Once again, you ignore my question, and just go off on the usual Nazi "jewish media conspiracy" crap. What's next, Ernest Zundel? How about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? The return of Farfour, the jihadist rat?
You are providing valuable sociological insight into the Cult of the "post-911 Nazi/Islamist keyboard courage conspiracy theory alliance".
I thought I did. Here is another article to further illustrate the US government's own inability to subdue Bin Laden.
"[U.S. officials] said, 'Just ask him to leave the country. Just don't let him go to Somalia,' Erwa, the Sudanese general, said in an interview. 'We said he will go to Afghanistan, and they [US officials!] said, 'Let him.'"
"On May 15, 1996, Foreign Minister Taha sent a fax to Carney in Nairobi, giving up on the transfer of custody. His government had asked bin Laden to vacate the country, Taha wrote, and he would be free to go." ('The Washington Post,' 3 October 2001)
The Sudanese offered extradition of Bin Laden, but due to some complications with Saudia Arabia the offer was turned down...
Also how is the entire nation of Arab people responsible for one rogue extremists from Saudia Arabia? This is one of the biggest problems with people like you that somehow think the entire Middle East is just one giant cohesive country. Ever think that Iraqis might not like Saudi Arabians as just one example?
[b:78748f048e]Israel Lobby[/b:78748f048e]
I stand corrected, it's actually referred to as the Israel Lobby. No conspiracy here. The lobby is real. The discussion boils down to exactly how much influence this group wields in US politics.
Self-styled "America's Pro-Israel Lobby"
Who is exactly being the "nazi" here where you continue to come up with these exotic and ridiculous terms like, Cult of the "post-911 Nazi/Islamist keyboard courage conspiracy theory alliance"? Isn't such obvious "flaming" attacks against the rules of this board? Try actually debating with some reason or else you just continue to show how crass you are.