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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: December 13, 2008 08:14AM

And a special note to you Hickmanites who try to pm me wanting to know ''who'' I know....I'll answer you all. But I'll do it on the board. I'll name every pervert act I public.
Enough with the ' can't prove anything garbage..."

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: December 13, 2008 08:19AM

Oh and damaged...I believe you. I believe that no sex perversion happened in your family. So what? My claim is about the inner circle and members who continue in this group....
There was no perversion in my family either. So what? It still happened to others. I imagine it still is happening.
You believe differently???

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Slate ()
Date: December 13, 2008 09:10AM

Here here Sallie - from my first hand experience with one of the members - you speak the truth and it is good, to hear you again.


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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: yasmin ()
Date: December 13, 2008 07:57PM

Hi Sallie,
Don't know the details of things that went on in your group, but a couple of suggestions;
1 Sexual abuse of children can and should be reported to the police or child welfare organizations. By doing this, you may be able to protect someone who needs it.
2.Hopefully, you were not planning on naming a victim here.If you were, please reconsider.People who have been sexually abused have enough to work through without being further victimized and disrespected by being identified publicly on a internet chat board.
Its why good quality newspapers don't name incest or rape victims.
Publicly revealing details of sexual abuse is a personal decision.
I am very glad that you were not raped or the victim of sexual abuse.Please don't make it harder for someone who was.

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: incarnate soul ()
Date: December 13, 2008 11:56PM


Quick question ............. are you trying to create awareness or healing from the past most of us have shared?

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: December 14, 2008 03:47AM

Slate, good to hear from you also. Hope your holidays are the best. are correct and I am absolutely NOT planning to give the names of victims. Present day cult members rely on the fact that ex-members would hesitate to give out the names of ex friends and loved ones that they suspect or know were victimizes. This is why they are fond of challenging ex members with ''what do you know for a fact...what can you prove??''.....This time, the woman challenged me and I called her bluff.
There IS a shame which is connected to sexual, verbal, emotional and spiritual abuse. And imagine...the victims(many who are now grown but are still victims)...their entire social network was/is tied into the group. They're cut off from out siders. That means it is the members of their ''community'' who perpetrate and rationalize these assaults.
Many if not all of these families had adequate financial resources. Present day order to report the crimes...would have to give up their social and financial ties...
Now add the ''god is watching you and wants you to accept this.....'' rhetoric.
While I actually wouldn't give names of victims out publically I want present day members to STOP challenging ex members.
My very best BEST friend re joined this group with her familly and now I could not find where she lives or how to contact her. How do I know what is happening to her children or to her???
If she can only communicate with present members...where will she go and what will she do if she or her children experience abuse.......
Re read the posts of Damaged13 and consider it .......
I am horrified at the ''you can't prove what you didn't see'' defense.
Imgine...if they are that bold as to use it on an inter net poster...they could use it on the know...''no one saw one can prove it''
And finally...the whole ''I can see you're angry'' rhetoric. Damaged was quick to react to my truthful statements with...''oh dear you are angry aren't you???''
Well here is my response to the entire group....
What if I am angry? What of it?
See....they are acting like the ''thought police'' and that is one of the primary steps of this cult's brain washing style.
Angry feelings are bad....
If someone acts towards you in a way that makes you angry....their actions are NOT bad but your anger IS bad.

One more this point I believe many adults within the group have lost their childhood to the leaders...they have had their ability to deal with outsiders stolen and are still dependent on the group and so...they are like children..still being victimized....
There are wicked people in this still active group. And I am certain there are also victims ...young and old... Incarnate Soul,
HI. To answer your question....Awareness. The group is still active. As to healing..I couldn't help anyone on that....I believe each of us must choose our own path to healing. Have you any more poetry?? Perhaps something light and cheerful ????

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: incarnate soul ()
Date: December 14, 2008 04:23AM

Hey Sallie;

I have been looking into a lot of old names and the group as you know is very active, but maybe you did not know that it is in at least 5 states that I know of? Thank you for the honesty of your answer to me, it puts a lot of your statements in proper prospective. I would like to talk more with you about increasing awareness, not sure why though. Not even sure why I started tracing "old names" from NY to NC to Maine. I would love to share more poems with you, I have many, but they have warned me once about doing it on this site. If you want you can PM me and I would love to share them.

I am not to sure you are correct in the inability to help heal. Healing starts with awareness. Note I said awareness not acceptance. Each persons path is the path of "their heart" but that doesn't mean those around them can't be there as tools to that healing.

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: damaged13 ()
Date: December 14, 2008 07:31AM

Sallie, not that you will believe me I'm sure, but I am NOT presently a member of this group. My parents are, and I love them very much despite their membership, which is incredibly confusing for me as you can probably imagine. I was speaking to the fact that I know these things did not happen in all the families. That is all.

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: December 14, 2008 08:43AM

I think I sent a pm. Let me know if you don't get it and I'll send it again.

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Re: Jack Hickman Cult Shoresh Yashi
Posted by: Sallie ()
Date: December 14, 2008 12:25PM

Damaged please forgive my disbelief but something just does not ring true. If you left 11 years ago then how have you remained close to your still active family members and how would you be so certain of what does or doesn't happen? Your story makes Shoresh Yashi sound like a slightly off beat but benign club with open membership policies. We do not see eye to eye on that.

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