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Results 8551 - 8580 of 8608
21 years ago
My hunch is that 'Michael' probably keeps promising recruits under survaillance, gleans information about them through his spies, then uses that to make it seem that he has psychically intuited what their deepest concerns are. Many bogus psychics use adroit questions (the technique is called 'cold questioning') or yes, they use spies to snoop on people. It sounds as though
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
this site doesnt push 'anything'> It offers research tools and information. Visitors can take what they like and leave the rest--or choose to disagree entirely. What the site provides is not a program but : 1) links to information that certain groups, teachers and training programs WITHOLD from potential recruits, information that a prospective recruit needs to know in order
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
it is a longshot. Certain 'New Age' places rent facilities to a wide, wide range of groups, some legit and some not. So the ranch may or may not be owned by the LGAT. And we dont know if the charismatic 'Michael' is sole owner or co-owner. Good luck in your search. Do the Google dance. You can do simple and advanced searches in the Google groups as well as Google itself
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
Ran a quick Google search and came up with nothing. My suggestion is subscribe to some Google groups dealing with consciousness, psychology, mysticism and post a question about this set up. Google has a world wide reach and someone might find your post and respond. Good luck. All I can say is, anything where they have multi-day retreats in the desert, operate secretively under the aegis of a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
--or 'Silva?' There's something called 'Silva Mind Control' (its original name) and now called 'Silva Method.' It has been used in various training packages for the work place and some legal issues have surfaced. Silva appears to use methods of self induced trance induction, visualization and self hypnosis. But back to my question--could that 'S
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
interested in it. But from what I have read and heard, it can be for real (as well as easily faked), and even when it is for real, it is a high risk venture. I'd rather stick with Buddhist practice any day. Channelling is just a distraction from the Big Picture. The only people who are competant to do it are all dedicated to a religious vocation in which their primary loyalty is either to
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
21 years ago
'I won't be manipulated into agreeing with someone if they decide to use the friendship as ransom for it.' 'If they decide to use the friendship as ransom for it'. That hits the nail on the head. In true friendship, you are not treated as an object. Intimacy is not meant to be a game of chess. And friendship/love is not supposed to serve a hidden agenda. I may be m
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
and psychic talent doesnt guarantee infallibility. From what I have read, it is quite hazardous to develop psychic talents unless the person 1) has gone through normal milestones of psycho social development and has a good 'functioning ego' 2) has learned how to earn a living by honest means 3) can form and maintain friendships and intimate partnerships through normal adult communi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
21 years ago
advise him to make NO major decisions while he is exhausted. He needs to get sleep (in his own bed) and some food of his own choosing. And he shouldnt sign any papers either. Tell him this is what his future will contain: people monitoring his conversations. Shortage of sleep. Constant pressure to perform.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
It describes my life--including my sense of betrayal and loss of hope when I realized the extent to which I'd been hurt by my entanglement with a charismatic narcissist. My parents were narcissisitic, so I got excellent training. The person I got entangled with engendered my interest in cultic situations. He did not run a cult in the conventional sense; he preferred a private life, and hi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
before we go to bat to try to stop these groups--which includes writing any feature stories. These LGATS are powerful. Most important thing we can do is post warnings on places like whenever an LGAT with a troubled track record advertises a training. You could post a warning in the LA craigslist in their 'community' section and give the URL for this discussion thr
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
..but vulnerability is on a continuum. There's the 'ordinary' vulnerablity that comes from being human, from wishing to be connected, and from the ordinary human desire to avoid a painful emotional experience that social psychologists call 'cognitive dissonance.'* (See footnote below) Then there are deeper forms of vulnerability that come from lifestyle disruptions and
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
rather than 'wrong'. It used to be assumed that people who became entangled in cults were neurotic, gullible or lacked intelligence. Not so. What we have come to understand is: 1) Many of these groups now have decades of experience and have developed sophisticated powerful tactics that utilize tried and true techniques derived from marketing, peer pressure, neurolinguistic programm
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
For my own entertainment, I went to went to the LA bulletin board, and then went to 'classes/events'. (The CL for LA has this section, as does NYC.). On the classes/events section I saw this listing It looks like a classic LGAT--little or no info about the trainer or his/her organization. And no information about what will be done during the event. If you ever see something
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
sucked in...another ingredient in the brew cooked up by these trainers is 'transferance'--the ability to foster a rapid, extremely POWERFUL emotional connection between the subjects and the trainer by using emotional intimacy and 'sharing' exercises. In genuine psychotherapy, transferance develops gradually as the counselee trusts the therapist. And the therapist is a trai
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
If you have a website there are ways (I am not familiar with the methodology) that you can track who the domain name is registered to. You can use this method to identify set ups where a single organization is using mulitiple names. But if someone doesnt have a website, that makes it harder to track them down...precisely what some types are after. You might consider writing a courteous 'h
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
corboy are referring to? If so, I found this on Google by doing an advanced search and typing the person's name into the 'exact phrase slot' and 'Las Vegas' into 'all words' slot. If this is the person you're referring to (and we need to do more checking as this is a very common name) the KB refered to in Google is (or once was) associated with som
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
If you live in one of the cities where has a bulletin board, you might consider posting a query/warning about this LGAT in the 'community discussions' listing. That way you can 1) warn others about this scam and 2) get further information in case someone reads your posting. You can arrange for your listing to carry an anonymous e-mail address. If anyone does respond, you can arrange to
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
I will go looking for his books! There is another big difference between your experience working on yourself using Dr Burn's books, vs Landmark: you created your own learning enviroment when you worked on yourself using Burns' books. In many problematic LGATs, the social environment is imposed on you, and its not a learning environment--its an indoctrination set up. In the proble
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
is an excellent resource. Registering is easy and they have just about everything that has ever been printed in English. When you verify that they have the edition that you want, check and, do some comparison pricing, and then place your order!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
It greatly works in your favor that you were able to challenge them before you left. It is much harder when someone has given the best years of their lives to a group and then to be ejected by them--that's worse. Far better to defy them--you take your power back. It sounds like you dont really 'need' recovery because you already have it. It is indeed wrong that they continue
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
21 years ago
Recovery goes in 3 approximate steps: 1) Owning your boundaries, your anger at being lied to and manipulated and re-connecting with your health sense of entitlement that you are not supposed to be lied to or used as an object in someone's esoteric project. 2) Stop making excuses for the teacher and group. Feel free to get pissed off. Identify the precise means that were used to lie
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
21 years ago
(Before you read further, make sure you are in a good place and have some Kleenex and/or a good friend you can call. I am offering some ideas that may help clarify what happened to you but you may find some of this very upsetting. If you're feeling fragile you can keep this post for later) The reason I was a bit cautious when responding to your post is that while I have never (Thank GOD!
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
21 years ago
You could consider going to Google, going to 'groups' and signing on to one of the alt groups. In the cluster alt.consciousness there is a 'Fourth Way' group. A number of members appear to have escaped from bogus Fourth Way groups. You could post your inquiry there and see if you get any replies. Be prepared to demonstrate that you are a safe, kind person and have integrity
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
21 years ago
Even though he was white, JJ gained a huge following from the black community. One thing that has wounded many black churches is that so many congregations hunger for a leader, and personality cults so easily crystallize around the minister, who has traditionally been the most educated, articulate member of the community. The black communities desperately need to examine why, historically they h
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
21 years ago
the group are 'where the action is'. You have to look past the beauty of the music, the dancing, and see exactly what that beauty is serving. Beauty can serve a deceitful, ugly agenda. It takes great discipline to retain discriminating intellect when you're being blissed out and swept off your feet by ravishing music. But, if you value your liberty, you must be willing to stay sob
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
21 years ago
...if you're curious, Leo Booth has a superb book entitled When God Becomes a Drug---it examines how many of us are led into using spirituality as an addiction. Hope has been reading it and got a lot out of it. It is an especially valuable book for people who have been wounded by unhealthy interpretations of Christianity. Two rules of thumb: look for a church or tradition that balances wi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
it appears that you've been fortunate enough to find excellent congregations that foster a healthy emotional/intellectual climate. There are healthy churches and there are sick churches--just ask your pastor!. It appears you found a healthy church--and a vibrant one, too. It isnt just emotionally oriented people who are vulnerable. Any of us can become vulnerable if we are in crisis, bere
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
there's such a thing as balanced spirituality and unbalanced spirituality. Anything can mess you up if it isnt integrated into your entire life--just look at people who go crazy using addiction to gambling, jogging, football on TV, overwork...and yes, spirituality. If you have a personality where you tend to take things to extremes, you can be at risk of overdoing matters--including spiritua
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
21 years ago
These New Age teachers and cults always, always start with a kernal of truth, a glimmer of beauty. Very often they appropriate wonderful teachings from a variety of valid spiritual traditions, then take the teachings out of context (usually by discarding the moral guidelines and humble daily disciplines that were supposed to accompany the teachings. For example, some of the most advanced Tibetan
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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