. Once someone does something that stupid in a relationship, there's no use in hanging on. You'll NEVER be able to trust his judgement and competencies in making decisions because this one BIG fuck-up will loom over everything. I wish it wasn't true but it is. I had similar problems. Thinking I could change t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi everyone, I just wrote this for my ex. I'm going to send it to him tomorrow. He's a computer programmer, so I'm hoping this metaphorical tale will help him understand the position he's in with getting sucked into Landmark. Maybe it will be useful. --Vlinden AN INSTRUCTIVE METAPHOR FOR THOSE ABOUT TO GET SUCKED INTO AN LGAT Imagine that you have a friend w
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Nettie How does Landmark address the issue of critical thought. What do you do with honest and accurate judgments? That filter in your ear may be right or wrong, but how will you know if you don't listen? Then, if you "really" listen . . . well, what happens next? I don't want anyone parroting me. I don't find that to be "really" listening, I find it to be
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi everyone, I know someone is going to tell me to add this to another already existing thread, and I would have but I"m afraid people won't read it fast enough to answer this question, and I need to know the answer. I need to know what "listening" means in Landmark. What they tell you it means and what it means to your mental state if you believe them. My ex says
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I just got into contact with my ex, who thank god has not taken the Advanced Course at Landmark yet. It's not until the end of the month, and I'm going to try to talk him out of it. I've decided the most important thing is saving him from this, and I can get past my pain and anger enough to try. I've asked him to call me tonight, and I'm just going engage him dialogue
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi Jack, Sorry, I missed the free part. My head is more than a little fuzzy from two weeks of trauma and non-stop reading about LGATs. My dreams are pretty damn weird these days. I've already written a lot about this, I'm still working on an article. I thought I was sort of ready to finish it, but even tonight's hours of reading online have taken my understanding to a new lev
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi Jack, Well, for one thing I can't afford it, nor could I imagine parting with that much money to go through a level of hell. I'm also not in the states and there are no LE groups around me. I agree it would be best to see it since I'm writing about it, but right now I'll just have to go with what I know. I feel pretty confident that I can express an educated opinio
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hope, My boyfriend called me the day after his Forum and told me I should do Landmark for my back problems and my endometriosis. This was a man who wouldn't even do acupuncture because he was wary of "alternative" medicine. Now he's dancing around the Landmark hut with a bone in his nose and throwing powder at me. And, he has very serious health problems himself, whi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi everyone, Thank you for all your concern and support. I think I hit a wall last night and realized I really am driving myself nuts with this. I'm going to a museum today, I think there's still a world outside . . . I emailed him last night and told him to please just let me know he's okay. He's doing the Advanced Course right now, I think, because he's not home a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Now I'm just writing for my own catharsis. It's one in the morning and this has been going on for two weeks straight and I'm finally realizing that if I don't step away from the computer and let go of this situation I'm going to be in need of some mental help myself. I think I've read everything there is to read on Landmark. I've read all about mind control,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I just found this waiver posted on another thread on this board, and my stomach is churning. My boyfriend must have signed this. If he did sign it, he would have been lying on many counts. He has had a history of depression, was on Wellbutrin, just recently went off of it without any attendent therapy or counseling, he has been under psychiatric care, has terrible insomnia and often doesn'
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I know, I'm posting my butt off at this site, I hope you all don't get sick of me. Personally I think we should meet and share a stiff drink for what we've all gone through with these LGATs. Anyway, I'm reading about Landmark, PSI, Impact, and I'm wondering if people feel any of these groups is worse in its severity, radicalism, irresponsibility, than others. I can
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
My ex is about to take the Advanced Course. I'm wondering if anyone can share about their experience with it. IS it much more intense than the first seminar? That's all he's done so far. I'm worried about him because, as I've posted before, he has a history of depression, had a breakdown, and was on medication which he recently stopped taking. Thank you
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi Skeptic, I just posted two long pieces of info from the Encyclopedia of Sociology. They're long and wordy but have some good info. I think it just comes down to mind control, our friends and family have falling into a terrible trap. The basics of group ming control: * (1) control of communication, * (2) emotional and behavioral manipulation, * (3) demands for absolu
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
PART TWO: Encyclopedia of Sociology VOLUME 1 Edgar F. Borgatta Editor-in-Chief University of Washington, Seattle Marie L. Borgatta Managing Editor University, of Washington, Seattle MACMILLAN PUBLISHING COMPANY New York MAXWELL MACMILLAN CANADA Toronto MAXWELL MACMILLAN INTERNATIONAL New York . Oxford Singapore Sydney Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change Part
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Encyclopedia of Sociology VOLUME 1 Edgar F. Borgatta Editor-in-Chief University of Washington, Seattle Marie L. Borgatta Managing Editor University, of Washington, Seattle MACMILLAN PUBLISHING COMPANY New York MAXWELL MACMILLAN CANADA Toronto MAXWELL MACMILLAN INTERNATIONAL New York . Oxford Singapore Sydney Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change Coercive persuas
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
This story of Ghost Dancer's wife was riveting. I was up until 3 am reading it. I think it's a very important thread because he is so rooted, so damn NORMAL, so sane and sure of who he is, and what his family means to him, and he is articulate and blows that PSI apologist and recruiter out of the water. He represents everything the LGAT people are lacking; perspective, clarity, sense
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Thank you for those who have responded and contacted me and can help with this. I wasn't planning on a huge expose of Landmark, but this obviously needs to be done with all the LGATs. I hadn't even heard of LGATs before, but I see now that they're huge. They're so damaging it's amazing more isn't being written about them. Why is this? We need to contact news organ
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
So, if I understand this correctly, PSI is supporting people in throwing away relationships that are now deemed negative. Do they ever support people in WORKING on those relationships, if by any chance they are not WHOLLY negative? And what are the parameters for determining what is negative? Wow, a group that will support people in completely abandoning others. This is fabulous, where do I si
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Thank you to everyone who has posted here. I've become somewhat obsessed by LGATs ever since this happened. I have a background as a researcher and I've worked for independent newspapers, my interests have always been political, but I'm becoming fascinated and DEEPLY disturbed by this new reality that has now crossed my path. I've spent nearly 2 weeks straight -- and I mean
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Hi everyone, I've decided to write a piece about what has happened to me, with losing my partner to Landmark. I'm writing about est and it's history, what happened to it and how it was transformed into Landmark. It's called "Love in the 21st Century: A Case Study." Because I met my partner online, it's another interesting feature of our very "modern&q
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I'm so sorry Steve. When? How are you coping?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
My newly minted Landmarkian boyfriend also keeps comparing the forum to Fight Club. I don't care what anyone says, Fight Club is the antithesis of the Forum. If anything the author used Landmark as grist for his mill, which is why he stayed to take the course. If anyone has actually seen the movie I have no idea how they could ever imagine anything different. But shit, no one in Landma
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I have to add to this comment about Wicca. I've traveled through many New Age scenes, and the Pagan and Wiccan scene is absolutely rife with loonies and wackos of every stripe. However, that said, Wicca is very beautiful and the reason why people are drawn to it is because it's about getting back in touch with the earth, with the natural world, and connecting your awareness to the
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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