Since you quote him, I thought you'd like to know additional comments Rav Ariel made about this "Abba".
I found this online a while back ... I've include only portions of it. It was written by Rabbi Tzadok ... I believe some of it refers to Hove and Hickman.
"Orthodox Style" Missionaries Are Infiltrating Our Communities:
"These missionaries pulled the wool over the eyes of these Rabbis and over the eyes of others in their Orthodox communities"
This is not the first time or the first group to attempt such a fraud. Many years ago on Long Island, NY there was a similar group with similar intent. I myself was personally involved in fighting this group. After its leader was exposed as a fraud and as a possible homosexual and child molester, he went into hiding on the West Coast for over ten years. Most of his followers fell away, with some of them converting and apparantly becoming Orthodox Jews. Notice that I say "apparantly." The reason is that recently in the last two years this missionary leader has resurfaced and reclaimed many of his old followers. While a small number remain faithful Torah observant Jews who reject their past with the cult, others exposed themselves to be what they truly were, cult spies on a mission to learn more about Torah Judaism and the Orthodox community. These include a past president of one Young Israel congregation in mid Nassau County, a prominent member of one of the biggest Orthodox/Hasidic shuls in the Five Towns area of Long Island and at least one student of Yeshiva University. Some prominent Orthodox Rabbis in New York unknowingly converted others secretly belonging to this cult. These missionaries pulled the wool over the eyes of these Rabbis and over the eyes of others in their Orthodox communities.
Once the leader of this cult resurfaced these individuals moved out of their Orthodox communities and moved into a new cult compound. Their children, many of whom were raised in yeshivas, and were born kosher Jews, are now under the dominion of the cult leader who is instilling in them all types of missionary garbage, filth and lies. These children, I am afraid will be the ones to come back and cause the Jewish community great harm. Being born and raised among us, they will know how to best infiltrate us inflicting upon us the poison taught to them by their cult leader whom they call their "abba."
The most deceptive group of course is the resurrected Long Island cult, now located in two camps, one in Maine and one in Colorado. They claim that they are not interested in seeking new members and are thus not missionaries. Yet, the truth lies muddled and concealed within their armed compounds. Only two years ago scandal erupted in the Denver Jewish community when it was found out that two people going through the process of an Orthodox conversion were in fact missionary spies.
You are quite right. Hove did convert according to Jewish laws, attended an Orthodox synagogue, and went around talking about his involvement in a messianic group. He remained committed, meanwhile to the fraud called "abba."
An update from Rav Ariel bar Tzadok:
"As long as this group stays unto itself it will most likely not cause any more harm to others on the outside. However if they ever again raise their ugly heads in the Jewish community, I believe it is obligatory to bring their presence to public awareness and to confront them with all that we can muster.
I feel pity for the young children of the die-hard members, who might be in danger of being sexually molested. Maybe it is equally obligatory for the right party to contact the social welfare department of the State of Maine and share with them what is known about this group and the danger some children may be facing. In light of similar recent events in the State of Texas maybe this is not such a bad idea.
If this group persists in its strange doctrines and theologies, it will eventually dissipate and disappear. Somehow I cannot believe that the children of Hickman's followers, many of whom are now having their own children will be willing to carry Hickman's poison into a third generation.
I predict this group will eventually fade away into the nothingness that it deserves. I just pray that not too many innocent people have to be hurt between now and then.
Please feel free to post this and my previous email in any forum that you consider might be of public value."
Furthermore, Rav Ariel bar Tzadok adds:
"Jack Hickman was an outright evil and disgusting man. That is all there is to it. We have been "blessed" in that we got to see evil "eye to eye." We can now recognize it in the future with greater ease.
Indeed, much of my teenage experiences have motivated me throughout my life to dedicate my time and efforts to reach out to those who have been lied to by the many charlatans we see today in the realms of religion.
A little knowledge can do a lot of damage. His followers to this day believe that they know a lot, yet they do not. All they have to do is learn honestly and be willing to admit that they have been deceived. I know that can be hard, but honesty and integrity do come at a price.
I have recently heard an old disgusting rumor that some Hickmanite or other confused or lying individuals have told about me, that I am somehow (G-d forbid) associated with or sympathetic to Hickman's beliefs or followers. Let me state for the record that all such claims are entirely false, and worse they are disgusting and evil.
For the record, from my personal experience, Jack Hickman was, in my opinion, a homosexual child molester, who at one time even tried to act inappropriately with me. Any claims that I would be sympathetic to such a monster are an intolerable lie!
I had long warned many that no good would come of him, I am seriously grieved that the efforts I made to reach out and educate his followers with the intent to ween them away from him and into true Torah were for the most part a failure.
I am sorry to see that after so many years the evil this man perpetuated outlives him. It is time that people move one with their lives. They should put this man and his evil out of their lives and memories and focus on true Torah and righteous living.
Learn this lesson from the past. You know what was wrong and evil. Now, do what is right and good. I for one am trying to do this."