They "have a problem" because Mohammed had a problem with Israel and Jews because they did not accept him as a prophet. This stuff goes way back before '48. If Muslim countries (and European as well, of course) hadn't been so cruel to their Jewish populations, there wouldn't be an Israel. Where is your outrage over the historical treatment of non-muslim minorities in Muslim countries?
What do you mean by Israel in this case? You're right it does go way back. Jews feel the land of Palestine is their biblical right and because of this continue to participate in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Do you still honestly believe that Jews had nothing to do with the way they were treated? Jews after all are the "chose ones" and have even stated their genetic superiority over the rest of us.
"The treatment of Jews in Muslim lands was generally better than that in Europe. As a result, many Jews sought refuge in Muslim ruled Middle East and North Africa (Maghreb) from persecution in Europe."
Don't forget that the Jews also didn't accept Jesus. In fact they had him crucified.
True, Israel, like all countries, has its unsavory aspects. However, none of these cults that I am aware of are openly calling for the death of non-believers in the way that "protestors" in the Muslim world are. I also do not see radical Jewish groups burning American flags and promising MY death as an American and an infidel.
Unsavory? Sure I agree that bulldozing entire communities with occupants in them is certainly unsavory amongst other things.
The reason you don't see Jewish groups burning American flags is because the US supports Israel. Again like a typical blind American you have absolutely no idea how much the US and UK governments had meddled in middle eastern affairs like the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh. He had to go off course because he tried to stop BP from reaping the benefits of their oil.
Actually, the main goal of AQ, stated specifically on many occasions, is to first reclaim lands that Islam had previously conquered by the sword, like Spain for instance, then eventually create a worldwide caliphate that will impose sharia law on the whole world. If the US leaves the region tomorrow, that goal will not change. That being said, I personally support a withdrawal of most troops from Iraq.
Ok I won't argue about that being their main goal, but isn't it silly to ignore all the other points they have made?
Bin Laden's letter:
Ahmadinejad's letter to George W. Bush
Have you actually read the entire letter?
It might not stop the main goals of Al Qaeda, but you can imagine that most of the terrorist attacks will actually stop. After US withdrawal, the rest of the sane Muslims will most likely put an end to the madman called Bin Laden.